鷲巣山城跡 - Mobara

3/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact 鷲巣山城跡

住所 :

Chubu, Mobara, 〒297-0027 Chiba,Japan

Postal code : 297-0027
街 : Chiba

Chubu, Mobara, 〒297-0027 Chiba,Japan
あしひろ on Google

2021/1/30 上総によくある細い尾根の城壁に囲まれた城。尾根は複数の堀切で分断され、特に館跡と思われる美術館を見下ろす高台に行く尾根の堀切は素晴らしい。また、尾根の外を守る竪堀が完璧に遺っており、堀切から一直線に落ちる竪堀と、下の方は横堀のようであり、圧巻である。
2021/1/30 A castle surrounded by the walls of a thin ridge that is common in Kazusa. The ridge is divided by multiple Horikiri, and the Horikiri of the ridge that goes to the hill overlooking the museum, which seems to be the site of the museum, is especially wonderful. In addition, the vertical moat that protects the outside of the ridge is perfectly preserved, and the vertical moat that falls straight from the moat and the lower part is like a horizontal moat, which is a masterpiece.

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