印西市立中央駅前地域交流館 - Inzai

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 印西市立中央駅前地域交流館

住所 :

Chuominami, Inzai, 〒270-1340 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 270-1340
Webサイト : https://www.city.inzai.lg.jp/0000001556.html
街 : Chiba

Chuominami, Inzai, 〒270-1340 Chiba,Japan
武司山下 on Google

It is a community center that can be used and enjoyed by everyone from infants to the elderly.
あらちみっち on Google

Yes, it ’s a great facility for children to walk around. It might be unsatisfactory if it gets a little bigger
Hide C on Google

ここでパスオートが作れるとは 便利になったものですね 証紙も準備必要ないし
What can I make path auto here? It became convenient No need to prepare a stamp
3 7 on Google

I went to the support center and saw that there are many small babies, so it is delicate for 2-3 years old to walk and run around.
_Priv H-A on Google

Once a year, the Inzai Wind Ensemble holds a concert here. Please come by all means.
Shinobu Inou on Google

When I went to my 3rd son's passport application, "It will be yourself but you can come, but it is Monday - Friday" so it is OK until 16:30! I said, "I want to close at 16:30, so I want you to come by 16:00." This is strange. The staff who will tell the citizens like it is obviously requesting improvement! A
ンリカフラー on Google

ベビーカーでも動線に困らないし、スタッフの方々も皆優しいです。 トイレもキレイです
Even with a stroller, there is no problem with the flow line, and all the staff are kind. The toilet is also clean
ちゃうちゃう(chauchau) on Google

建物の外の花壇は花が沢山植えられていて、子供がとても喜んでいます。 蝶々を見かけることもあり、親子共に楽しくなりますね。 建物にはファミリーサポートセンターの利用手続きで入ったことがあります。ファミリーサポートセンターとは?を説明頂けたので印象良いです。
Many flowers are planted in the flowerbed outside the building, and children are very happy. Sometimes you can see butterflies, which makes both parents and children happy. I have entered the building through the procedure for using the Family Support Center. What is a family support center? I was impressed because you explained.

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