Cycle Infinity サイクルインフィニティ

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cycle Infinity サイクルインフィニティ

住所 :

〒380-0901 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

〒380-0901 Nagano,Japan
sleep fox on Google

I bought a bicycle. There is no high-pressure feeling as described here, and it is a polite customer service and a wealth of product knowledge. It is a reliable and reliable shop with after-sales maintenance technology.
柳生承太郎 on Google

I asked for the maintenance of the bicycle used for commuting. The shop that responded gave me a quick and friendly treatment, and the bad gears and brakes were fixed, and the ride quality was much better. It was about as long as drinking tea. Recommended.
ジャングルグリーン on Google

サバゲ好きな兄さんが社長 数十年前の自転車の修理をお願いしたが快諾。腕は一流! 台風災害にあった物も復活させた! 市内に自転車店は数々あれど、最新の情報は、ここにあります。 信州チャリダ―は情に厚い気さくな社長と2輪話しをしないと、損かも…
Elder brother who likes sabage is president I asked for the repair of my bicycle several decades ago, but I'm happy. The arm is top notch! Thing which was in typhoon disaster was revived! There are many bike shops in the city, but the latest information can be found here. Shinshu Charida may be a loss if he does not talk with the friendly president who is affectionate in two wheels ...
ちかさん on Google

おっさん店員と、その嫁らしき人がお店に入った時からカウンターで2人で口論していました。いらっしゃいませの一言も無く口論を続行。5分ほど経ち、ようやく落ち着いたのかと思い、Giantの自転車を買いたいといった旨を伝えると、面倒くさかったのか、店にある赤いクロスバイクを適当な感じで勧められました。私はGiantの自転車を買いたかったので、その自転車は買いません。と伝えると、もう面倒くさいから別の店に行けと言われました。 こんなお店もあるんだなぁと思いました。これから自転車を始めようと思う方は絶対この店には行かない方が良いと思いますよ。 もしかしたら、汚いちっさいおっさんと小汚いおばさんのケンカは見れるかもしれませんが。 追記:事実無根と仰ってますが、全て事実です。あなたが覚えてないか、とぼけてるだけですね。私の長い人生の中で訪れた古今東西あらゆるお店の中で、一番最高に不快な思いをしたお店なのでよく覚えてます。
When the shop clerk and his wife-in-law came into the shop, they were arguing with the counter at the counter. Continue the quarrel without a single word. After about 5 minutes, I thought that I finally settled down and told me that I wanted to buy a Giant bicycle, and it was recommended that the red cross bike in the store was suitable, as it was troublesome. I wanted to buy a Giant bike, so I do not buy that bike. I was told that it would go to another store because it was bothersome. I thought there was such a shop. If you are thinking of starting a bicycle from now on, you should definitely not go to this store. Maybe you can see the dirty little lady and the little lady's fight. Postscript: It is said that there is no root, but it is all true. It's just blurred that you don't remember. Of all the shops that I visited in my long life, I remember it as the most offensive shop in any store.
鈴鴨かつお on Google

There are quite a few parts, clothing, and goods selected by the store owner in the store, which is not large, and I think it is a lot for a private store. I bought a cheap bike and had the wheels shake, but I don't think there is any technical problem. However, I get the impression that there is a lot of discrimination between those who buy and those who do not. Although he is a young store manager, he sometimes takes an open and cold attitude toward customers who are not polite. If you have money, it's a good store.
sh f on Google

We handle a wide variety of sports cycles and peripheral parts. There are road cycles for children, mountain bikes, and training wheels. There is also a reasonably priced rental cycle (sports cycle). There is a bus stop in front of you and it is easily accessible from Nagano Station. I want to go sightseeing in Nagano by bicycle! If you are, check out this shop.
なっつん on Google

