麻生屋 本橋元店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麻生屋 本橋元店

住所 :

Katori, 〒287-0003 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878798
Webサイト : http://asouya.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–9:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–9:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Katori, 〒287-0003 Chiba,Japan
氷島 on Google

今回はうな重(並)3,300税込をいただきました。外パリパリ、中ふわふわで甘すぎず、辛すぎず、とても美味しいです。 リピートします。 対応してくれた。店員の方もとても良かったですよぉ〰️。 注文から出来上がり迄、30分はかかるとのことです。行く際は予約がおすすめです。
This time, I received 3,300 tax included in Unajū (normal). The outside is crispy, the inside is fluffy, not too sweet, not too spicy, and very delicious. Repeat Corresponded. The clerk was also very nice. It takes 30 minutes from ordering to completion. Reservations are recommended when you go.
Nかっちん on Google

Search for delicious meals after visiting Katori Jingu. I arrived at Aso shop. A device that does not make any eel shop wait for the corona sickness. It seems that it is best to make a reservation, but the receptionist was also happy on the day. Delicious eel feast (^ ω ^)
minimon Go on Google

コロナ対策で⁈完全予約制でした。 店内は空いているのですが、予約時間までは入ることはできません汗 思いつきで行ったため予約してなかったので、時間を潰すのにちょっと困りました。 今のような暑い時期はうまく調整していきましょう。 昔ながらの地元の味付けとの事、ふわふわの身で味は普通かなぁ。 並重、ご飯の量が少し多いように感じました。 インパクトは無かったけど外したくないなら無難なお店かなと。 支払いは現金のみです。
As a measure against corona, it was a complete reservation system. The store is vacant, but you can't enter until the reserved time. Sweat I didn't make a reservation because I went there on my own, so I had a little trouble killing time. Let's adjust well in the hot season like now. It's a traditional local seasoning, and it's fluffy and the taste is normal. I felt that the amount of rice was a little large. It didn't have an impact, but if you don't want to remove it, it's a safe shop. Payment is cash only.
Mei Ozeki on Google

舟の時間の都合で、鰻は泣く泣く諦めましたが、天丼並を頂いたところ、とても満足感がありました!しっかり揚げていただいたので、中までホクホクです? 次また舟に乗るときは、こちらで鰻を食べに行こうと思います。
Due to the time of the boat, the eel gave up crying and crying, but when I got the tendon bowl, I was very satisfied! It's fried well, so it's fluffy to the inside ? The next time I get on the boat, I will go to eat eel here.
ミイ on Google

9月のコロナ禍で予約なしで伺いましたが注文を済ませたら30分位散策してから戻ってきて下さいということでした 鰻重の上3600円を頂きました とても身がふっくらとしてほどよい脂がのっていてボリュームがあり食べごたえがあり満足でした
I visited without a reservation at Corona in September, but when I finished the order, I was told to take a walk for about 30 minutes and then come back. I received 3600 yen on top of the unajū. It was very plump and had a moderate amount of fat, and it was voluminous and satisfying to eat.
エスナオ on Google

香取神社へ12時頃に参拝して、昼ご飯をスマホで検索、予約をして行きました。 お店の駐車場は無いので、周辺のコインパーキングに停めるしかないです。 近くまで行ってタイミング良く停めれましたが、その方法しかないと思います。 コインパーキングは回転が早いと思うので直ぐに停めれると思われます。 周辺にうなぎ屋さんがいくつかある様ですが、このお店だけ唯一、予約が取れました。 早ければ早いほど良いと思いますが、私は2時間程前に電話予約で、電話注文→入店から即うなぎ!! システムを知らないので、再度スマホでメニューを調べてから電話… お店の人もお昼時で忙しい様子で電話の向こうの声が曇る… しかし、行ってみて良かったです。 味は最高!で、お店の奥は丁度、お客さんが居ないタイミングで落ち着いて食べれました! この時の価格は3,500円。 カードは使えないみたいで現金で支払いました。
I visited Katori Shrine around 12:00, searched for lunch on my smartphone, and made a reservation. There is no parking lot at the store, so you have to park at the nearby coin parking lot. I went up close and stopped at the right time, but I think that's the only way. I think that coin parking rotates quickly, so I think it can be stopped immediately. It seems that there are several eel shops in the area, but this is the only shop where I could make a reservation. I think the sooner it is, the better, but I made a phone reservation about 2 hours in advance, ordered by phone → eel immediately after entering the store! !! I don't know the system, so I check the menu on my smartphone again and then call ... The shop staff seems to be busy at noon, and the voice over the phone becomes cloudy ... However, it was good to go. The taste is great! So, in the back of the shop, I was able to calmly eat at the timing when there were no customers! The price at this time is 3,500 yen. I didn't seem to be able to use the card, so I paid in cash.
Mika on Google

香取神宮へお参りの際に立ち寄りました。 香取神宮の近くで探していた、うなぎ屋さんの候補が、麻生屋とうなぎ割烹山田屋でしたが、14時過ぎていたので麻生屋さんへ。 始め、麻生屋本店に行きましたが、その日は14時でお店を閉めるという事で、麻生屋 本橋元店へ電話したら、タイミングよく入れるとの事で伺いました。 偶々タイミング良かったですが、うなぎ屋さんへいく場合は、あらかじめ予約はした方が良さそうです。 本橋元店の方が、香取神宮から近く、歩いて行けます。また、お店の周りが、佐原の歴史ある街並みに、様々なお店があって素敵でした。時間があればゆっくり散策したかったです。 肝心なうなぎですが、女性2人で鰻重の並をそれぞれ、白焼きを単品でシェアしました。 脂が程よく落ち、甘すぎない上品なタレ、絶妙な香ばしい焼き加減、最高でした! 並でも充分満足できました。 駐車場も小さいですが二台分あり、親切に停めさせて下さいました。 お店の方もとても感じが良かったです。 ありがとうございました。
I stopped by when I visited Katori Jingu. The candidate for the eel shop I was looking for near Katori Jingu was Aso-ya and Unagi-Kappo Yamada-ya, but it was past 14:00, so I went to Aso-ya. At first, I went to the Asoya main store, but I heard that the store will close at 14:00 on that day, so when I called the Asoya Motohashimoto store, I would be able to enter at the right time. The timing was good by chance, but if you go to an eel shop, it seems better to make a reservation in advance. The Motohashi Moto store is closer to Katori Jingu and can be reached on foot. Also, it was nice to see various shops around the shops in the historical cityscape of Sawara. I wanted to take a leisurely walk if I had time. It's an important eel, but two women shared the unajuji eel and the white eel as a single item. The fat was removed moderately, the elegant sauce was not too sweet, and the exquisite fragrant sauce was the best! I was satisfied enough even if it was average. The parking lot is small, but there are two cars, so I kindly parked it. The shop was also very nice. Thank you very much.
Arturo Aguilera on Google

Delecious food! Very much worth the price.

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