Crab Shop Kaneyoshi - Nikaho

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Crab Shop Kaneyoshi

住所 :

Oshiokoshi-36-1 Kisakatamachi, Nikaho, Akita 018-0121, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 018-0121
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM

Oshiokoshi-36-1 Kisakatamachi, Nikaho, Akita 018-0121, Japan
nao on Google

Perhaps because of the crab supplier, rock oysters from Sasakawa drifting in Niigata arrived. Today I'm going to compare it with the first look at Nishime.
YOU on Google

I can no longer eat crabs I bought elsewhere ?
佐々木愛 on Google

2020.10.4訪問。 1杯4000円程度~4杯1盛で3000円程度で茹でカニを販売していました。
Visit 2020.10.4. Boiled crabs were sold for about 4,000 yen per cup to about 3,000 yen for one serving of four cups.
Kei Hasegawa on Google

禁漁期間が明けた4月に買いに行きました。 ただ単にタイミングが良くなかっただけなのだと思いますが、かに屋のかにとは思えないほど残念な品質でした。 まずは甲羅の腹側やエラ部分が黒く変色しており、だいぶ鮮度が落ちてから茹であげた感じでした。 更に冷凍により食感も変わってしまっており、紅ズワイ特有の身の甘みや旨みや味、みずみずしさや軟らかさもありませんでした。 かに味噌は食べないのでどうでもよいのですが、完全に溶解しています... 同じかに屋でも、普段は茹で釜併設の直売所で購入しているので、大きさと価格は一緒でも品質の差は無視できませんでした。 ごめんなさい。
I went to buy it in April when the closed season is closed. I think the timing was simply not good, but the quality was so disappointing that I couldn't think of it as a crab shop. First of all, the belly and gills of the shell were discolored black, and it seemed to be boiled after the freshness had dropped. In addition, the texture has changed due to freezing, and there was no sweetness, taste, taste, freshness or softness peculiar to Benizuwai. It doesn't matter because I don't eat crab miso, but it's completely dissolved ... Even at the same crab shop, I usually boil them at a direct sales place with a kettle, so I could not ignore the difference in quality even though they were the same size and price. sorry.
3623 yuu on Google

岩牡蠣と¥1500のカニを購入、岩牡蠣の身入りは良かった‼️ 価格相応でカニの身は…申し訳ないがリピ無し。 雰囲気、店員の母さんの感じはかなり高印象?
I bought rock oysters and crabs for 1,500 yen, and the condition of rock oysters was good! ️ The crab meat is suitable for the price ... I'm sorry, but there is no lipi. The atmosphere and the feeling of the clerk's mother are quite impressive ?
名の無い旅人 on Google

この施設は東北を廻る時に寄ってトイレ休憩してます。 中には土産物や立ち寄り湯などあり近くには鮮魚店があり、その時は鯛の塩焼きを買って食べました。ちょっと小ぶりだったような? 秋には行商でシズコ(鮭の卵)などが売ってました。 春と秋に夕陽ヶ丘の景色も良かったです? タイミングが良ければ水平線に沈む太陽を?に納めては?
This facility stops by when I go around Tohoku and takes a restroom break. There are souvenirs and drop-in hot water inside, and there is a fresh fish shop nearby. At that time, I bought and ate grilled sea bream with salt. It looks like it was a little small? Shizuko (salmon eggs) were sold at peddling in the fall. The view of Yuhigaoka was also good in spring and autumn ? If the timing is right, why not put the sun setting on the horizon in ??
小林香澄 on Google

31日に冷凍のカニを買いました。 すごくがっかりでした。 中身がスカスカで食べるところがありません。 県外の人も購入することもあるのでこれでは、秋田の信用まるつぶれ。 3000円。捨てたみたいな気分です。
I bought a frozen crab on the 31st. I was very disappointed. There is no place to eat because the contents are squishy. People from outside the prefecture may also buy it, so this will destroy Akita's credit. 3000 yen. I feel like I've thrown it away.
チャンチ on Google

カネヨシのカニは日本海から取って茹でた物です。 このまま食べます。セレブの人にお勧めです。
Kaneyoshi crabs are boiled from the Sea of ​​Japan. I will eat it as it is. Recommended for celebrities.

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