Coffee Nekonoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Coffee Nekonoya

住所 :

Arakicho, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0007 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Arakicho, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0007 Tokyo,Japan
佐々木英太郎 on Google

店主こだわりのドリップコーヒーが美味しい。産地・種類もかなり豊富です。 ケーキも数種類有。
Delicious coffee with delicious shopkeepers is delicious. Production areas and kinds are also abundant. Several kinds of cakes are also available.
Tsuyoshi Kubokawa on Google

隠れ家的な雰囲気の本格的なコーヒーを飲めるお店です。 自家焙煎珈琲のネルドリップ珈琲と手作りお菓子が美味しいです。 店主は食べ物好きで色々美味しいお店を教えてくれます。 営業が特殊な時間なのでツイッターを見てから来た方がいい。
It is a shop where you can drink authentic coffee with a hideout atmosphere. Self-roasted coffee's Nell Drip Coffee and homemade sweets are delicious. The shop owner tells me a variety of delicious shops that I like food. Since business is a special time, it is better to come and have a look at Twitter.
松田まつだ on Google

Coffee specialty store in the middle of Araki town. The cups of Arita yaki only are also great, but the owner's roasted coffee sticking to the shopkeepers becomes habit. Beans can also be purchased. There is also a subscription. Baked goods are also irresistibly tasty. The owner is also a good one.
Isagi Hakurai on Google

四ッ谷の名物飲み屋街、荒木町の一画、複数のお店が入るアパートのようなビル1Fにある隠れ家的なお店。 店内入り口にバーカウンター、奥に2つ?ほどテーブルもあります。 シングル10種ほどとブレンド2種、その他オレメニューがありますがど定番から変わり種までなかなか面白いラインナップ。 どれもほぼイタリアンからフレンチの深煎り豆中心でネルドリップに拘りを感じます。 今回は定番と思われるイエネコブレンドをいただきました。 中南米ベースにエチオピアでしょうか、深煎りのため品種や特徴がわかりにくいのですが、口当たりがとても柔らかく、清流のように澄んだお味。 これだけ深いと普通は苦味と甘味が主張するものですが、まずクリアなことがとても印象に残り、ぬるめの抽出と合間ってとにかく優しいと感じます。 後から香ばしさとコクを残して、スッと消えていく様は、ほうじ茶を連想します。 店主さん和菓子がお好きらしく、そっちよりのペアリングになっているかもということでしたが「確かに」と納得。 是非美味しいどら焼きかみたらし団子を持参したいところです。 珈琲とチョコレートの話で盛り上がったところでアイスカフェオレを追加オーダー。 正直ロブスタの深煎りはあまりに好きではないのですが、敢えてアイスカフェオレにはロブスタ多めに使用しているとのこと。 アイスのためロブスタ特有のつんとしたカラメル臭は押さえられており、香ばしさだけを残した抽出。 特筆すべきは合わせてある癖のなく甘いミルクのうまさ!(逆に失礼) 久しぶりにミルクに感動しました。 (教えてもらい早速買って帰りましたw) 昨今のCOEをはじめとしたスペシャリティコーヒーの高騰問題に抽出や工夫、試行錯誤で立ち向かっている姿がなかなかに共感を覚えます。 私が目指すコーヒーとはまたベクトルは違うのですが、異業種交流のような有意義な情報交換ができ、ついつい長居をしてしまいました。 (ありがとうございました!) またお話を伺いに行きたいところです。
A retreat-like shop on the 1st floor of a building like Yotsuya's famous bar town, Araki-cho, an apartment with multiple shops. A bar counter at the entrance of the store and two in the back? There is also a table. There are 10 kinds of singles, 2 kinds of blends, and other me menus. All of them have a feeling of nerd lip with a focus on Italian deep-fried beans. This time I had a domestic cat blend that seems to be a classic. Is it Ethiopia based on Latin America? The variety and characteristics are difficult to understand due to deep roasting, but the taste is very soft and the taste is clear like a clear stream. When deeper than this, bitterness and sweetness are usually claimed, but first of all, the clearness remains very impressive, and I feel that it is gentle anyway during the extraction of the lukewarm. Remaining fragrant and rich later, it seems to be disappeared quickly, reminiscent of Hojicha. The shop owner likes Japanese sweets, and it seems that the pairing is more than that. I would like to bring a delicious dorayaki bitter dumpling. An order for ice café au lait was added when the story of chocolate and chocolate became exciting. To be honest, I don't like Robusta roasting too much, but I dare to use a lot of Robusta in Ice Cafe au lait. The caramel odor peculiar to Robusta is suppressed because of the ice, and the extraction leaves only the fragrance. What should be noted is the deliciousness of the sweet milk without any wrinkles! (Conversely rude) I was impressed with milk after a long time. (I bought it and bought it back soon) I am very sympathetic with the fact that we are confronting the rise in specialty coffee, such as the recent COE, through the extraction, innovation, and trial and error. The vector is different from the coffee I am aiming for, but I was able to exchange meaningful information like cross-industry exchange, and I finally stayed long. (Thank you very much!) I would like to go to talk again.
Ai Minatogawa (#わかばちゃんと学ぶ) on Google

コロナ禍で一時的に休業されていたそうですが、2020年5月から換気など配慮の上、営業再開。 訪れたのは2回目。Rubyエンジニアの方が店主をされています。話しかけるとコーヒーのことからIT界隈のことまで色々と教えてくださります。 カフェオレ用に、ミルクに合うよう3種の豆をブレンドされているとのことで、大変美味しかったです。そんじょそこらのカフェオレとは違いますね。手作りチーズケーキもぎっしり濃厚で美味でした。 四谷三丁目駅周辺に行かれた際はぜひ。月曜日が定休日です。
It seems that it was temporarily closed due to Corona, but it will be restarted from May 2020 with consideration of ventilation. This is my second visit. A Ruby engineer is the owner. When you talk to him, he will teach you everything from coffee to the IT community. It was said that it was blended with 3 kinds of beans to match the milk for cafe au lait, and it was very delicious. It's not like the cafe au lait of everywhere. The homemade cheesecake was also thick and delicious. If you go around Yotsuya Sanchome Station, please do. Monday is a regular holiday.
km ai on Google

独特の雰囲気がある、大好きな珈琲屋さんです。 コロナ禍でしばらくこちらの珈琲を飲めていませんが、喫茶営業が再開したら絶対に伺いたいです! またこちらで珈琲を飲める日を楽しみにしています! 大変な事多々あると思いますが、応援しています。
My favorite coffee shop has a unique atmosphere. I haven't been able to drink this coffee for a while due to the corona sickness, but I definitely want to visit when the coffee shop is reopened! I'm looking forward to the day when I can drink coffee again! I think there are many difficult things, but I support you.
Dylan Lentini on Google

Beautiful cozy coffee place with authentic coffee and homemade cakes! Enter through alleyway by a garage.
yamen saraiji on Google

Came here on Saturdy and I was extremely surprised how hospital the owner was even though they were not running the shop on that day. The coffee was great, and the kittens were super cute. Definitely coming again!

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