Cycle Base Asahi - Konan

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Base Asahi

住所 :

Atsuta-34 Kochinocho, Konan, Aichi 483-8207, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 483-8207
Webサイト :

Atsuta-34 Kochinocho, Konan, Aichi 483-8207, Japan
山﨑健 on Google

It is located along Kitaoji Dori, and the nearest station is Kitaoji Station on the Karasuma Subway Line. If you walk east from Kitaoji Station, you will find the Kamo River when you pass through the shopping arcade, and if you cross the river, you will see the store when you walk a little. There are many people who use tire inflators that can be used free of charge in front of the store, and I think it is useful for everyone. When I went to buy a sports bicycle, I explained the advantages and disadvantages of each in detail, so I think that I could choose one that suits me even if I am not familiar with bicycles.
パパらっち on Google

星一つの方がおっしゃる通りでした。 本当に何も説明がありません。対応が悪いので提示された料金が高く感じました。 私はもう二度と利用しません。 機械的な対応を好み、効率を求める方に向いていると思います。
It was exactly as the one star said. There is really no explanation. I felt that the price offered was high because the correspondence was poor. I will never use it again. I think that it is suitable for those who like mechanical correspondence and seek efficiency.
大島孝也 on Google

先日雨がすごい日に雨宿りで寄ったんですか 店員さんが優しく対応してくれて おまけにチェーンに注油などしていただき 非常にいい店舗だと思いました! 気分が良かったです!
Did you stop by to take shelter from the rain the other day when it rained a lot? The clerk kindly responded In addition, please lubricate the chain. I thought it was a very good store! I felt good!
ロードシリー on Google

本当なら星1つすらつけたくない程です。購入したチャイルドシートの装着をお願いしたくて空いている日を確認した上で来店したにも関わらず接客中に一言も声をかけずにいなくなる、他の店員に変わるにしても何も情報が引き継がれていない、交代で来た人にも商品の説明が適当で間違った使い方を堂々と喋ってる(後で確認したら説明書に書いてあることと真逆)、言い訳は「分かると思いますけど、少人数でまわしてるんで〜」 おそらく皆さんが書かれている若い人、上から目線で喋る人と同じ店員だったのかな…非常に不愉快でした。 下見に行った時の店員さんは親身になってくれたし、少人数だって市外の別の店舗ではしっかり対応してくれただけに残念です。家から一番近い店でしたが、二度と利用しません。
If it's true, I don't even want to get one star. Even though I came to the store after confirming the vacant day to ask for the child seat I purchased, I can not help without saying a word during customer service, even if I change to another clerk, no information The explanation of the product is appropriate and the wrong usage is spoken openly even to those who have taken turns (the opposite of what is written in the manual if you check it later), the excuse is "I think you can understand However, I'm turning it with a small number of people ~ " Perhaps it was the same clerk as the young person you wrote, the person who speaks from above ... It was very unpleasant. It's a shame that the clerk when I went to the preview was kind to me, and even a small number of people responded well at another store outside the city. It was the closest store to my house, but I will never use it again.
001 anko (‪キジ白‬) on Google

I received the bicycle I ordered online. We have received a polite response and are satisfied with both the product and the customer service. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
すーも on Google

しばらく乗っていなかった自転車を久しぶりに使うことにしたので点検とタイヤの交換等をお願いしました。時間になったので引き取りに行ったところ後輪の変形を伝えられました。ならどうしてタイヤを交換したんでしょうか? その異常を点検で発見した時点で連絡を入れるという選択はなかったのでしょうか?なんの為に電話番号をお伝えしておいたのでしょうか? この状態では長くは乗れないと思うってなんですか? それが分かっていたらタイヤ交換せず新品の自転車を購入しましたよ? 以前に新しく購入した時には親切だったので、誠実な商売をされているところだと信用してたのに、裏切られてとても残念です。
I decided to use a bicycle that I hadn't been riding for a while, so I asked for inspection and tire replacement. It was time for me to pick it up and I was told that the rear wheels were deformed. Then why did you change the tires? Did you choose to contact us when you found the anomaly in the inspection? Why did you give us your phone number? Do you think you can't ride for a long time in this state? If you knew that, did you buy a new bike without changing tires? I was kind when I bought a new one before, so I believed that I was doing a sincere business, but I am very sorry that I was betrayed.
ゆか on Google

1ヶ月ほど前にママチャリを購入させて頂きました。対応してくださった方は懇切丁寧で、またこちらで購入したいと思いました。 ただ、手続き中に修理?で来られていた別のお客さんへの対応がイマイチで、一々鼻につく話し方だったので、少し不愉快になりました。他の方が仰る通り、上から目線なところがあります。また、このご時世にマスクなしでの接客業 。どうなんでしょう、、、? 普段からお世話になっているのですが、店員さんによって極端に当たりハズレがあるイメージです。 口コミはあまり書かないのですが、こちらで自転車を買った友達も同じような事があったと話になったので書いてみました。 移店前からお世話になっているので改善されると嬉しいです。
I bought a mamachari about a month ago. Those who responded were polite and wanted to purchase again here. However, is it repaired during the procedure? It was a little unpleasant because I wasn't good at dealing with other customers who had come to Japan, and the way I spoke was a nose. As others say, there is a point of view from above. In addition, the hospitality business without a mask in this time .. How is it ...? I'm always indebted to you, but it's an image that the clerk is extremely hit and lost. I don't write much word-of-mouth, but my friend who bought a bicycle here told me that the same thing happened, so I wrote it. I have been indebted to you before the store moved, so I hope it will be improved.
Patty Kay on Google

No good attention from staff

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