COSMO - Funabashi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact COSMO

住所 :

4 Chome-3-2 Natsumidai, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0866, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779879
Postal code : 273-0866
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3-2 Natsumidai, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0866, Japan
大村洋子 on Google

頼んでもいない点検を勝手にし、[ミッションオイル]が汚れていて、ギアの誤作動が起きたり、動かなくなる…と言われた。 ディーラに聞いたら、1万7千キロしか走って無いのに、それは考え難いと言われた。新車を買って4年しか経って無いし、車に無知なオバサンを完全に騙した!二度と行かない!
He asked for a check that he did not ask for, and was told that the [mission oil] was dirty and that gears would malfunction or would not work. I asked the dealer that it was only 17,000 kilometers and it was hard to imagine. It's only been four years since I bought a new car, and I completely deceived the ignorant Obasan in the car! Never go again!
広瀬正知 on Google

Service is bad because it may only be closed early in the morning
おおのひろ on Google

Every time the car wash is done here. It is always 700 yen by wax car wash. I move the place and wipe it up myself. It is very helpful as we will rent 2 dedicated towels.
田中亜紀子 on Google

このスタンドのアプリ会員になると かなりオトク感がある
When you become an app member of this stand, you will feel a great deal.
チョビママ on Google

There is a place to wipe after washing the car on the back, a towel for wiping is also helpful
海老澤明 on Google

すたんどの定員さんたちは、とても親切な人ばかりですよ‼️ 行ったことがない人は、一度行ってみて下さいよ❗
The capacity of Sutando is all very kind people! ️ If you haven't been there, please try it once ❗
popdono on Google

EPARKを通じて洗車をお願いした事がある。 予約をしたのが希望日の前日だった事もあり 余裕がなかったのはこちらにも落ち度があるが 予約後店舗の確認がなく予約の確定が出来なかった。 後で確認したところ、予定時間の十数分前に予約確定されていた。 こんな間際に予約確定されても、当時住んでいた場所では とても予約時間には間に合わず、結局来店する事もなかった。 言いたい事は多々あるが、今後利用する事はありません。
I have asked for a car wash through EPARK. I made a reservation the day before the desired date I couldn't afford it, but there is a fault here as well The reservation could not be confirmed without confirmation of the store after the reservation. When I confirmed it later, the reservation was confirmed ten minutes before the scheduled time. Even if the reservation is confirmed just before this, in the place where I lived at that time I didn't come to the store in the end because I couldn't make the reservation time. I have a lot to say, but I will not use it in the future.
on Google

ガソリン価格高騰の現在、船橋地域では安いお店だと思います。 コスモカード(イオン)を持っていれば2円引き、アプリを使用で更に3~6円引きになるので最低でもリッター5円は安くなります。 24時間営業で常駐スタッフはいますが完全対応時間は8時~21時までです。 車検等のサービスも行っております。
Now that the gasoline price is soaring, I think it is a cheap shop in the Funabashi area. If you have a Cosmo Card (AEON), you will get a 2 yen discount, and if you use the app, you will get an additional 3 to 6 yen discount, so at least 5 yen per liter will be cheaper. It is open 24 hours a day and has resident staff, but the full response time is from 8:00 to 21:00. We also provide services such as vehicle inspections.

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