CT石油 平野 SS(東洋CTグループ)

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CT石油 平野 SS(東洋CTグループ)

住所 :

Nagayoshi Deto, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0011 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://toyoct.com/hirano/
街 : Osaka

Nagayoshi Deto, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0011 Osaka,Japan
おしん on Google

I think that the gasoline price is also cheap here and there. I had the oil changed, but it was a polite response.
みうゆう on Google

事前電話でバイクのパンク修理は可能か聞いたら チューブレスなら出来ますとの事。 翌日わざわざ押して行けば 出来ないの一言。 謝りもせず 追い払われる 。再度電話をかけるとやってないもやってない。 じゃー電話で答えた者に変わってくれと言っても 今日はいません。明日ならいます。 電話番号を伝え とりあえず電話するように言っても 一言の謝りもない。 そして電話は来ないです。安いだけあって店員は最悪ですね。
I asked if I could repair the flat tire of the bike by calling in advance, but it was possible without tubeless. A word that you can't do if you push it the next day. It is driven off without apologizing. When I call the phone again, I'm not doing it. Well, even if I asked to change to the person who answered by phone, I don't have it today. See you tomorrow. Telling your phone number If you ask them to call you for the time being, there is no apology. And the phone doesn't come. The clerk is the worst because it is cheap.
まっちゃん on Google

ここ最近急に軽油の値上がりが酷いわざわざ行ったのに値段見て違うスタンドに行きました他店より高くなってます。 それと、24時間営業ではありません❗ もう行きません❗
Recently, the price of light oil has risen suddenly, but I went to a different stand because of the price, but it is higher than other stores. Also, it's not open 24 hours ❗ I won't go anymore ❗
kumao Morino on Google

安いですね。いつも込んでる。 接客もしっかりしている。 あまり他の人には教えたくないぐらいです
It's cheap. It's always crowded. The customer service is also solid. I don't want to teach other people too much
永井利幸 on Google

ガソリンの給油に毎回、常連として使わせてもらっています。値段的には手頃な価格で良いし、現金カード制も各回の利用時には二円引きしてくれるし、何回か利用すれば三円?だったかな…いつもより割り引いてくれるのでたいへん嬉しいです。 ただ手頃な価格帯なのでガソリンの質は正直にわかりません。利用していて車の燃費が悪いのかガソリンが薄いのかは分かりませんが燃費はあまり良いとは思ったことは無いので車を大事にしている方はちゃんとしたメーカーのガソリンスタンドを利用されるのが良いでしょうね。手頃な価格にはそれなりの理由があると思いますし…。
Every time I refuel, I use it as a regular customer. The price is reasonable, the cash card system is discounted by 2 yen each time it is used, and if it is used several times, it was 3 yen? Just because it's affordable, I don't know the quality of gasoline. I do not know if the fuel consumption of the car is bad or the gasoline is thin, but I have never thought that the fuel consumption is so good, so if you take care of the car you can use the proper manufacturer's gas station Is good. I think there are good reasons for the reasonable price ...
pi on Google

Famous for its cheaper gasoline than others. I don't know why it's cheap, but there are no services such as window cleaning or garbage disposal. You can borrow wet towels and throw away the trash yourself. If you save stamps by paying cash, gasoline and oil will also be cheaper. Car wash is very polite, cheap and good value. The tire pressure does not have a troublesome odor and it does exactly. However, it seems that it is not open for 24 hours recently.
Doe John on Google

When I registered as a member and tried to use the coupon, I didn't get the coupon, isn't it a different store? I was told. This is CT from the plain, right? Even though I confirmed that, I did not do it. These days, the price is the same as the nearby Eneos, it's not cheap, and there's no value in this store, which you can't actually use by tricking you into using coupons. The attitude of some clerk is also not good.
石田平 on Google

Because it was convenient before the corona came out! There is a time limit now.

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