奈良町情報館 - Chuincho

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奈良町情報館

住所 :

Chuincho, 〒630-8392 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 630-8392
街 : Nara

Chuincho, 〒630-8392 Nara,Japan
ジョブホッパーY on Google

It would be nice to have a specialty of Nara, but I would like you to sell chopsticks at a glance. There is no need for a single person.
城田光 on Google

You can tell us in detail about maps and event information. We also sell special products. I think that domestically-produced (Yoshinoyama?) Hyakuka honey is good. There is also a rental cycle. There is nothing to say if there is a toilet ...
石川阿公 on Google

We also sell special products, but they are full of information necessary for exploring Naramachi, and they will kindly tell you if you are wondering where to go.
kinta 914 on Google

古都奈良を伺い知れる町並みがあり、その昔に想いを馳せ見ることの出来る場所があります。ただ、それでも古くて朽ち果てる寸前という建物があったり、アーキテックは現代的な建物があったりで、何処と無く、ちぐはぐな感じを受けるのは私だけでしょうか。 昔の生き方を知る上では非常に貴重な建物が多いだけに今後の課題をクリアしてもらえる事を期待したい町です。
There is a townscape where you can see the ancient city of Nara, and there is a place where you can see your thoughts. However, there is a building that is old and on the verge of decaying, and Architec has a modern building. There are many very valuable buildings to know how to live in the past, so we want to expect you to clear future challenges.
coral ocean on Google

ならまち、こんないい所とは思わなかった。 (=´∀`) 菊岡漢方薬局を目指せば、そこは、テレビとかで「ならまち散策」スタートでよくうつる場所でした。
Naramachi, I didn't think it was such a good place. (=´∀`) When I aimed at the Kikuoka Chinese medicine pharmacy, it was a popular place to start "Naramachi Walk" on TV.
亀ちぁん(tabekamechan) on Google

【2019.05訪問】 ならまちぶらり歩き。 奈良町情報館? 観光案内、レンタサイクル等されている施設のようだ。 ふらっと入ってみる。 ジュース、玉子、地野etc... ちょっとした物産店になっています。 この日は暑かったのでじゅーすを物色。 が、常温売りか・・(;´Д`) 半ば諦めかけていると「入口の冷蔵庫に冷えたのがありますよ」と店員のお姉さん。 Wow!!よう冷えていますやん(*´▽`*) 購入 わたくし ■しそじゅーす 150yen【通常180yen】 家の人 ■翁はるさめ 160yen ■奈良の生絞りみかん 240yen【通常280yen】 店先のウッドベンチで早速飲みます。 しそじゅーすの原材料:砂糖、赤しそ、クエン酸。 赤しそは奈良県産100%。 爽やかな酸味を期待していましたが、酸味は限りなく少ない。 しその風味も穏やかで、優しい後味のジュースですわ。 もう少しパンチの欲しい所ですが、香料無しの自然派なので全く問題ありません! ごちそうさま。
[Visit 2019.05] Naramachi walk around. Nara Town Information Center? It seems to be a facility where tourist information and rental bicycles are available. Let's go in. Juice, egg, Chino etc... It's a little shop. ‥ It was hot on this day so I decided to look for juice. But is it sold at room temperature? (;'Д`) When I was about to give up halfway, "there is a cold refrigerator in the entrance," said the clerk's sister. Wow!! I'm chilling (*´▽`*) Purchase I ■ Shiso Juice 150yen [Normal 180yen] House person ■Okin Harusame 160yen ■Nara's raw squeezed mandarin orange 240yen [Normal 280yen] I will immediately drink on the wood bench at the storefront. Ingredients for shiso juice: sugar, red perilla, citric acid. Red shiso is 100% from Nara prefecture. I expected a refreshing sourness, but the sourness is extremely low. Shishi has a gentle flavor and a soft aftertaste. I want a little more punch, but there is no problem because it is a naturalist with no fragrance! Feast
宝食会代表 on Google

The store has been renovated and is now clean and open.
Harb Mee on Google

Terrible experience with their bike renting service. We rented two bikes from them and after about 40 mins NORMAL riding, when I was pushing the bike on concrete road, it just popped, which could happen to anyone. When we pushed this bike back for 30 mins back to this shop, hoping to get it fixed or changed because we rented for all day, the shop staff came out with a piece of paper which stated in English that damage to the bike will be fined for 10,000 yen! We did not get showed this information when renting the bike at all, and it is extremely unfair to charge people for a popped tire, and at this price! After difficult communication due to language barrier, they pulled out another piece of paper in Japanese which stated that back tire damage will be fined for 3,000 or 4,000 (can't remember correctly). Wow! So basically they had this specific fine for tire the whole time, but tried to scam us of 10,000 first?! That is just dodgy! Anyway we would not pay for this either because we didn't believe it was our fault that the tire was popped, especially since you could see there were stitches where it popped so it meant it popped before and the fix was not strong enough! And secondly, 4,000 for a popped tire fix was too steep still! In the end we called our hotel owner who speaks great English to communicate for us. Even she told us it was unfair and extremely expensive and she was angry we got scammed like this in her own town. Eventually she told us to leave and not waste our time there because we got only one day in Nara, and she would come and settle this for us, which she did and we were very grateful. This is the first time we got such bad experience in Japan, and I do not recommend anyone to rent from here, unless you feel lucky and don't think anything could happen to you.

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