元滝駐車場 - Nikaho

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 元滝駐車場

住所 :

Kisakatamachi Hongo, Nikaho, 〒018-0152 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 018-0152
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Akita

Kisakatamachi Hongo, Nikaho, 〒018-0152 Akita,Japan
みちあき on Google

I visited on a weekday afternoon, but it was a place where many photographers gathered. Surrounded by deep greenery, the scenery you see while feeling the negative ions almost forgets the time.
RYO on Google

個人的に最高の癒しの場所。 駐車場から10分ほど歩いた場所にある。徐々に景色が変わっていくのも楽しめる。
Personally the best healing place. Located about 10 minutes walk from the parking lot. You can enjoy the scenery changing gradually.
高橋眞彦 on Google

The toilet was clean and there was a vending machine next door. The roadside to the waterfall was also mowed, and there was almost no trash, so I walked very comfortably.
salty 082 on Google

駐車場は無料です。 区画は、はっきりしませんでしたが、20台以上置けると思います。 トイレと飲み物の自動販売機が設置されており、鳥海山の水も売ってます。 入場料もない観光スポットなのに維持管理が大変だと思います。 トイレの中に募金箱がありますので、小銭を持って行ってください。
Parking is free. The division was not clear, but I think we can put more than 20 cars. Toilets and drink vending machines are installed, and water from Mt. Chokai is also sold. Even though it is a tourist spot with no admission fee, I think it is difficult to maintain. There is a donation box in the toilet, so please bring some coins with you.
Kei Hasegawa on Google

大型バスも乗入れ可能な広い駐車場から、ゆっくり歩いて往復1時間程度の森林浴&散策が楽しめます。 鳥海山が抱えた水は抜群の透明度と冷たさで、観ても触れても気持ち良いです。
From the large parking lot that can accommodate large buses, you can walk slowly and enjoy a forest bath and walk for about 1 hour round trip. The water that Mt. Chokai holds is outstandingly transparent and cold, so it is pleasant to see and touch.
SHU on Google

ここに停めて元滝伏流水まで歩きます。 森林浴が楽しめる良い散歩道です。 歩きやすい格好で来ましょう。
Stop here and walk to Mototaki Fushiryumizu. It is a good walking path where you can enjoy forest bathing. Let's come in an easy-to-walk style.
hide 4,610. on Google

広く多くの車がとめれます。自動販売機ありますが、キッチンカーが出店していました。氷の入ったアイスコーヒーいただきました。トイレは、チップ制です。 元滝伏流水まで徒歩10分という立地もいいですね。
Many cars can be parked widely. There is a vending machine, but a kitchen car was open. I had iced coffee with ice. The toilet is a tip system. It's also nice to have a 10-minute walk to Mototaki Fushiryumizu.
Ahmed Raza on Google

Very Beautiful place

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