ENEOS Dr.Driveメテオ米ヶ崎SS - 千葉日石㈱

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Dr.Driveメテオ米ヶ崎SS / 千葉日石㈱

住所 :

Komegasakicho, Funabashi, 〒273-0861 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D330711
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Komegasakicho, Funabashi, 〒273-0861 Chiba,Japan
ブライアンクック on Google

スタンプもらいに店内へ。今回、前回むいらっしゃいませの挨拶もなく、ポイント押しミス。ここでの給油はもうしない 14号沿いのENEOSに変えるか、向かいのコスモに変えるかだなー
Go inside the store to get a stamp. This time, there was no greeting from the last time, and I made a mistake in pushing points. I will not refuel here anymore Either change to ENEOS along No. 14 or change to Cosmo across the street.
八頭大 on Google

Although there are many self-standing stores that give priority to prices, this store is also self-service, but it has a sense of security in terms of the number and quality of staff. Nisseki's sense of security is also a plus!
巨海隆宏 on Google

リニューアルオープンしたガソリンスタンドです。 グループのスタンプカードは変わらず使用出来ますが、曜日毎の+スタンプの得点が無くなりました。 窓用のハンドワイパーも無くなったのでキャンペーン時以外は近くにある別のグループ店舗を利用してます。
It is a reopened gas station. Group stamp cards can still be used, but the + stamp score for each day of the week has been lost. Since the hand wiper for windows has disappeared, I use another group store nearby except during the campaign.
若泉江里子 on Google

ポイントの判子貰うの楽しみです?でも時々夜行くと店内開いてないから昼間行かないと‼️ 皆優しいので女性の方一人でも 安心です❗️早くポイント貯まらないかなぁ?️
I'm looking forward to getting a stamp of points ? But sometimes when I go at night, the inside of the store is not open so I have to go in the daytime! ️ Everyone is kind, so even one woman I'm relieved ❗️ I wonder if I can collect points quickly ?️
木村佳央 on Google

Although it is a self that you can put in yourself, you may have to wait for a while when the cars coming in are concentrated. Funabashi police car seems to be good because this stand seems to be the main ☺️And the staff, especially the female staff, are kind, so it seems easy to consult about anything ?
ku ta on Google

The puncture repair was cheap, quick and helpful.
トニースターク on Google

コロナ禍では当たり前のマスクをしないで店内に入る方が居ます。 常連客らしくスタッフも何も言わないどころか鼻を出しながら接客する女性、サービスの質が落ちたかと。
There are people who enter the store without wearing a mask, which is commonplace in Corona. Instead of saying nothing like a regular customer, the staff is a woman who serves customers with a nose, and the quality of service has deteriorated.
Lorenzo AR on Google

レギュラー161円/㍑(2021年12月時点) 高くはありませんが、安くもないセルフです。
Regular 161 yen / liter (as of December 2021) It's not expensive, but it's not cheap.

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