
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Coffee-kan

住所 :

2 Chome, Midorigaoka, Yachiyo, 〒276-0049 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

2 Chome, Midorigaoka, Yachiyo, 〒276-0049 Chiba,Japan
arupaka9000 on Google

Speaking of coffee, it's a coffee jelly parfait symphony. The symphony 15 years ago was bigger jelly. I want you to revive the early symphony.
ひなひなひなき on Google

イライラしてて珈琲が飲みたくて気になってた場所なので入ってみました。 珈琲はデキャンタ!2杯と言われたけど2杯とちょっとあったかな。ブレンド頼んだのだけど、アメリカン珈琲のようだった。 何気に星乃珈琲と後味サッパリ度合いが似てる気がした。 チョコのケーキを食べてデキャンタ飲みきったら幸せ! 店内は落ち着いてて、夜8時くらいだったから空いてました。 イオンって冬はちょっと寒いですよね。 後ほど息子が来たのでカレーを頼んだら(笑)カレーマルシェのような味でした。 だから、サンドイッチにすればいいのに… チョコのケーキは少し杏子だか…ベリーだかわからないけどかフルーツのような甘酸っぱさが良かったです。
I was annoyed and wanted to drink coffee so I was interested in it so I went in. Coffee is a decanter! I was told that there were two, but I think there were a few. I asked for a blend, but it was like American coffee. I felt that the degree of refreshing aftertaste was similar to Hoshino Coffee. I'm happy if I eat chocolate cake and drink decanter! The store was calm and it was vacant because it was around 8pm. Aeon is a bit cold in winter. My son came later so I asked for curry (laughs) It tasted like curry marche. So I should make a sandwich ... The chocolate cake is a little apricot ... I don't know if it's berry or sweet and sour like fruit.
M R on Google

平日ランチを利用。グラタンパンセットを注文。他では見かけないメニューなのでついつい注文してしまいました。 予め時間がかかる料理と言われていたが思ったより時間がかかった。何分くらいか具体的に教えて頂ければソワソワしなくて済んだかも。 料理は美味しかったですが、パン部分が固く(そういうものなのでしょうか?)ナイフがあっても食べるのにかなり苦戦しました。 駅からすぐなので見つけやすいです。
Use weekday lunch. I ordered a gratin bread set. It's a menu I can't find anywhere else, so I just ordered it. It was said that the food would take time in advance, but it took longer than I expected. Maybe I didn't have to sway if I could tell you specifically how many minutes. The food was delicious, but the bread was hard (Is that the case?) And I had a hard time eating it even with a knife. It's easy to find because it's right from the station.
Min Korokke on Google

There is WiFi. Like a coffee shop, there are sandwiches, pancakes, cakes, and pasta menus.
センタビレッジフレンドワン on Google

土曜日の13時半に利用しました。買い物帰りにコーヒーの良い匂いにつられ入りましたが入口外でも店内でも20分弱は待たされました。ですがお店の対応としては特に悪い事もなく立地的に立ち寄りやすい事もあり混雑しやすいのでしょう。 効率の良い接客を今後検討して頂ければまたリピートしたいですね。
I used it at 13:30 on Saturday. On my way home from shopping, I was struck by the good smell of coffee, but I had to wait for less than 20 minutes both outside the entrance and inside the store. However, there is nothing wrong with the store's response, and it is easy to stop by due to its location, so it is likely to be crowded. I would like to repeat it again if you can consider efficient customer service in the future.
K N on Google

