手打ち蕎麦 山元 - Chiba

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ち蕎麦 山元

住所 :

4 Chome-2 Isobe, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 261-0012
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

4 Chome-2 Isobe, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-0012, Japan
Fu MAKI on Google

住宅街にモダンな雰囲気のお蕎麦屋さん!カフェかと思いきや、出てくるお蕎麦はとっても本格的です。コシがあってつるつるっと美味しいです。限定の十割蕎麦もしっかりツルツル薫り高し。 夜はつまめる一品料理も豊富です。天ぷらがさくさくで素敵!!かき揚げ、重くなるのが苦手なのですが、ここのかき揚げは軽くて油っぽさなし、お塩もピンクでちょっと変わってて美味しくいただきました。 さきいかの天ぷらは、おつまみに是非。
A soba restaurant with a modern atmosphere in a residential area! I think it's a cafe, but the soba that comes out is very authentic. It is chewy and smooth and delicious. The limited 100% buckwheat noodles are also very smooth and fragrant. There are also plenty of single dishes to pick up at night. The tempura is crispy and nice! !! I'm not good at kakiage and heavy weight, but the kakiage here is light and not oily, and the salt is pink, which makes it delicious. Sakiika's tempura is a great snack.
内田哲郎 on Google

The atmosphere of the restaurant was more modern than a soba restaurant. I had meat soba. It's Sarashina-style soba, and it seems that it uses soba from Chiba prefecture. We had delicious.
Naotoshi Sasaki on Google

こだわりの十割そばと一品料理が人気のお蕎麦屋さん。人気の理由がよくわかりました。 駐車場はお店の裏に4台くらいあった記憶です。
A soba restaurant that is popular for its 100% buckwheat noodles and single dishes. I understand why it's so popular. I remember that there were about 4 parking lots behind the store.
Tatsuya Suzuki on Google

冷やし系.. うまい。天ぷら衣に味つけてる? 茗荷と天ぷら お蕎麦の三層歯ごたえ幸せ。
Chilled .. good. Are you seasoning the tempura batter? The three layers of Japanese ginger and tempura soba are chewy and happy.
たらう on Google

リニューアル仕立てで店はきれい。 海鮮かき揚げ丼を注文したが、かき揚げがしょっぱ過ぎて美味しくない。 塩分が強すぎて台無しになってる。 注文してはいけない。 写真にはないが、白エビのかき揚げも別途注文、こっちも美味しくない。冷凍だろう。白エビの旬は夏。富山湾で解禁されていない冬は美味しくない。白エビを食べたければ富山の旅館で白エビ尽くしを出しているところがあるのでそっちに行った方がいい。生の白エビは本当に美味しい。今まで食べ歩いたがベスト3に入る美味しさ。だから旬じゃない今食べても美味しくない。 最後に、蕎麦はおいしかった。 蕎麦だけは間違い無い。写真は鴨せいろだがおいしかった。
The store is clean with a renewal tailoring. I ordered a seafood kakiage bowl, but the kakiage is too salty and not delicious. The salt is too strong and it's ruined. Do not order. Although not shown in the photo, I ordered the kakiage of white shrimp separately, which is not delicious either. It will be frozen. The season for white shrimp is summer. The winter when the ban is not lifted in Toyama Bay is not delicious. If you want to eat white shrimp, there is a place where you can eat white shrimp at a ryokan in Toyama, so you should go there. Raw white shrimp is really delicious. I've eaten it so far, but it's delicious and it's in the top three. So it's not in season and it's not delicious to eat now. Finally, the soba was delicious. There is no doubt about soba. The photo is a duck steamer, but it was delicious.
aki aki on Google

鴨せいろ、天ぷらせいろを食べました。 評判通り美味しいです。 蕎麦の香りは弱め、表現難しいが細い蕎麦の舌触り喉越しが良くあっという間に食べてしまう。 蕎麦つゆも出汁が利いて美味しい、鴨せいろも鴨が美味しくて文句なし。 天ぷらもカラッとしていて味に関しては何も言うことは無い。 ただ地方の美味しい蕎麦屋を知ってる私としては料金高く感じる。 雰囲気は普段使いできるような店構えだが価格は高級店並みでその辺がアンバランスに感じる、場所代として割高感があるのは仕方無いか。 駐車場が裏にあるが台数少ないのですぐに一杯になります、なので路駐が当たり前になってます。
I ate duck steamer and tempura steamer. It's delicious according to its reputation. The aroma of buckwheat is weakened, and although it is difficult to express, the texture of thin buckwheat is good and it is eaten in a blink of an eye. The soba soup stock is delicious, and the duck steamer and duck are delicious. The tempura is also crispy and there is nothing to say about the taste. However, as I know the delicious soba restaurants in the region, it feels expensive. The atmosphere is such that you can use it normally, but the price is similar to that of a high-end store, and the area feels unbalanced. There is a parking lot on the back, but the number of cars is small, so it fills up quickly, so parking is commonplace.
安村佳晃 on Google

