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Contact 犬吠埼温泉元湯黒潮の湯

住所 :

Inubosaki, Choshi, 〒288-0012 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.inubohsaki-hotel.com/sp/hotsprings/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Inubosaki, Choshi, 〒288-0012 Chiba,Japan
保田有希子 on Google

It's not so big, but the quality of the hot spring was good and the skin was smooth the next day. However, I'm afraid I can't see the sea at the fence, but I can't help it for crime prevention. It's not a hot spring, but the Penguin Aquarium in front of the hotel! ?? If the timing is good, you can see the feeding.
福地修 on Google

絶景の宿・犬吠埼ホテル(もと犬吠埼京成ホテル)にある温泉です。なんと言っても、ここの売りは名前にもなってる絶景露天風呂。目の前に太平洋、右手に犬吠埼灯台が見えます。海に向かって「大」の字になってみてください。気分爽快です?。 泉質は鉄分を含んだ塩化物強塩泉。内湯はひとつ、外湯は海に面した大きな露天風呂、海藻風呂、泡風呂、源泉風呂の4つがあり、サウナもあります。タオル&バスタオルがセットで平日1300円、週末1600円。夏と週末は混むのだろうと思います。 私はそれを外してお邪魔しました。また訪ねたい所です?。
It is a hot spring located in Inubōsaki Hotel (formerly Inubōsaki Keisei Hotel), an inn with a superb view. After all, the selling point here is the spectacular open-air bath, which is also the name. You can see the Pacific Ocean in front of you and Inubosaki Lighthouse on your right. Try to make a "large" character toward the sea. I feel refreshed ?. The quality of the spring is a strong chloride spring containing iron. There is one indoor bath, four outdoor baths, a large open-air bath facing the sea, a seaweed bath, a bubble bath, and a source bath, and there is also a sauna. A set of towels and bath towels costs 1300 yen on weekdays and 1600 yen on weekends. I think it will be crowded in summer and weekends. I took it off and bothered me. I want to visit again ?.
poohsan kumano on Google

古き良き社員旅行ホテルと言った景観、部屋、お風呂です。 恋人とお洒落な宿に泊まりたい!と言う人が選ぶホテルでは有りません。 恋人と泊まるならもう少し予算を足して近くのぎょうけい館にした方が良いと思います。 ニーズ次第と言うか、決して悪いホテルではないので人数の多い家族や男友達だけで泊まる宿、1人旅、釣り好き、銚子電鉄好き、様々な用途に使えると思います。 色んな所に綻びが出ています。 例えば大浴場は広くて海が目の前で最高に気持ち良いのですが塗装が剥がれていたり柵が倒れないようにつっかえ棒をしていたり。その棒も景観を壊すビカビカ緑の養生テープでぐるぐる巻きにされてたり。 なので割りきってお洒落じゃなくて良いんだ、旅に求めてるのはそこじゃないと言う人は良いとと思います。 自然と家族連れや大人数の旅客が多いので賑やかです。 旅と言えば静かでゆったりでお洒落で…そんな所ばかりに泊まっていたので昭和を感じさせるこのホテルは逆に新鮮でした。 と言ったても館内は綺麗です。 旅館は古くても味が出ますがホテルはダイレクトに古さを感じさせるなと思いました。 スタッフも嫌な感じはしません、変にかしこまりすぎず馴れ馴れしくなく。 コロナ対策はかなりしっかりしてるのでその点も太鼓判です。 特別な日ではなく何となく銚子でも行って海見て灯台登って泊まろか、気楽に一泊二日でのんびりしようか、そんな旅にはうってつけです。
The scenery, rooms, and baths of a good old employee travel hotel. I want to stay in a fashionable inn with my lover! It is not the hotel of choice for those who say. If you are staying with your lover, you should add a little more budget to the nearby Gyokeikan. It depends on your needs, but it's not a bad hotel, so I think it can be used for various purposes such as an inn where only a large number of family members and male friends can stay, traveling alone, fishing lovers, and Choshi Electric Railway lovers. There are breaks in various places. For example, the large communal bath is large and the sea is the most comfortable in front of me, but the paint is peeling off and the fence is stuck so that it will not fall over. The stick is also wrapped around with a green curing tape that destroys the landscape. So it doesn't have to be fashionable, and I think it's good for people who say that it's not what they're looking for in a trip. It is lively because there are many families and a large number of passengers naturally. Speaking of travel, it was quiet, spacious and fashionable ... I stayed at such places, so this hotel that made me feel Showa was fresh on the contrary. Even so, the hall is beautiful. Even if the ryokan is old, it tastes good, but I thought that the hotel does not directly make you feel old. The staff doesn't feel unpleasant either, it's not too clever and unfamiliar. Corona measures are fairly solid, so that point is also a taiko. It's not a special day, but somehow you can go to Choshi to see the sea and climb the lighthouse to stay, or you can relax in one night and two days, which is perfect for such a trip.
ciba funabashi on Google

雨の日に日帰りで行ったのですが、露天風呂から海を一望出来るちょっと熱い露天風呂とジャグジーの露天風呂と海藻の露天風呂が有りました。 内風呂も広く洗い場は一度に15人ぐらいは座れるぐらい広くサウナも有りました。 Webから割引券の画面をフロントに見せると1人300円の割引を受けれます。 予約すれば岩風呂も在るみたいです。 8月31日まではプールも利用出来るみたいです。 お食事も出来お土産も販売してました。 今度は泊まりで行きたいな。
I went on a day trip on a rainy day, but there was a slightly hot open-air bath with a panoramic view of the sea, a jacuzzi open-air bath, and a seaweed open-air bath. The indoor bath was large and the washing area was large enough to seat about 15 people at a time, and there was also a sauna. If you show the discount ticket screen to the front desk from the Web, you can get a discount of 300 yen per person. If you make a reservation, there seems to be a rock bath. It seems that the pool will be available until August 31st. We were able to eat and sell souvenirs. I want to stay overnight this time.
房辰 on Google

Oqura Uz on Google

Nice view!
MKSぱにゃにゃんだー on Google

Nice view from Onsen! It cost 1500 in weekend and holiday for Onsen visit.
yajimatama on Google

Tamatabi20210401 I am traveler by bicycle. I expect to take good bath at here. I have paid 1300yen . It is very expensive. Bath room is not so good. Good trip.

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