パンとデリカの店 グレイン

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パンとデリカの店 グレイン

住所 :

Sakaecho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://www.pan-de-grain.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sakaecho, Higashimurayama, 〒189-0013 Tokyo,Japan
ISHII Duke on Google

It is a delicious bakery with a simple taste. The walnut and raisin bread has cumin inside and is very delicious. Baguettes are sold under the name of "country bread", which is also quite delicious. However, I wonder if the way to put the coup is not good ...
。。 on Google

土曜日昼過ぎに行ったらもう種類が少なくなっていました。 買ったパンはどれも想像以上に美味しかったので、今度は早い時間に行きたいです。
When I went there on Saturday after noon, there weren't many types. All the bread I bought was more delicious than I had imagined, so I want to go early this time.
yynora on Google

I have only eaten one, so I gave it four stars, but it was the most delicate and delicious bread I have ever eaten. I like whole wheat bread, so I bought it here and there, but I want to eat it again because of its delicious taste.
飴猫. on Google

この界隈のパン屋さん3~4軒の中で一番のお気に入りです。 どのパンも美味しく満足ですが、個人的にはクロワッサン、カレーパンとピロシキ、おやつ感覚で食べれるスコーンがおすすめです♪ スコーンの焼き立ては特に最高です! 他にも小腹程度や小さいお子様には、ウインナーパンも美味しくて、ほど良いサイズです。 他店で〇〇パンの〇〇風味とか、〇〇入り〇〇パンなど凝ったものよりも断然シンプルに美味しいものが多いと思います! また対応面も良く、素敵な店員さんばかりで温かい気持ちになれるお店です。
This is my favorite among 3-4 bakeries in this neighborhood. All breads are delicious and satisfying, but I personally recommend croissants, curry bread and piroshki, scones that you can eat like a snack ♪ Freshly baked scones are the best! In addition, for children with small stomachs and small children, the wiener pan is also delicious and is a good size. I think that there are many simple and delicious things at other stores, such as 〇〇 bread flavor or 〇〇 bread 〇〇! In addition, the store has a good support, and it is a store where you can feel warm with only nice staff.
おたんこなす on Google

2020年12月26日土曜日に周辺を散歩していたら偶然にお店を発見し、立ち寄りました。 つい二週間前に久米川の別のベーカリーで残念な思いを経験していたので、あまり期待もしないでクロワッサンとコロッケサンド、メンチカツのサンドイッチを購入しました。 ん?ん~ん!美味しいじゃないの?とても! きちんと修行を積んだ、センスのある職人のパン、優しい味わいといった感じです。 その後Googleでの評価でも高い評価を得ている事を知りました。 これからは自分で食べる分はもちろん、パン好きな友人にも薦めたいお店です。
When I was taking a walk around the area on Saturday, December 26, 2020, I happened to find a shop and stopped by. Just two weeks ago, I had a disappointing feeling at another bakery in Kumegawa, so I bought a croissant, croquette sandwich, and menchi-katsu sandwich without much expectation. Hmm? Hmm! Isn't it delicious? very much! It's a well-trained, tasteful craftsman's bread and a gentle taste. After that, I learned that it was highly evaluated by Google. From now on, I would like to recommend it not only to eat by myself but also to friends who like bread.
ワタナベナオコ on Google

I also think about my little daughter and buy bread. My favorite is sweet potato bread. There are many types such as pumpkin and spinach bread.
りらら on Google

When I searched for a bakery where my child could eat with peace of mind, I found this! Domestic wheat, additive-free bread. Even though I started buying it for my children, I was addicted to my parents and my grandparents! It has a gentle taste and is delicious ☆ Seasonal bread comes out every season, but I'm always looking forward to it. If it's regular, I like sushi rolls and Delica's thick omelet sandwiches ♪ Immediately after opening and in the evening, there isn't much bread, so maybe around noon.
ma o on Google

この界隈のパン屋さんの中で一番美味しいと思っています。 クリームパンは甘すぎず美味しいクリームがギュッと入っています。サブレはバターたっぷりで牛乳と一緒に食べるとたまりません。スコーンはつい何度も食べたくなる飽きの来ない美味しさです。どのパンもみっちりしており噛めば噛むほど美味しいです。 開店直後はまだ店頭にパンがあまり並んでいないので少し待ってから行くのが良いかと思います。 周りの店と比較するとサイズの割に値段が高いかもしれませんが、その分美味しいです。
I think it's the most delicious bakery in this area. The cream bun is not too sweet and contains delicious cream. Sable is full of butter and is irresistible when eaten with milk. Scones are delicious and you won't get tired of eating them over and over again. All breads are tight and the more you chew, the more delicious they are. Immediately after the store opens, there aren't many breads lined up in the store yet, so I think it's best to wait for a while before going. The price may be higher for the size compared to the surrounding shops, but it is delicious.

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