夫婦で来店しました。 私は鴨せいろを十割蕎麦で。妻はナス天とおろしの蕎麦を注文。残念ながらグルメではない私の舌では十割蕎麦と通常のせいろの違いがよくわからず…。 でも鴨の旨味がしっかり出たつゆはとても美味しかったです。 駐車場は裏に4台ありますが、混雑していると停められないこともあるようです。いっぱいなときは近隣のコインパーキングを利用しましょう。
I came to the store as a couple. I use 100% buckwheat noodles for duck steamer. My wife ordered eggplant heaven and grated soba. Unfortunately, my tongue, which is not a gourman, does not clearly tell the difference between 100% buckwheat noodles and normal bamboo steamer. However, the soup with the delicious taste of duck was very delicious. There are 4 parking lots on the back, but it seems that it may not be possible to park if it is crowded. When it's full, use a nearby coin parking lot.
マサ on Google

2022年1月7日 初訪問 以前から気になっていたお蕎麦屋さんです? 4車線の道路に沿った住宅地にあるお店で 住宅をそのまま使用している様に思えます。 私は11:00の開店直後に入店。 一瞬、冷たい蕎麦も脳裏をよぎったけど 前日の大雪の影響もあり温かい蕎麦に 決めました。 通常のお品書き以外のメニューはボードに 書かれており、私は豚肉と水菜のハリハリ 蕎麦を大盛りで注文? 待つ事、少々(7〜8分位)でお蕎麦が テーブルに置かれます。 かなり大きな器には温かい蕎麦がタップリ。 蕎麦の上には水菜が『これでもかと』 言わんばかりにドッサリとのせられて いました? 水菜を掻き分けお蕎麦を啜るとトロミが ついたお蕎麦が美味い? 豚肉も旨味は充分に感じられますし 水菜のシャキシャキ感も蕎麦の美味しさ を損なわない。 なかなか完成度が高いお蕎麦で ございました。 お店自体もモダンで雰囲気が良く 蕎麦以外のツマミもありお酒も楽しめ そうです? 次回は冷たいお蕎麦や一品料理など 酒を飲みつつ楽しみたいですね。 美味しいお蕎麦、ご馳走さまでした??‍♂️ また、お店にお邪魔させて下さい。 ●此方のお店は店舗の裏側に2〜3台は 駐車が出来ますが、止められる数が 少ないため注意。 尚、お店から海に向かって4〜5分程歩き ますと、反対車線側に6台駐車が出来る コインパーキングがありますので そちらを利用して下さい。
January 7, 2022 First visit It's a soba restaurant that I've always been interested in ? At a store in a residential area along a four-lane road It seems that the house is being used as it is. I entered the store immediately after it opened at 11:00. For a moment, cold soba also passed through my mind Due to the heavy snow the day before, the soba noodles are warm I decided. Menus other than regular items are on the board Written and I'm pork and mizuna Order a large serving of soba ? Wait a little (7-8 minutes) and the soba will It will be placed on the table. Warm soba is perfect for a fairly large bowl. Mizuna is on top of the soba Just as I said I was there ? When you squeeze the water vegetables and sip the soba, Toromi The soba noodles are delicious ? You can feel the umami of pork. The crispy feeling of Mizuna is also the deliciousness of soba Does not impair. With soba that has a high degree of perfection Thank you. The shop itself is modern and has a nice atmosphere There are also knobs other than soba, so you can enjoy sake. That's right ? Next time, cold soba noodles, single dishes, etc. I want to enjoy drinking alcohol. Delicious soba, a treat ??‍♂️ Also, please let me visit the store. ● There are 2 or 3 cars in the back of this shop. You can park, but the number you can park is Be careful because there are few. In addition, walk from the shop toward the sea for about 4 to 5 minutes. Then, 6 cars can be parked on the opposite lane side. Because there is coin parking Please use that.

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