2021年7月22日9:03 店に入ろうとしたら、柵が置いたまま、電気もついてない。 私のすぐ後ろから無言で35歳ほどの男性が一人入っていく。 遅れた店長だろう。 客が来てるのに すぐ開けます! の一言もない。 イオン3階フロアを一回りして、再度見に行ったのが9:09. 普通最優先で、柵を開けて、店内に客入れるようにするだろうに、それをせず、電気もつけず、店の後ろの室内でなにかしている。 客が来ようがどうでもいい考えで雇われの意識でやる気なくやってるのだろうと感じた。 仕方ないので外に出て通路の先に繋がっているロッテリアでコーヒー。 こっちが安くてよかった。 私も以前珈琲専門店で働いたことがあるので、35歳前後の男性(店長?)の性格か考え方に問題があるのだけ伝わってきた。 写真は2回目に言った時に撮影。 後ろの掛け時計 9:10 ほかのクチコミを見たところ、服部という男性店員がいて、態度が悪いようだ。 おそらく、9:03に店内に入った男性がその人で、店長でもあるのではないか。 人を増やしてくれない等の本部への不満があって、やる気を失い、結果として接客レベルが下がっているのだろうか? それかそもそもやる気がないだけとか。 そんな気がした。 間違いなく、こういうお店は遅かれ早かれ閉店する。 翌日7/23 9:27 再度訪問した時は、写真2枚目、女性店員1人で開店準備作業をしていた。 前日と同じく、柵は開けないまま。 開店時間は9:00からとイオンには 表示されていたし、ここの表記も9:00開始となっているが、どうなっているのだろうか?
July 22, 2021 9:03 When I tried to enter the store, the fence was still there and there was no electricity. A man about 35 years old silently enters from just behind me. Probably the store manager who was late. Even though customers are coming You can open it right away! There is no word. I went around the 3rd floor of Aeon and went to see it again at 9:09. Normally, the highest priority would be to open the fence to allow customers to enter the store, but without doing it, without turning on the lights, doing something in the room behind the store. I felt that it didn't matter whether the customer came or not, and I was motivated to do it with the consciousness of being hired. There is no choice but to go outside and have coffee at Lotteria, which is connected to the end of the aisle. I'm glad this one was cheap. I also worked at a coffee shop before, so I was told that there was a problem with the personality or way of thinking of a man around 35 years old (store manager?). The picture was taken the second time I said it. Wall clock behind 9:10 Looking at other reviews, it seems that there is a male clerk named Hattori who has a bad attitude. Perhaps the man who entered the store at 9:03 is that person and also the store manager. Is there a dissatisfaction with the headquarters, such as not increasing the number of people, and is it demoralizing, and as a result, the level of customer service is falling? Or maybe I just don't have the motivation. I felt like that. Undoubtedly, these stores will close sooner or later. The next day, 7/23 9:27 When I visited again, the second photo, a female clerk, was preparing to open the store. As with the previous day, the fence remains unopened. Opening hours are from 9:00 and Aeon It was displayed, and the notation here also starts at 9:00, but what is happening?
ett takako on Google

平日の昼間に利用 カウンターに着席、店内もそこまで混雑しておらず、待ち時間も休日に比べたら短めでした ですが、店員同士のおしゃべりが凄く気になりました。コロナ禍で、注文する距離も近く、注文とってる最中大きな声で遠くのお客さんにお待ち下さーい!!!と言ったときにはびっくり、 一番衝撃だったのは、カウンターから調理現場が丸見えなわけですが、女性店員がオムライスの卵を手で何度も直していたこと。片方には手袋してましたがもう片方は素手。勿論素手も使って何度も何度も卵をかけ直す…台布巾やお金を触った手で… オムライスにしなくて良かったと心から思いましたが、注文したたらこクリームパスタは冷え冷え。上に乗ったバターも最後まで溶けず… あれで1300円近く払うならサイゼ行った方が良かったと心から思いました キッチンでは男性店員がパスタ類を担当してましたが、清潔感の無い髪の毛を振り乱して作っているのも気持ち悪かった… とにかく、コーヒー以外は接客、食事のクオリティーがお店とは思えないくらいでした 二度と行かない
Used during the daytime on weekdays I was seated at the counter, the store was not so crowded, and the waiting time was shorter than on holidays. However, I was really worried about the chatting between the clerk. Due to the corona, the distance to order is short, so please wait for a distant customer with a loud voice while ordering! !! !! I was surprised when I said The most shocking thing was that the cooking site was completely visible from the counter, but the female clerk had to fix the omelet rice eggs by hand many times. I wore gloves on one side, but the other was bare hands. Of course, using your bare hands, re-sprinkle the eggs over and over again ... with your hands touching the towel or money ... I really thought I didn't have to make omelet rice, but the cod roe cream pasta I ordered was chilly. The butter on top didn't melt until the end ... I thought from the bottom of my heart that I should have gone to Saizeriya if I had to pay close to 1300 yen. In the kitchen, a male clerk was in charge of pasta, but it was also unpleasant to make unclean hair by disturbing it ... Anyway, except for coffee, the quality of customer service and food was so bad that I couldn't think of it as a restaurant. Never go again
Kiichi Nishijima on Google

No. 1 ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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