Choraku-ji - Mikata District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Choraku-ji

住所 :

642 Muraokaku Kawai, Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1366, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Postal code : 667-1366
Webサイト :

642 Muraokaku Kawai, Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1366, Japan
w u-a on Google

I think it is necessary in the present world, "If you put your hands together and put your hands together, your heart will calm down."
Kenny on Google

Admission fee 800 yen. There is a discount if you show JAF or Aeon. No special mention.
carpenter k.k. on Google

初めて国道9号線からチラリと建物が見えた時はびっくりしました。 山の上に巨大な建物。 以前迷子になってたまたま見かけた念仏宗の建物に雰囲気が似ていました。 実際は真言宗のお寺です。 普通のお寺と違ったのは何もかもデカイ!と言うこと。 五重の塔にも大仏様にも圧倒されます。 しかし大きさ以外に感じるものはありません。 東大寺や法隆寺などから感じられるものはないのです。 太い円柱は鉄ですし壁もコンクリート。 大仏様を作ったのも中国の方のようですし。 あと500年経つとあじが出てくるかもしれませんね。 見る価値は十分あると思いますので近くに行かれた時は立ち寄ってみてはどうですか☺ 【以下説明】 世界最大級の木彫金箔座像 三大佛 約1200年前天平年間に八鹿山薬師寺として行基が開創した霊場で、弘法大師も訪れたというゆかりの古刹です。天文11年(1543年)、天災により再建。名を川会山長楽寺と改め経ること数百年、平成6年4月、世界最大級の木造三大佛が落慶開眼されました。 115本の柱(直径1.2メートル)の舞台に支えられて、川会山山頂にそびえ立つ長楽寺は、四方の美しい山々に囲まれ、眼下に矢田川を見下ろす素晴らしい自然の眺望に恵まれた大伽藍です。 中央に釈迦如来像、向かって左に阿弥陀如来像、右に薬壷を手にされた薬師如来像が安置されています。中国人仏師延べ2万人余りが、3年の歳月をかけて製作し、はるばる海を渡って大仏殿で組み立てられました。樟材の寄せ木作りに金箔132万枚(21.8kg)が貼りめぐらされ、金色に光輝いています。 中央の釈迦如来像は、身の丈15.8mあり、光背と須彌壇と蓮座で総高は25.3mにもなります。三大佛の表情は、それぞれの個性を偲ばせながら、端正で穏やかな慈愛に満ちたまなざしで人々の前に坐しています。 阿弥陀如来像 15.2m 釈迦如来像 15.8m 薬師如来像 15.2m ■大仏殿 現代建築の技術の粋と伝統美が見事に調和した高さ40mの重層寄棟づくりの巨大な建物です。屋根には、鴟尾(高さ2.7m、重さ1.1t、金箔1.8万枚)が二体、空高く金色に光り輝いています。殿内の三方の壁には806体の石仏が安置されていますが、一体一体が手作りで、それぞれの表情や衣が個性にあふれています。参拝される多くの方々の祈りを石仏にこめて、年を経ていつか、1200体安置にと完成される日が待たれます。 ■五重塔 高さ70mの五重塔は、日本で第2番目の高さを誇り、(越前大仏五重塔75m)、内陣の各層には51体の大理石仏、金箔仏が安置されています。最上層には、釈迦如来、大日如来、阿弥陀如来の三尊仏が安置されており、厳かな雰囲気が高所空間にしのび渡っています。各層からの眺望はすばらしく、周辺の山並みや、眼下に流れる川が一望のもとに眺められます。 ■大門と仁王像 大門は銅瓦の屋根と檜作りの斗棋が幾重にも組み合わされ、木造建築の美しさを余すところなく表現しています。大門の左右には身の丈8m余りの木彫仁王像が守門神として猛々しい形相で守っています。口を開いている阿形像(8.2m9.5t)と口を結んでいる吽形像(8.4m10t)ですが、最初の「あ」の音と最後の「ん」の音、つまり万物の始まりと終わりをこの二像は象徴しています。樟材の寄せ木作りで、漆で色鮮やかに彩色されています。 ■本堂(薬師堂) 大仏殿の北側には、川会山長楽寺の本堂である薬師堂があります。1200年前行基自らが彫った本尊、薬師瑠璃光如来は、度重なる火災で焼失したものの、現存の本尊は、ふだん厨子深くに安置され、7年ごとに10日間だけご開扉される秘仏とされています。 ■回廊 大門と大仏殿を結ぶ回廊は、列柱の美しさが100m近く続きます。木目も鮮やかな、直径42cmの欅の柱と木の香もかぐわしい桧で軒、天井が作られています。 釘を一本も使用しておらず、日本古来の工法による総木造りです。 ■弁天堂 弁天さまは、物を生み、育てる水の神として広く信仰を集めています。ここには、但馬七弁天のひとつ、七美弁財天が浮御堂の弁天堂の中に祀られています。 ■拝観時間 午前9時開門、午後4時閉門 ■拝観料 大人800円、高校生以下無料
I was surprised when I could see the building from Route 9 for the first time. A huge building on the mountain. The atmosphere was similar to the Nembutsu sect building that I happened to see when I was lost. It is actually a temple of the Shingon sect. Everything is different from ordinary temples! To say. You will be overwhelmed by the five-storied pagoda and the Great Buddha. But there is nothing to feel other than size. There is nothing you can feel from Todaiji Temple or Horyuji Temple. The thick cylinder is iron and the walls are concrete. It seems that the Chinese people made the Great Buddha. Aji may come out in another 500 years. I think it's well worth seeing, so why not stop by when you're nearby ☺ [Explanation below] The world's largest wooden carved gold leaf statue It is an ancient temple associated with Kobo Daishi, which was founded by Gyoki as Yakayama Yakushiji Temple in the Tenpyo era about 1200 years ago. Rebuilt in 1543 due to a natural disaster. Hundreds of years after the name was changed to Kawakaiyama Chorakuji, in April 1994, the world's largest wooden three major Buddhist temples were opened. Supported by a stage of 115 pillars (1.2 meters in diameter), Chorakuji towers on the summit of Mt. Kawai, surrounded by beautiful mountains on all sides, and is a large cathedral blessed with a wonderful view of nature overlooking the Yada River below. The statue of Shaka Nyorai is placed in the center, the statue of Amida Nyorai on the left, and the statue of Yakushi Nyorai holding a medicine pot on the right. A total of more than 20,000 Chinese Buddhist priests took three years to produce and assembled it all the way across the sea at the Great Buddha Hall. 1.32 million pieces of gold leaf (21.8 kg) are pasted around the parquet of camphor tree, and it shines golden. The statue of Shaka Nyorai in the center is 15.8m tall, and the total height is 25.3m with the halo, the Suyadan, and the lotus seat. The facial expressions of the three great Buddhas sit in front of people with a neat, gentle and compassionate look, reminiscent of their individuality. Amida Nyorai statue 15.2m Shaka Nyorai statue 15.8m Yakushi Nyorai statue 15.2m ■ Great Buddha Hall It is a huge building with a 40m high multi-story hipped roof that perfectly harmonizes the essence of modern architectural technology with the traditional beauty. On the roof, two Shibi (height 2.7m, weight 1.1t, 18,000 pieces of gold leaf) are shining high in the sky in gold. 806 stone Buddhas are enshrined on the three walls of the shrine, but each one is handmade, and each expression and clothing is full of individuality. With the prayers of many worshipers in the stone Buddha, we are waiting for the day when it will be completed with 1,200 enshrined bodies over the years. ■ Five-storied pagoda The 70m-high five-storied pagoda is the second tallest in Japan (75m of the Echizen Daibutsu five-storied pagoda), and 51 marble and gold leaf Buddhas are enshrined in each layer of the Chancel. On the top layer, the three Buddhas of Shaka Nyorai, Dainichi Nyorai, and Amida Nyorai are enshrined, and the solemn atmosphere extends into the high-altitude space. The view from each layer is wonderful, and you can see the surrounding mountains and the river flowing below. ■ Daimon and Nio statue The Daimon is a combination of a copper tile roof and a cypress-made cypress, which fully expresses the beauty of wooden architecture. On the left and right sides of the Daimon, a wooden sculpture of Nio, which is about 8 meters tall, protects it in a ferocious manner as a guardian deity. The A-un statue (8.2m9.5t) with its mouth open and the A-un statue (8.4m10t) with its mouth tied, but the first "a" sound and the last "n" sound, that is, the beginning of all things These two statues symbolize the end. It is made of camphor tree parquet and is colorfully colored with lacquer. ■ Main hall (Yakushido) On the north side of the Great Buddha Hall is the Yakushido, the main hall of Kawakaiyama Chorakuji Temple. The principal image of Gyoki himself carved 1200 years ago, Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai, was burned down by repeated fires, but the existing principal image is usually placed deep in the kitchen and is said to be a secret Buddha that opens only for 10 days every 7 years. I am. ■ Corridor The corridor connecting the Daimon and the Great Buddha Hall has a beautiful colonnade of nearly 100m. The eaves and ceiling are made of zelkova pillars with a diameter of 42 cm and cypress with a fragrant wood scent. It is made entirely of wood using the ancient Japanese construction method without using any nails. ■ Bentendo Benzaiten is widely worshiped as the god of water that produces and raises things. Here, one of Tajima's seven Benzaiten, Nanami Benzaiten, is enshrined in the Benten-do of Ukimido. ■ Visiting time Gate opens at 9 am and closes at 4 pm ■ Admission fee 800 yen for adults, free for high school students and younger
みやのよしひこ on Google

