Cocoro Farm Village - Iida

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cocoro Farm Village

住所 :

7620 Kawaji, Iida, Nagano 399-2431, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 399-2431
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

7620 Kawaji, Iida, Nagano 399-2431, Japan
Sugiyama Yutaka (ゆたさん) on Google

朝市や先日はライトダウンまーけっとでもお世話になりました! めっちゃ大好きな場所です(^○^) カフェのココロバーガーはイチ押し名物ですよー!!!
Thank you very much for the light down jacket in the morning market and the other day! This is my favorite place (^ ○ ^) The cafe's heart burger is a specialty! !! !!
しょうちゅううまし on Google

I wasn't interested in this place because it had the image of a fraudulent group "Kabuchan Farm", but I don't think there is such a nice shop. Buffets such as salads for lunch are priced higher, but I think they are cheap because of the contents.
美由紀菅沼 on Google

ランチメニューを頼みました ついでにスパークリングワインも頼んでみました。地元産の野菜を使ったサラダバーは珍しい野菜もあり新鮮で、ドレッシングも野菜を使った3種で優しい味でした。私は黒豚のソーセージとチーズと卵のガレットを食べました
I ordered a lunch menu I also ordered sparkling wine. The salad bar using locally grown vegetables was fresh with rare vegetables, and the dressing was three kinds using vegetables and had a gentle taste. I ate black pork sausage and cheese and egg galette
unagi perori on Google

最近出来た施設。 カフェはハンバーガーとソフトクリームやパフェ、レストランは高級イタリアン。 お土産もたっぷり売ってる。 カフェのソフトクリームは甘さ控えめなのにコクがしっかりして美味しい。「ココロソフト」オススメ。 レストランは高級感のあるイタリアン。 味も本格的(値段もちょっと高い)。 野菜や地物を中心に食べられるのでオススメ。
A recently built facility. The cafe is a hamburger and soft serve ice cream and parfait, and the restaurant is a high-class Italian restaurant. We also sell plenty of souvenirs. The soft serve ice cream in the cafe is moderately sweet but rich and delicious. "Kokoro Soft" is recommended. The restaurant is Italian with a sense of quality. The taste is authentic (the price is a little high). Recommended because you can eat mainly vegetables and features.
I knucle t on Google

新鮮な野菜が沢山あります 他、ドレッシングや辛味噌 食事も出来ます 焼き肉バーガー旨い が、辛口は辛いの苦手な人には要注意
There are a lot of fresh vegetables In addition, dressing and spicy miso meals are also available. Yakiniku burger is delicious, but be careful of people who are not good at dry spicy food
わっしー on Google

The food is delicious, but the salad bar, dressing, drinks and soup are all local ingredients and I just ate too much. it's the best.
ganbold namuunjargal on Google

Loved this place, very nice vibe and delicious food.
Lisa on Google

Perfect for vegetarians. Great ambience, great food and amazing view. Get to enjoy all sorts of vegetables. My favorite were the mushrooms where you dunk in into the soup. Very refreshing and fulfilling place.

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