Chita Kosei Hospital - Chita District

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chita Kosei Hospital

住所 :

Nishidani-81-6 Kowa, Mihama, Chita District, Aichi 470-2404, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 470-2404
Webサイト :

Nishidani-81-6 Kowa, Mihama, Chita District, Aichi 470-2404, Japan
たっちぃ on Google

コロナの症状が出たので発熱外来を受診をしようと思って、電話をして症状を伝えたら、「それだけ症状わかってるなら保健所に電話しろ」と言われた。他の病院に同じように電話したら、9時に来てくださいって言われたのでそちらを受診する事にしました。 電話したのが祝日ってのもあるけど休みの対応が最悪すぎる、言われた時に保健所も休みだろと思ったが口には出さずそっと電話を切りました。 今度から違う病院を受診しようと思います。
I had corona symptoms, so I was thinking of going to a fever outpatient clinic, and when I called and told him the symptoms, he said, "If you know the symptoms, call the health center." When I called another hospital in the same way, I was told to come at 9 o'clock, so I decided to go there. I called on a holiday, but the response to the holidays was too bad. When I was told, I thought the health center would be closed, but I didn't say anything and hung up softly. I'm thinking of going to a different hospital next time.
いとうくん on Google

Although it is a lifestyle-related disease, blood tests are quick. Whenever I go, I can see the blood condition in 30 minutes to 1 hour, and I can understand my situation. Thank you.
うどん粉 on Google

夜間に家族の体調が悪くなり、電話をして症状と診て欲しいと話したところ小さな声で「朝まで待って昼間に受診してください」と。 しかし本人の意識も朦朧としているためごねると「じゃあ来てもらっていいですけど、また昼間かかることになりますよ」と。 こちらが、今から準備して行きますと話そうとすると途中で電話ガチャ切り。 診てもらえるのか分からないものの、家族も死にそうな状態だったので行くと髪の長い男性が、嫌そうな顔で受付(ここで初めて電話の相手だと気付いて唖然)。 結局、そのまま検査して即入院。命の危険があったと説明されました。 電話のあの時に、大人しく言うこと聞いて朝まで待ってたら…と思うと寒気がします。 受付のあの男性は最悪でしたが、対応していただいた医師の方は専門外なのに親切丁寧で、看護師の方々は何もわからない私に優しく教えてくださり本当に感謝しています。
When my family got sick at night and called and asked me to see my symptoms, I said in a small voice, "Wait until morning and see you in the daytime." However, since the person's consciousness is also stunned, he said, "Then you can come, but it will take daytime again." When I tried to talk about the fact that I'm going to prepare now, I hung up the phone on the way. I don't know if I can see him, but my family was about to die, so when I went there, a man with long hair accepted me with a disgusting face (I was stunned when I realized that I was the first person to call). After all, I was inspected as it was and was hospitalized immediately. It was explained that there was a danger of life. At that time on the phone, I feel chills when I think that I should listen to what I say quietly and wait until morning. The man at the reception was the worst, but the doctors who responded were kind and polite even though they were not specialized, and the nurses were really grateful for kindly teaching me who didn't understand anything.
篠原梓 on Google

産婦人科を受診、ここで出産しました。 私の中で産婦人科の先生や助産師さんって冷たい・怖い・厳しいというイメージがありましたが、この病院の先生や助産師さんは優しくて気さくで感じが良いです。話も親身になって聞いてくれて、アドバイスしてくれます。 健診・出産・入院・1ヶ月健診まで1度も悲しい気持ちや嫌な気分にならなかったです。最初のイメージが変わりました。 食事も美味しかったし、もしまた妊娠したらこの病院に行こうと決めてます。
I went to the obstetrics and gynecology department and gave birth here. I had the image that obstetrics and gynecology teachers and midwives were cold, scary, and strict, but the teachers and midwives at this hospital are kind, friendly, and pleasant. He listens to the story and gives advice. I never felt sad or unpleasant until the medical examination, childbirth, hospitalization, and one-month medical examination. The first image has changed. The food was delicious and I decided to go to this hospital if I became pregnant again.
一の瀬マミ on Google

胃カメラの検査で苦しい思いをしたくないので麻酔(眠った状態)でやるのを申請希望し説明、注意点などをちゃんと聞き予約したのに 検査当日に検査受ける直前で麻酔無しで検査しようとしている事に気づき慌てて言ったところ何故か申請されていない事になっており危なかったです 後に宮本先生にそれを伝えたところ「やればよかったのに、いい経験になると思うよ?」と言われ唖然としました、謝罪も無しでした いい経験?ふざけるなと思いましたね こっちはちゃんと手続きもしてるし何なんでしょうか? 信頼してた先生だけにガッカリです
I didn't want to have a hard time with the gastrocamera examination, so I requested to apply for anesthesia (sleeping state), and I made a reservation after listening to the explanations and precautions. Immediately before taking the test on the day of the test, I noticed that I was trying to test without anesthesia, and when I said in a hurry, it was dangerous because it was not applied for some reason. Later, when I told Professor Miyamoto about it, I was stunned when I was told, "I wish I had done it, but I think it would be a good experience?", And there was no apology. Good experience? I thought you shouldn't be fooling around I'm doing the procedure properly, what is it? I'm disappointed only by the teacher I trusted
もんきーだ on Google

