キリン堂 浦和元町店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キリン堂 浦和元町店

住所 :

Motocho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0073 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.kirindo-shop.com/manage/shop/DG0170.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9:45PM
Sunday 9AM–9:45PM
Monday 9AM–9:45PM
Tuesday 9AM–9:45PM
Wednesday 9AM–9:45PM
Thursday 9AM–9:45PM
Friday 9AM–9:45PM
街 : Saitama

Motocho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0073 Saitama,Japan
田口リサ on Google

The store is not very large, but the assortment is satisfactory. The price is also cheap.
O K on Google

When you become a member, you can use a mobile coupon every month, so you use it occasionally, but the store clerk doesn't have a basic greeting, so it's not so good.
じゅっちゃん on Google

I think it's cheaper than other drug stores.
〜enishi〜 nostalgia on Google

マスク不足の昨今、毎朝行列が名物になり困惑されているご様子。入荷未定は近隣のドラッグストア同様だし並べば買えるわけでは無いのに。あの店はアルとかナイとか噂が先行すればヒートアップしがちですが、買う側にも節度が大事ですよね。毒づいたりされて、お気の毒でした。 こちらは店舗が広いので多種多様なので選ぶ楽しみがありますね。
With the lack of masks, it seems that the lineup is becoming a specialty every morning and people are confused. The undecided arrival is the same as the drugstore in the neighborhood, so you can't buy it if you line up. That store tends to heat up if there are rumors such as Al or Nai, but it is also important for the purchase side to be modest. I was sorry for being poisoned. There are many stores here, so there are so many different types that you can enjoy choosing.
のぶりん on Google

化粧品や薬?を売っている 薬局はスペースが広くていいと思う。
Selling cosmetics and medicine ? I think the pharmacy can have a large space.
4696 navi on Google

薬局が別店舗になってます。 混みがちです。 マスクは入荷予定なし(゚∀゚)
The pharmacy is in another store. It tends to be crowded. No masks will be available (∀)
こもも on Google

患者さんが多く、待ち時間が長い時も多いが、受付の方や薬剤師さん、ほぼ全員対応が素晴らしい。 急な大雨で濡れて入った時に、風邪ひかないように使ってください、とティッシュを持って入り口まで来てくださった。 いつも丁寧で、分からないことがある場合は嫌な顔せず答えてくれます。 急ぎの時には向かないかもしれないが、 かかりつけの薬局として、余程遠いクリニックの処方でなければ、ここに来たいと思います。
There are many patients and there are many times when the waiting time is long, but the receptionist and pharmacist, almost all of them are excellent. When I got wet due to a sudden heavy rain, he came to the entrance with a tissue, asking me to use it so as not to catch a cold. He is always polite, and if there is something he doesn't understand, he will answer without a disgusting face. It may not be suitable when you are in a hurry, As a family pharmacy, I would like to come here unless it is a prescription for a clinic that is far away.
Hiro K on Google

I was allowed to use it every month because it was the nearest dispensing pharmacy from my family doctor. The pharmacists are all pleasant and polite, but there is always one gerontocracy who thinks the pharmacist is the only person to talk to each time he visits. Whether it's a mess or a corona sickness, he speaks unilaterally with a ridiculous voice without worrying about it at all. I understand that it is a hospitality business, but I have to round up as soon as possible by saying, "There are customers waiting for me next time ..." or "Because it is a corona disaster, I am working with everyone to get it done as quickly as possible." think. Again, the pharmacists are very responsive, but just having that kind of thing can be very stressful. In a good way, I think we are in an era where customers have to choose.

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