
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉ソウル飯店

住所 :

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://seoul-hanten.owst.jp/
街 : Gunma

Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0022 Gunma,Japan
Jun Nakazawa on Google

Shintama is superb! This is the melting meat!
加藤陽平 on Google

I'm sorry that you can choose only one dessert even though you can eat all you can.
k s on Google

I ordered all-you-can-drink, but I was disappointed that the first beer had a tough smell.
カマドネズコ on Google

Is it possible to serve such a drink to customers, with only ice full and less than two-thirds of the drink in the glass? ??
みゆき。 on Google

Loos was delicious!
羅幸男 on Google

特に、目ぼしい物も、なし 味付け、惣菜も普通 まあ、行っても損はしたいとおもいます
In particular, there are no remarkable things Seasoning and side dishes are also normal Well, I want to lose even if I go
Masaru Tojima on Google

そこそこ美味しいです。 オーダーからメニューの提供までの時間も特別待つ事もありませんでした。 タンカルビと上タン塩のセット美味しかったですが、意外と量がありました。 殆どのメニューにハーフの選択が有るのが、色んな種類を食べたい人には嬉しい。 但し、全体的に味付けが濃い。 最初の一口目は良いが、箸を進めていくと塩っぱかったり辛かったりで、薄味に慣れてる人、塩分などを気にしてる人は味付けを薄目でオーダーした方が良いと思います。 殆どの席が掘り炬燵式。 コンフォートホテル前橋から徒歩8分。 一人焼き肉で8,694円也。
Delicious. There was no special waiting time from ordering to menu provision. The set of tankarabi and top tan salt was delicious, but there was an unexpected amount. Most menus have a half choice, so it's nice for those who want to eat different types. However, the seasoning is strong overall. The first bite is good, but as you go forward with chopsticks, it is salty or hard, so those who are used to light taste and those who care about salt content should order the seasoning lightly. Most of the seats are dug. 8 minutes walk from Comfort Hotel Maebashi. One person grilled meat 8,694 yen.
五十嵐紀之 on Google

The Chiyoda town area is famous for its delicious yakiniku. There is also a half menu so you can eat lightly.

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