生つくね元屋 松戸店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生つくね元屋 松戸店

住所 :

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/2k9mdwtd0000/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Matsudo, 〒271-0092 Chiba,Japan
まきちゃん on Google

ランチのお店を探していて、通りがかりで見つけたお店。見たところ女性スタッフばかりだけど、活気があって気持ちの良い接客。 メニューは日替わり定食で期間限定のアジフライ750円 自家製タルタルがさっぱりしていて、ソースと味の対比が出来て良かった。 あとお代わりできるお味噌汁が地味に美味しかった。
I was looking for a lunch shop and found a shop on the way. Apparently there are only female staff, but the customer service is lively and pleasant. The menu is a daily set meal for a limited time, Aji fry 750 yen The homemade tartar was refreshing and it was good to be able to compare the sauce and taste. The miso soup that I could replace was sober and delicious.
mary requiem on Google

ランチで利用 鶏肉を使用したメニュー中心で580円から750円までと安い しかも定食はご飯とお味噌汁のおかわり自由 小鉢もついてランチと考えれば十分な内容 この価格でお腹いっぱいになれるなら寧ろ激安 牛丼チェーンで特盛とか食うぐらいならここの定食でごはん味噌汁おかわりしまくったほうが満足度ははるかに上 なかなか夜に松戸で食事する機会が無いんだけど焼き鳥も美味しそうなんで今度試したい 若い女性スタッフ3人で切り盛りしてたけど皆さん元気で気持ちの良い接客でした
Use for lunch It is cheap from 580 yen to 750 yen mainly for menu using chicken Moreover, the set meal is free to replace rice and miso soup Sufficient contents if small bowls are considered lunch If you can fill up at this price, it is rather cheap If you want to eat specialties in the beef bowl chain, it is much more satisfying to replace rice miso soup with set meals here I don't have a chance to eat in Matsudo at night, but yakitori looks delicious too I was working with three young female staff, but everyone was fine and comfortable
上野宏道 on Google

Good access a few steps from the station. Not only yakitori, but also motsuni, potato salad, and chicken tang are recommended.
hiroshi ebisawa on Google

20200104 再訪 まだ正月休みのお店も多いせいか。 店内は、ほぼ満席で、ギリギリ入店出来ました。 キャベツ食べ放題を注文して、 あとは、レバー、つなぎ、つくね。などなど。。。。色々食べましたが、どれも美味しかったです。 ----過去レポはこちら---------------------- 20190913 訪問 まずは、ちょい飲みセット。 生ビール、焼鳥3本、キャベツ 久しぶりの元屋さん。 相変わらず、スタッフの感じが気持ちいいお店です。 生つくねは、絶品ですね。 日本酒も頂き、レバー、つなぎ。 絶品です。 ここは、良いですね!! また、伺います!!
20200104 Revisited Maybe because there are still many New Year holidays. The store was almost full and was able to enter the store. I ordered all-you-can-eat cabbage, After that, levers, ties, and Tsukune. etc. . . . I ate various things, but they were all delicious. ---- Click here for past repo ---------------------- 20190913 Visit First, a little drink set. Draft beer, 3 yakitori, cabbage Motoya after a long absence. As always, it is a shop where the staff feels good. Raw tsukune is exquisite. We also have sake, liver and ties. It is exquisite. This is good! ! I'll call you again! !
こてつ与作 on Google

以前は、仕事の時にお店の前を通る事がありましたが、同僚に美味しいと聞くものの常に混んでいるイメージが転職し地元の松戸を離れましたが実家に帰る時に伺っています。今日も立ち寄りましたが、呼び鈴代わりに鳴子を使ってるらしく 何かお洒落です。そして美味しい!定期的に松戸に来たら食べに依りたいです。
In the past, I used to pass in front of the shop when I was working, but I heard from my colleagues that it was delicious, but the image that was always crowded changed jobs and I left my hometown of Matsudo, but I heard it when I returned to my parents' house. I stopped by today, but it seems that Naruko is used instead of the doorbell. Something is fashionable. And delicious! If I come to Matsudo on a regular basis, I would like to rely on eating.
id rih on Google

カリカリに揚げたジャコを載せた豆腐がめちゃくちゃ美味しかった。アボカドわさび、揚げたてのえびせんがついたポテサラも美味しい。 パリッと焼いた鳥皮、ぼんじり、ハラミ、アスパラ巻きが好き。店員さんも元気があって礼儀正しくていい。
The tofu with crispy fried jaco was insanely delicious. Potato salad with avocado wasabi and freshly fried shrimp is also delicious. I like crispy chicken skin, skirt steak, skirt steak, and asparagus rolls. The clerk can also be energetic and polite.
坂本真紀 on Google

Word-of-mouth 4.1 is not possible. I got a limited set until 19:00 at a reasonable price of 1000 yen. draft beer! The one-of-a-kind dish is stewed, which is the specialty of the restaurant, and it has a slight odor. Three recommended raw meatballs for skewers! This also has some bird odor. Therefore, I would like to ask you to carefully remove the odor.
Kaz Yokokawa on Google

つくねが美味しい焼き鳥屋さん。 対応が素敵な店員さんもいて、雰囲気が良かったお店。 松戸駅はあまり飲食店が多くない印象があるので、2件目をお探しの方にはおすすめ。 お腹いっぱいでも、ついつい進んでしまう焼き鳥屋さん。
A yakitori restaurant with delicious meatballs. There was a clerk who responded nicely, and the atmosphere was good. I have the impression that there aren't many restaurants at Matsudo Station, so it's recommended for those looking for a second one. A yakitori restaurant that goes on even if you are full.

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