
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラ・ブーランジェリーヒラツカ

住所 :

Chuocho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://www.laboulangerie-hiratsuka.com/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Chuocho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0054 Tokyo,Japan
8253 BANIGO on Google

予備知識なしの状態で通りすがりの入店。 お店の脇に2台分の駐車スペースがあります。 まだオープン間もない時間だったので種類が出揃ってない感じでしたが、店長イチオシと書いてあったオリーブのフォカッチャやチーズのパン、アーモンドのパンなどを買いました。 食べる前はサイズ的に小ぶりで足りないかなぁと思ったんですが、しっかり中身が詰まっていてオリーブも塩気の効いた味で見た目以上に満足感あります。 このお店のウリがハード系ということを後で知ったので、次はハード系中心に攻めます!
Passing through the store without prior knowledge. There are two parking spaces beside the store. It was a short time before opening, so it seemed like there weren't many kinds, but I bought olive focaccia, cheese bread, almond bread, and so on. Before eating, I thought it would be small in size, but the contents were tightly packed and the olives were more satisfying than they look with salty taste. I learned later that this store's cucumber is hard, so I'm going to attack hard.
Tatsumi Kondo on Google

I visited for the first time and entered the store one by one as a countermeasure against corona, but since it was late time before noon, I entered almost without waiting. I bought 4 kinds, but all were delicious and delicious. I had never tried cheese anpan before. I also want to try other things. I would be more grateful if you could get cashless as a measure against corona.
Wajima Yukino on Google

The natural yeast bakery in the neighborhood has moved, so I found a new shop and met it !!
しばいぬわん on Google

I bought it for the first time the other day, but the dough is elastic and comfortable to chew, and the more I chew it, the slightly sweeter it is ... The cheeks seem to fall off.
nobody man on Google

比較的固めのパンがどれも美味しい。特にブルーベリーのブレッドは絶品! カレーパンも揚げパンではなく、固めでもちもちした生地に辛めのカレーが入っていて美味しかったです。 11時の開店同時にすでにかなりの列ができていたので、土日祝に行く時は早めに行ったほうがよいかも?
All the relatively hard breads are delicious. Especially the blueberry bread is excellent! The curry bread was not fried bread, but the spicy curry was contained in the firm and chewy dough, which was delicious. There were already quite a few lines at the same time as the store opened at 11 o'clock, so it might be better to go early when going on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
s on Google

所沢街道沿いの小さなパン屋さん。 通りすぎる度に気になっていてやっと訪問? ハードパン多し、の嬉しいお店? 次々とお客様が出入りしている。 しかしかなりの売り切れ。。。 ルヴァンなるもの残り一つ。 リュスティックブールも残り一つ。 ショコラブルーベリー。 塩こうじ豚を購入。 ルヴァンは「お好みの厚さにカットしますよ」と言ってくださりワンカットしてからも厚さの確認をして下さった? そして好みのハードパンでした?? リュスティックブールは外パリパリ、中もちもち? ショコラブルーベリーはダマンド的な上にショコラとベリーのパンチでかなりの甘さとハイカロリーかと笑??? どれも美味しいパンで当たりのお店でした? 隣に2台駐車場あり?️? 残念なのは午後一だったが、かなりの売り切れ。。。 補充はあるのだろうか、、、
A small bakery along Tokorozawa Kaido. Every time I pass by, I am worried and finally visit ? A lot of hard bread, a nice shop ? Customers are coming and going one after another. However, it was sold out considerably. .. .. Levan is the only one left. There is one more Rustic Bourg. Chocolat blueberry. Buy Shiojiji pork. Levan said, "I will cut it to the thickness of your choice," and even after one cut, I confirmed the thickness ? And it was my favorite hard bread ? ? The rustic boules are crispy outside and sticky inside ? Chocolat blueberries are damandy, and chocolate and berry punches are quite sweet and high calorie lol ??? All were delicious breads ? There are 2 parking lots next to each other ?️? It was a pity that it was one in the afternoon, but it was sold out considerably. .. .. Is there a replenishment ...
s yos on Google

焼き立てを温かいまま買ってすぐ食べています。 パンの美味しさを改めて感じることができた店です。家の近くに美味しいパン屋さんがあるのは幸せです。
I bought freshly baked food while it was still warm and ate it immediately. It is a shop where you can feel the deliciousness of bread again. I'm happy to have a delicious bakery near my house.
ME YU on Google

最近ここのファンになった者です。 品数は、日や時間帯によってバラつきあります。どのパンを食べてもとっても美味しいです。上品な甘さのシュトーレンを毎年の楽しみにしています。 あとハードパンが香ばしくて気に入ってます。焼き菓子も優しいお味で美味しいです。 買う際に、大きめのパンは好みの厚さにスライスしてもらえます。
A person who has recently become a fan here. The number of items varies depending on the day and time of day. Whichever bread you eat, it's very delicious. I am looking forward to the elegant sweetness of Stollen every year. I also like the hard bread because it is fragrant. The baked goods are also delicious with a gentle taste. When you buy, you can slice the large bread to the desired thickness.

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