まあ、ここは「プロショップ」ですので、プロやお金のある人から見たら良いお店です。 素人や貧乏が行くなら「うーん、違うお店にしたら?」って感じです。 また、ここはCannondaleと専属契約しているお店です。長野市内では3店舗でCannondaleを取り扱っていますが、恐らく技術と知識はここが一番高いです。意外だと思いますが次にSPORTS DEPO。最後にトドロキサイクルプラザです。 何度か行っていますが、金の無い人間お断りの空気は有ります。ただし、パワースポーツシック然り、サイメンの飯倉さん然り、スポーツサイクルのプロショップはだいたいこんなもんです。 むしろトドロキで中途半端なパーツ買わされるくらいなら、ここで辞めときなよって言われたほうが無駄なお金を使わなくて済みます。 最終的な総合判断ですが、私個人としてはまあCannondaleに乗っているから行くしかないけどって感じです。お金持ち又は本気の人、又はそれを目指す人のお店ですのですので、何もわからない素人こそここで買うべきです。ただし、金がある事が条件です。金さえ落とせばいい顔してくれますよ。 私のように自分でホイールの振れ取りも出来ないようなホビーユーザーからの評価は星3つです。 それとここの店主はトドロキのせがれです。 おめえとかおよそ接客では使わないような言葉を使うのも納得出来ます。 追記 店に入って話しかけた途端に、君グーグルの評価書いたでしょ?あーゆーの辞めたほうがいいよって。行ったら言われたんだけど。なにこいつ?キモいんだけど ここの評価は個人が自分の思ったことを素直に書く場所でオメーが決める場所じゃねーだろ なんで書くなとか言われなきゃいけねーの?あたま湧いてんの? そーゆーとこだよ、だからこうやって書かれちゃうの。人間として根本的なものが欠如してるよあんた。 大丈夫だ安心しろ、オメーの店では二度と買わねーよ
Well, this is a "professional shop", so it's a good shop for professionals and people with money. If you're an amateur or a poor person, it's like, "Well, why don't you go to a different store?" Also, this is a store that has an exclusive contract with Cannondale. There are 3 stores in Nagano that sell Cannondale, but this is probably the best in terms of technology and knowledge. I think it's surprising, but next is SPORTS DEPO. The last is Todoroki Cycle Plaza. I've been there several times, but there is an air of refusal for humans without money. However, like Power Sports Chic, Saimen's Iikura-san, and sports cycle pro shops are like this. Rather, if you buy half-finished parts at Todoroki, you can avoid wasting money if you are told to quit here. It's a final overall decision, but I personally feel that I have no choice but to go because I'm on Cannondale. It is a shop for rich people, serious people, or people who aim for it, so amateurs who do not understand anything should buy it here. However, it is a condition that you have money. All you have to do is drop the money. A hobby user like me who can't even shake the wheel by himself has a 3 star rating. Also, the owner here is Todoroki's blame. It's understandable to use words that you don't use in customer service. postscript As soon as you entered the store and talked to you, you wrote your Google rating, right? You should quit Ayu. I was told when I went. What is this guy? I'm sorry The evaluation here is a place where individuals write their thoughts honestly, not a place where Ome decides. Why should I be told not to write? Is it springing up? That's right, so it's written like this. You lack the fundamentals of humanity. It's okay, don't worry, I'll never buy it again at Ome's store
GL Morris on Google

This shop was a life-saver! I do not understand many of the reviews, except that if someone was coming in for a mamachari, Cycle Infinity is not the place. It is a high-level “pro” shop that carries the bikes you see in the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and the Belgian Classics. I stopped by while cycle touring through Japan on my Pinarello (no haters, please... I know it’s weird too... it’s my only road bike...), and discovered while crossing the Japan Alps that American Airlines and/or TSA was less than gentle with my bike (shocking, I know). In 15 minutes, I had my rear wheel trued (straightened), my gears completely adjusted, as well as my brakes and tire pressure set. For ¥2700. Very reasonable. The service was fast and friendly, and I can say enough about the work- it felt like I was riding a completely different bike. I am extraordinarily grateful. Post script: I rode over another mountain today, and coming down hit 60km/h with no wobbles! The shifting is even better than when I had my bike overhauled in the US- excellent work! Thank you again! ありがとうございます!

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