グランド工房 相模原店 - Sagamihara

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グランド工房 相模原店

住所 :

Chiyoda, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0237 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 252-0237
Webサイト : https://www.ground-f.com/shop_page/index.php%3Fstore_seq%3D18
街 : Kanagawa

Chiyoda, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0237 Kanagawa,Japan
柳井正晴 on Google

センスの良い外構をやってくれる 店舗前庭を見るととても期待が出来る お値段は高めかな?
Will do a good exterior Looking at the front yard of the store, you can expect very much Is the price high?
nobuhiro takahashi on Google

I just stopped by, but they kindly listened to me. If you think about the exterior, I think it's a good idea to stop by once.
tadapo- o. on Google

I'm glad there are many catalogs. It is a beautiful workshop.
ナベヨシィ on Google

We had you construct artificial turf. There was an inconvenient part of the apartment in an auto lock apartment, but it seemed to be very difficult to carry in and out various construction tools with human power if I went by myself. I thought. Thanks to you for creating a beautiful artificial turf garden.
嶋薫 on Google

When I made a phone call to make a reservation, the person in charge was very pleasant and I was able to get the reservation date immediately. There was a polite and easy-to-understand explanation at the time of consultation when visiting the store. The proposed plan was also very nice. I was relieved to have contacted me regarding the actual construction schedule and during construction. I was able to trust from the construction to the final delivery. Considering the budget, I asked him to explain and advise me carefully. The finished product is more wonderful than the drawing, and I am able to lead a comfortable life every day.
R T on Google

自宅庭のリフォームをお願いしました。相談の段階から私たち夫婦の話をよく聞いてくださり、無理な提案はされなかったので、安心して話を進めることができました。 庭の方は、天然石畳と畑スペースを撤去して全面人工芝に、生垣をほぼ伐採してウッドフェンスを設置しました。あと玄関タイルの補修もお願いしました。長引く梅雨の影響や、基礎のハプニングで工期が延びてしましました…。まぁ、それは自然なことなので仕方ないです。 担当の方は、まめに現場に来てくださり、職人さんと密にコミュニケーションをとってくださいました。また、基礎のハプニングに関しても、なるべく費用がかからないように配慮してくださいました。 肝心の完成した庭ですが、とても綺麗で広くなり、手入れも最低限になりスッキリしました。子どもも毎日走りまったりプールをして楽しんでいます。 アフターフォローもしっかりしているとのことで安心しました。このたびは本当にありがとうございました。
I asked to renovate my home garden. From the consultation stage, we listened closely to the stories of our couple and no unreasonable suggestions were made, so we were able to proceed with peace of mind. In the garden, we removed natural stone pavement and field space, and felled hedges almost entirely on artificial grass to install a wood fence. I also asked for repairs to the entrance tiles. Due to the prolonged rainy season and the happening of the foundation, the construction period was extended. Well, that's a natural thing, so it can't be helped. The person in charge came to the site frequently and had close communication with the craftsmen. In addition, we also paid attention to the basic happening so that it would not cost as much as possible. It's a complete garden, but it's very clean, spacious, and requires minimal care, so it's refreshing. Children enjoy running and swimming every day. I was relieved that the after-sales follow-up is also solid. Thank you so much for this time.
mimi ku on Google

We consulted about 3 months ago on the exterior of a newly built custom-built house. Customer support room? The people who responded by phone or e-mail were very polite and gave us various consultations. Since it is expanding nationwide, I visited the store with confidence, but the reception of the sales staff was unpleasant, so my husband started 5 minutes and I wanted to go home in about 10 minutes. I didn't have any knowledge of the outside world and didn't understand the budget, but that budget is not enough. I've said over and over again that I'm considering raising a budget if necessary, but I haven't heard of it. Perhaps I don't feel like listening to people, I repeated the same story three times, saying that the exterior that the house maker must do at least is up to this point. I knew that the land wasn't very large, so the number of exteriors I could do was limited, but even we amateurs could only come up with suggestions. In the first place, the sales person usually gives out a business card and greets me before the consultation, but from the beginning there was no greeting and it seemed that I was not motivated and my husband thought that it was strange. Perhaps it is a stance that only customers who pay a lot of money will deal with them. It was just a waste of time. I really want you to return the time. It may be the first time I have received such an offensive customer service. The sales person who hit this time was probably bad. I'm sorry. After all, I raised the budget and asked another outside contractor. I wrote a lot, but I think that if you are a good person in charge, you will make a nice proposal.
smi K. on Google

庭と玄関周りの工事を依頼しました。 担当の方の印象も良く、提案力もあり満足できる仕上がりとなりました。 工事が天候の都合で遅れてしまいましたが、説明があったので不安になることなく終えることができました。 また機会があれば依頼したいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I requested the construction around the garden and the entrance. The person in charge had a good impression, and I was satisfied with the proposal power. The construction was delayed due to the weather, but I was able to finish it without any anxiety because there was an explanation. I would like to request it again if I have the opportunity. Thank you very much.

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