It is a calming and empty feeling of another world. It is worth paying the admission fee.
tatsuzou on Google

とてつもない圧倒的なスケール感が漂うお寺です。 日本最大級の大仏様が拝めます。 説明書きには中国から技師がやって来て建設したとの事。 何となく日本の神社仏閣とは異なる雰囲気なのはそのせいかも知れません。 デカさがデカさなので、柱も木造ではなく鉄筋コンクリート製なのも・・・。 あまりアピールしてないせいか、参拝客もまばらで静かに参拝できます。
It is a temple with an overwhelming sense of scale. You can worship the largest Buddha statue in Japan. According to the explanation, an engineer came from China and built it. This may be the reason why the atmosphere is different from that of Japanese shrines and temples. Because the deca is big, the pillars are also made of reinforced concrete instead of wooden. The worshipers are sparse and can worship quietly, probably because they are not so appealing.
bozzo mori on Google

Tajima Daibutsu. A temple built with a private property of over 20 billion. Three big Buddhas made with the thought that the president will settle this world. Coco is his wife's family temple, and he says that his parents' house has another 50 billion Buddha statues. It's unusual because of the money, but in the first place, temples aren't good if you spend money. It's too secular and I'm sick.
B777小野田機長 on Google

The three Buddha statues were impressive, and I prayed for traffic safety and the eradication of the plague.
David Marquez on Google

Must Visit Point

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