CONA たまプラーザ店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CONA たまプラーザ店

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88779
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
Hiro on Google

他のconaにはない本格カフェが楽しめるお店。 ワンコインピザは勿論、パスタやリゾットなとイタリア料理を楽しみながらお安く飲める場所。 ランチも最近ボリュームアップされて満腹にw
A shop where you can enjoy authentic cafés not found in other cona. It is a place where you can drink cheaply while enjoying Italian cuisine as well as one coin pizza, as well as pasta and risotto. Also lunch has been volume up recently w to sat
R H on Google

ピザの種類がたくさんあるので、選ぶのが楽しいです。ベジタリアンメニューはないですが、注文するときに一つずつ確認しながら、NGのものが入っていないか確かめて出してもらえたので良かったです。 ソースにも乳製品を使っていないかなど、細かいところまで対応してくださって良かったです。
There are many types of pizza, so it ’s fun to choose. There is no vegetarian menu, but it was good because I was able to confirm that there were no NG items while checking one by one when ordering. I was glad that you handled meticulously, such as whether dairy was used in the sauce.
杉田t on Google

ピザ関連のレストランです。 値段設定はたまプラーザ価格。高いです。平日ランチメニューの裏に休日メニューがあり、頼むと「ドリンクはどうしますか?」聞かれます。 しかし、ドリンクは別料金で、セットメニューではありません。しかもどこで仕入れたのか、ソフトドリンクは不味く、500円もします。完全にヤクザのやり方(ミスリーディングを誘うやり方)です。 雰囲気は外国を思わせる様な作りとなっています。 清潔感は期待出来ません。 壁際の席は低い位置に絵がかけれられている為、 3分の1の席は背をもたれる事は出来ません。 店員の対応はよくないです。接客業としては非常に悪いです。コンビニを下回ります。 生ハムルッコラPizzaを注文しましたが、味の質としては値段の割によいとは思えません。 そのかわり、インスタ映えを意識してか、ルッコラなど切らずにそのまま載せていたりします。非常に食べにくいのは言うまでもないです。 フォークとナイフがテーブルに常備されている理由がわかりました。ピザ店なのに・・・ インスタ映え、意識高い系の方が立ち寄るにはちょうどよいと思います。
It is a pizza-related restaurant. The price is Tamaplaza price. It is high. There is a holiday menu behind the weekday lunch menu, and when asked, "What do you want for your drink?" However, drinks are not included in the set menu as they are charged separately. Moreover, soft drinks don't taste where you buy them, and it costs 500 yen. It is a completely yakuza method (a method that invites misleading). The atmosphere is made to remind you of a foreign country. You can't expect cleanliness. Since the seats near the wall are painted in a low position, One-third of the seats cannot lean back. The clerk's response is not good. It is very bad as a hospitality business. Below the convenience store. I ordered raw ham arugula pizza, but I don't think the quality of the taste is good for the price. Instead, I may be conscious of the instagram or put the arugula without cutting it. It goes without saying that it is very difficult to eat. I see why forks and knives are always on the table. Even though it's a pizza... I think it's a good place for people with a high Instagram awareness to drop in.
Taku on Google

The whole hamburger steak was delicious. Is the volume a little small?
JNB Japanese on Google

3月中旬、土曜日12時ころ。 先客は2組ほど。ワンコ連れの方もテラスOKで座っていらっしゃいました。 パスタのランチセット 1000円をオーダー。 飲み物、ミニサラダと、可愛らしいパンがつき、サラダのドレッシングも美味しかったのでパスタに期待したのですが、まずはなんと言っても量が少なくてびっくり。 乾麺にしたら、多分75グラムかそれ以下。直径18センチくらいの深さのない皿にちょろりも盛られたその様に、あれっ?と思い、つい写真を撮りそびれました。 連れが10代男子だったので、量が足りる訳もなく、追加でモッツァレラとアンチョビのピザもオーダー。こちらは直径25センチ程、クラストは薄めで程よくパリッと感のあるものでしたが、トッピングはほぼトマトソース。 モッツァレラもアンチョビも少なく、”トマトソースピザ”を頂いた様な印象が残ってしまいました。 残念なから、味付けもどこかで食べた事があるような既成のソースを使っている、味濃いめな印象。不味くはないのですが。。。 ピザが1枚基本550円というのがウリのようですので、何枚もお手頃に食べてお腹一杯にしたい方にお勧めのお店だと思います。 接客は、店内にキチンと気を配るウエイトレスさん達で問題なく、⭐︎4の良い印象です。入退店時のアルコール消毒徹底もなさっていました。
Mid-March, around 12:00 on Saturday. There are about two pairs of customers. People with dogs also sat on the terrace OK. I ordered a pasta lunch set for 1000 yen. I expected pasta because it came with drinks, mini salad and cute bread, and the salad dressing was delicious, but first of all, I was surprised that the amount was small. For dried noodles, maybe 75 grams or less. It's like a plate with a diameter of about 18 centimeters and no depth, and it's like that. I just missed taking a picture. Since my companion was a teenage boy, there was no reason for the amount to be enough, so I ordered additional mozzarella and anchovy pizzas. This one is about 25 cm in diameter, the crust is thin and has a moderately crisp feeling, but the tomato sauce is almost tomato sauce. There were few mozzarella and anchovies, and I got the impression that I had a "tomato sauce pizza". Unfortunately, I used a ready-made sauce that I had eaten somewhere for seasoning, giving it a strong impression. It's not bad, though. .. .. It seems that the basic price of one pizza is 550 yen, so I think it is recommended for those who want to eat many pizzas at a reasonable price and fill their stomachs. The waitress who pays close attention to the inside of the store has no problem in serving customers, which is a good impression of ⭐︎4. Alcohol disinfection was thoroughly done when entering and leaving the store.
Brock Spore on Google

Chill atmosphere, especially the living room tables and chairs in the front, tasty food, pretty good beer selection. Only the Beggarmans chicken needs improvement.
Ian Chen on Google

Yes! best 500 yen pizza you can get. Wine selection is a bit hit or miss but its good value at least.
chiaki on Google

It's pizza, pasta-like.You can choose from several kinds of pizza for 500 yen.The regular members are all handsome, and they will be able to enjoy the women's party.

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