Chozenji - Kawasaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chozenji

住所 :

5 Chome-11-1 Higashiarima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 216-0002

5 Chome-11-1 Higashiarima, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0002, Japan
たかはしよう on Google

You can visit the grave like walking in a temple lined with trees ?
Nakajima Chieko on Google

The flowers of each season are beautiful.
ランナーズハイ42195 on Google

I went to visit the master's grave. It's a nice space.
こばやしまこと on Google

A 10-minute bus ride from Saginuma on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line, a temple in Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki, and a 3-minute walk.
河野とみ子 on Google

It is a temple that stands quietly in a residential area. It is a very good temple with many trees and seasonal flowers.
Akiko Yoshida on Google

迫る住宅地の中で、林に囲まれた静かなお寺。 小学校が隣接しているので、登下校時は子どもたちの声がにぎやかです。 ソメイヨシノ開花前に早咲きの桜やコブシ、ユキヤナギなどの花がキレイでした。
A quiet temple surrounded by forests in an approaching residential area. Since the elementary schools are adjacent to each other, children's voices are lively when they go to and leave school. Before the flowering of Yoshino cherry tree, the flowers such as early blooming cherry blossoms, magnolia kobus, and spiraea thunbergii were beautiful.
ナカヤンjp on Google

I was told at the limit price and rubbed the stupidly expensive donation. Many times more than the amount of money that was announced to be common in this sect by asking a funeral director, searching online, or calling a Buddhist association. If I said it was too expensive, I was offered to pay in installments, but if I refused, I would never forget that I rubbed the crematorium on the day of the funeral and ruined my feelings for the deceased. It's the worst to think like this at a funeral.
ゆきえちゃん on Google

お位牌を新しく購入したので魂の入れ替えをしていただきたくて、問い合わせました。電話での対応が凄く親切だったので、伺わせて頂きました。 住職さんのご家族らしき方に先程お電話でお話させていただいた者ですと説明すると 『なにこれ?これ位牌なの?あんたなんかの宗教?』 『安請け合いして!!!うちでは請け負いきれませんから葬儀屋さんに相談してください。』 とお位牌を入れてた箱にコロンと戻され、震えてしまいました。 お洒落なデザインのお位牌を持っていく事はオススメできません。
I bought a new mortuary tablet, so I asked for a replacement of my soul. The telephone response was very kind, so I asked. Explaining that he was the one who talked to the priest's family on the phone earlier. "what's this? Is this a mortuary tablet? What kind of religion? 』\ "Please be assured !!! We can't do it, so please consult with the funeral director. 』\ I was returned to the box containing the mortuary tablet with a colon and trembled. It is not recommended to bring a mortuary tablet with a fashionable design.

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