
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茶房CoCo(ココ)

住所 :

Hirosaki, 〒036-8003 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.ringodaigaku.com/eat/restaurant/coco.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7:30PM
Sunday 9AM–7:30PM
Monday 9AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–7:30PM
Thursday 9AM–7:30PM
Friday 9AM–7:30PM
街 : Aomori

Hirosaki, 〒036-8003 Aomori,Japan
marten on Google

Both the apple pie and the tarte tatin were very delicious. The apple pie is modest in sweetness, but I think it's exquisitely delicious with the ice cream and cinnamon that accompany it. If I ever come to Hirosaki again, I definitely want to come again.
S JUN on Google

観光時、ほんとはアップルパイが食べたくて訪問。 なのに、アップルパイ、タルトタタンは次回りんごシーズンまで休み!の貼り紙が。 せっかく向かったので、訪問。 季節的にメロンゼリーをオーダー。 これがクオリティ高くて驚き。メロンが贅沢に沢山乗っていて、下のゼリーも上品な味わい。むしろアップルパイより好きな感じかも。 ロールケーキも付け合わせにフルーツがついたりひと工夫あり。 店内も寛げる独特な雰囲気。 思いのほかレベル高かったので(失礼ですが)こちらのタルトタタンも是非食べてみたいかも!
When sightseeing, I really wanted to eat apple pie. However, apple pie and tarte tatin will be closed until the next apple season! The sticker of. I went there so I visited. Order melon jelly seasonally. This is a high quality and surprising. A lot of melons are on board, and the jelly below has an elegant taste. Rather, it may be more like an apple pie. The roll cake is also garnished with fruit, and there is some ingenuity. A unique atmosphere where you can relax inside the store. The level was higher than I expected (excuse me), so I might want to try this Tarte Tatin!
Hiroko Nishikawa on Google

Apple pie is dramatically delicious. It was on the Kotorippu. It's nice to have curry, pilaf, pasta and sandwiches for the meal. The taste is normal. They serve tea in a beautiful tea cup even at lunch. Black tea is rich and delicious. Although it is a casual customer, it is easy to read and read the air.
稲葉泉 on Google

白ハク on Google

前に入ってここの紅茶がとても美味しく、好きなのですがが、夕方入ったらいつもいたお父さんとお母さんではなくて…注文するまでもお客がきたのが迷惑なのかと思うような対応でした。 何が片付けやガムテープをはったりしていたようですが、リラックスできたはずの場所がそうではなくてとても残念でした。 ケーキや紅茶が本当に美味しいのに残念です。
I like the tea here because it's very delicious when I go in front of it, but when I went in the evening, it wasn't the dad and mom I used to have. What seemed to be tidying up and bluffing, but it wasn't the place where I should have been able to relax, which was very disappointing. It's a pity that the cakes and teas are really delicious.
月明かり on Google

平日の夕方フラッと一人で行きました。 たらこしょうゆパスタセット、飲み物は紅茶。 タルトタタンとラムレーズンアイスを注文。 たらこしょうゆはブラックペッパーが良い仕事してます。全体の味がピリッと締まります。とっても美味しい。 タルトタタンは上部にキャラメリゼしたパリパリの飴を乗せてあります。ラムレーズンアイスとの相性が最高でした。 茶葉を販売しています。 食器も見ていて楽しかったです。 初めて入りましたが、仕事休みにフラッとティータイムしに行こうかなぁ。 また行きます。
I went alone with Fura on weekday evenings. Cod roe soy sauce pasta set, drink tea. I ordered Tarte Tatin and rum raisin ice cream. Black pepper does a good job of cod roe soy sauce. The whole taste is tight. Very tasty. Tarte Tatin has a caramelized crispy candy on top. It went great with rum raisin ice cream. We sell tea leaves. I also enjoyed watching the tableware. I entered for the first time, but I wonder if I should go for a tea time during my work holidays. I will go again.
take uo on Google

2021/11/5 初青森の観光客です 弘前アップルパイ・タルトタタン巡りの最後に訪問しました。 もうどちらをテイクアウトしたか忘れてしまいましたが、特徴のある見た目で、夕食をたらふく食べた後でも美味しくいただけたことは覚えています。。。 最初店員さんいなかったですけど、呼べば出てきてくれます。
2021/11/5 First Aomori tourist I visited at the end of the Hirosaki Apple Pie Tarte Tatin Tour. I've forgotten which one I took out, but I remember that it had a distinctive look and was delicious even after a full supper. .. .. There was no clerk at first, but if you call it, it will come out.
Mei M on Google

A nice tea house with a good selection of teas and great coffee. Their apple pie is delicious! Their other food sounded good, too. Perfect note to end the day on as we left town via the station. Open until 7, which is nice.

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