CONA 立川店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CONA 立川店

住所 :

柴崎町Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

柴崎町Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan
よびよび on Google

初めてこういったものに口コミを書きます…ちょっと、あまりにも悲しかったので…。 結論から言うと、恋人など特別な人を連れて行くにはオススメできません。店内はかなりガヤガヤ、忙しないため会話や食事を楽しむことができません。(19時頃のちょうど混雑時でした)ですが、友達同士と気兼ねなく喋りながら呑みたいっ!という時には安いしいいかも。大学生くらいの若い子達が多いです。料理の味はカラオケのフードに近い。店員さんは印象が良かったのでそこは素敵でした。 以下は惜しくも恋人を連れて行ってしまった私の体験談です…。 夕飯時の混雑した時間帯ではありましたが、注文してから料理が運ばれるまであまりにも時間がかかりすぎでした。サラダとサイド2品にピザの計4品を注文しましたが、それぞれ運ばれるまでに20分ほど間があり、最後にピザが来たときには注文から1時間ほど経った後‥。あまりに遅いので店員さんに訪ねたらすぐに運んで来て下さりましたが、あきらかに焼き立てではない冷めたピザでした…。どういうこと…‥?正直お金も払いたくないようなものでしたが恋人と居たこともあり、その場では何も言わずに帰りましたが、後から思い出すと悲しくて悲しくて……。やっぱり、安かろう悪かろうなのか…とガックリしてしまいました。向かいの日高屋のほうがまだマシだよぉ…。もう二度と行きません。(/_;)
For the first time, I'll write a review on something like this ... I was a little too sad ... In conclusion, it is not recommended to take a special person such as a lover. The inside of the store is quite messy and I can't enjoy conversation and meals because I'm not busy. (It was just around 19:00 when it was crowded), but I feel like drinking while talking with my friends without hesitation! At that time, it may be cheap. There are many young children like college students. The taste of food is similar to that of karaoke food. The clerk had a good impression, so it was nice. The following is my experience of taking my lover unfortunately ... It was a busy time for dinner, but it took too long for the food to be delivered after ordering. I ordered a total of 4 pizzas for salad and 2 side dishes, but it took about 20 minutes for each to be delivered, and when the pizza finally arrived, it was about 1 hour after the order. It was so late that when I visited the clerk, he brought it to me, but it was obviously a cold pizza that wasn't freshly baked ... What do you mean…‥? To be honest, I didn't want to pay any money, but I was with my lover, so I went home without saying anything, but when I remembered it later, I was sad and sad ... After all, I was disappointed whether it was cheap or bad. The Hidakaya across the street is still better ... I will never go there again. (/ _;)
takuya murano (むーらん) on Google

I think the taste, price and service are the best. The table was a little cold near the entrance, so I told him that I wanted to move to the back, and he was happy to accept it. I'm the type to put up with it even when it's cold, but I think the detailed service that responds to the words and actions of my partner is wonderful. Maybe it was just after the store opened.
うじまっちゃ on Google

500円ピザで有名なピザチェーンです。500円でフルサイズの30センチのピザが食べられます。種類も豊富です。私はマルゲリータ。安いけど美味しいです。パスタもなかなか美味しい。 酒を飲むとチャージを取られます。これが気分を害する。悪弊です。生ビール1杯だけ飲んでも2杯分の料金になります。飲むならいっぱい飲む。ちょっとだけが一番損する。
It is a pizza chain famous for 500 yen pizza. You can eat a full-sized 30 cm pizza for 500 yen. There are many types. I'm Margherita. It's cheap but delicious. The pasta is also quite delicious. You can get a charge when you drink alcohol. This is offensive. It's a bad thing. Even if you drink only one draft beer, it will be the price for two glasses. If you drink, drink a lot. Only a little loses the most.
Ryo Ryo on Google

記念日に利用したが最悪でした。 コースを予約し、行ったのですが、ローストビーフが出てきてから次のパスタが出てくるまで約50分。 せっかくの記念日利用なのに、無駄に待たされました。 店員も謝っておけばいいやみたいな平謝り感が伝わってきて最悪です。 もう二度と行くことは無いと思います。 同じ思いをする人がこれ以上増えないようにしたいと思い投稿します。
I used it on the anniversary, but it was the worst. I booked the course and went there, but it took about 50 minutes from the roast beef to the next pasta. Even though it was a special anniversary, I had to wait in vain. It's the worst because the clerk feels like apologizing. I don't think I'll ever go there again. I want to prevent the number of people who have the same feelings from increasing anymore.
さすけ on Google

Pizza and pasta were normal in a fashionable interior
Mike Giovinazzo on Google

Cona is always reliable.
Alan Thomson on Google

Great pizza and large portions at 500 yen each
Paul Richardson on Google

All pizzas, just 500 yen! You can get some absolutely awesome pizzas, drinks, and much more at CONA! A good choice for this area, CONA offers some typical Italian fare plus a few extras. Of course the main point is their pizza, especially the Margherita, which had excellent taste and texture! The Spicy Mexican pizza was a little wet, but had a great mix of tastes. Drink selection is very good here, and since everything is 500 yen, it's easy to try out various drinks. I was also really surprised at the Creme Brulee Cheesecake, which had much more of a New York style rather than typical Japanese cheesecake. Definitely worth trying!!! Service was good although a bit rushed and hectic, to be expected of opening day. The restaurant is very small but still has enough seats so that you probably won't usually have to wait. Note: All seats are smoking-ok, although ventilation is good. Also there seems to be a 300 yen cover charge per person.

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