鳥久 前橋支店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳥久 前橋支店

住所 :

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Gunma

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan

ハードコア焼鳥店。 硬派な感じがとても素敵。 美味しくいただきました!
Hardcore Yakitori store. Feeling hard is very nice. It was delicious!
光平山岸 on Google

初めて入ったお店で、 最初はカウンター席と座敷席が少しかぁと思ったら2階にも座敷があって人数が多くても大丈夫 焼き加減も言えばちゃんと対応してもらえるし、 飲み物もすぐに出て来るので良かったです。 ただ2階の座敷から内線で注文を伝える際はどっちの部屋かを言わなきゃならないのが面倒だなぁくらいで。
This is the first shop I entered At first, if you think that there are a few counter seats and tatami mat seats, there is a tatami room on the second floor, so it's okay if there are many people. Speaking of the degree of baking, you can handle it properly, I'm glad that the drinks will come out soon. However, it's a hassle to tell which room you have when you send an order from the tatami room on the second floor by extension.
Chisato Iijima on Google

おまかせ5本(本どり、レバー、うずら、団子、ピーマン)をまず頼んで、軟骨、山賊焼きを毎回たべます。 どれも美味しい。
First of all, ask for 5 omakase (books, liver, quail, dumplings, peppers), and eat cartilage and Sanzoku-yaki every time. All are delicious.
爪鷹の on Google

出ました五点満点! ハズレ無しです。いままで食べた焼き鳥のなかでNo.1かと。
Five points out! There is no mistake. No. 1 heel among grilled chickens I've ever eaten.
あさきゆめみし on Google

焼き鳥専門のお店です。 お任せで、塩、タレで焼き鳥の本数を言うと焼いて下さいます。 軟骨、レア焼きのささみ、ウズラ、ピーマン、山賊焼きが オススメで人気です。 夜遅くまでは営業していないので開店と同時に行かれると良いです。 複数での来店には必ず予約されるコトをオススメします。
It is a shop specializing in yakitori. Leave it to us and we will bake it with salt and sauce. Cartilage, rare grilled chicken, quail, peppers, bandits grilled Recommended and popular. As it is not open until late at night, it's good to go with the opening. If you visit more than one store, we recommend you to make a reservation.
m h on Google

初めて伺いましたが、店主の目が怖い! 何だ、初めて見る顔だなあ!?って目で見られてるのか、、なんなんだ、、 だけど、味は美味しい!でもビクビクする。 早めに退散しました。
I visited for the first time, but the shopkeeper's eyes are scary! What's the face you see for the first time! ?? What is it that you can see with your eyes? But the taste is delicious! But I'm excited. I left early.
大井優一 on Google

ちょくちょく寄る前橋でもかなりの老舗焼き鳥店。 串は基本何食べても美味しいのですが、特にお気に入りはピーマンと山賊焼き(セセリ)です? 普段はぶっきら棒なのに「美味しかったです」って声かけた途端にニコッと笑う店主さんが最高です? 店内も老舗感が凄く、お客さんの喧騒も含めて場末の焼き鳥屋感が素晴らしい大好きなお店です?
It's a long-established yakitori restaurant in Maebashi, which is often visited. Skewers are basically delicious no matter what you eat, but my favorites are peppers and Sanzoku-yaki (bonito) ? The owner who smiles as soon as he says "It was delicious" is the best, even though he is usually a stick ? The inside of the restaurant has a great sense of long-established store, and the yakitori restaurant at the end of the venue, including the hustle and bustle of customers, is a wonderful and favorite restaurant ?
M Akira on Google

焼き鳥、お新香しかない焼き鳥店です。 一通り食べましたが、焼き鳥は鶏肉の鮮度がとても良くどれもとても美味しいです。 個人的には口の中で溶けるような食感のレバーとレア気味に焼いて、わさびと醤油で食べるささみがお気に入りです。 全般に大きめポーションで食べ応えもあるし、なにより味が良いです。 混みますので早めの来店がおすすめです。
It is a yakitori restaurant that has only yakitori and new incense. I ate all of them, but the yakitori has very good freshness of chicken and all of them are very delicious. Personally, I like the liver that melts in my mouth and the scissors that are rarely baked and eaten with wasabi and soy sauce. Generally, it is a large potion and has a satisfying taste, and above all, it tastes good. It will be crowded, so it is recommended to come to the store early.

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