外科の村元先生が非常に丁寧で面白いです 手術中も不安無くリラックスできました 医者のイメージが変わりました ただ駐車場が少なく非常に混雑する 院内処方してもらえるのが良いです、早いし安いし支払いも1度でカードも使える 院内のカフェは小さめ 売店も小さめで営業時間が短い
Dr. Muramoto of Surgery is very polite and interesting I was able to relax without anxiety during the surgery The image of the doctor has changed However, there are few parking lots and it is very crowded. It is good to have an in-hospital prescription, it is fast and cheap, you can pay once and you can use the card The cafe in the hospital is small The shop is also small and the business hours are short
ちょいのちょい on Google

5年ぐらい前に子宮頸がんの検査で前がんと言われました。当時、お世話になっていた中野先生です。そのあとコルポスコピー検査の予約もしましたが、出血を伴うと言われ、ほかの病院を探しました。結果、相当メンタルやられた結果、誤診‼️きっと検査の結果を担当するのも研修医達ではないでしょうか? 時間外に行けば、研修医が、診察します! 一度、子供が産まれる前に 夜中に受診した際、またまた研修医の女に お腹の中にたくさん塊があるから、癌じゃないのか?とも言われたことも、あります‼️ 乳がん検診も、マンモグラフィを撮るのも下手な奴が撮るので 再診で結果がきたときには、また再度、別の病院へ行かなくてはなりません! エコーをプラス料金で撮っても、その日に説明してくれませんよ! 忙しいからまたね!と、連絡結果待ちです。結果は一ヶ月ぐらいたってから、通知で送られてきます。 一つ、唯一助けられた、今でも思い出すのは、ここの助産婦さんです。 本当に助けられました。ありがとうございます。
About 5 years ago, I was told that I had precancerous cancer by a cervical cancer test. It is Mr. Nakano who was indebted at that time. After that, I made an appointment for a colposcopy test, but it was said that I had bleeding, so I searched for another hospital. As a result, as a result of considerable mental health, misdiagnosis! ️Isn't it the residents who are in charge of the test results? If you go overtime, the residents will see you! Once, before the child was born, when I visited the clinic in the middle of the night, and again, the trainee woman had a lot of lumps in her stomach, so isn't it cancer? It was also said that! ️ A person who is not good at breast cancer screening and mammography will take pictures, so when the result comes from a re-examination, I have to go to another hospital again! Even if you take an echo for a plus fee, it won't explain it that day! See you again because I'm busy! I am waiting for the contact result. Results will be sent to you in a notification about a month later. The only thing that helped me, I still remember, is the midwife here. I was really helped. thank you.
野獣先輩 on Google

食あたりで内科を受診した際の出来事です。 眼鏡を掛けた初老の先生に診てもらいました。 こちらは食あたりで苦しんでいるのに「下痢と嘔吐で体重が減っていいですね(笑)」と一言。お医者さんジョークか何かですか? 全然面白くないですよ。寒いわー。 当時は体力気力が落ちていたので何も言えませんでしたが、今思うと患者に対して「病気になってよかったね!」と言っているようで腹が立ちました。ガンや糖尿病の患者さんにも同じ事言えるなら言ってみなさいよ。 議員や医者など先生と呼ばれ、感謝され易い職業の人は、傲慢や天狗になりやすいと聞いた事がありますが、この眼鏡初老先生も当てはまっているなと思いました。 今まで直接苦情を言われなかったので、お医者さんジョークを続けているのかもしれませんが、病気で文句を言う元気がなかっただけですからね。私以外にもお医者さんジョークで不快な思いをされた患者さんいるんじゃないですか。 良い先生もいますが、患者の気持ちがわからない先生もいる病院です。その事を心の片隅に留めておけば、対策を練ったり嫌な思いをせずに済むかもしれません。
It happened when I went to the internal medicine department for food poisoning. I had an elderly teacher with glasses see me. Although he is suffering from food poisoning, he said, "It's okay to lose weight due to diarrhea and vomiting (laughs)." Is it a doctor joke or something? It's not interesting at all. It's cold. At that time, I couldn't say anything because I was weak, but when I think about it now, I was angry because I was saying "I'm glad I got sick!" If you can say the same thing to patients with cancer or diabetes, say it. I've heard that people in professions who are called teachers, such as lawmakers and doctors, and who are easily grateful, tend to be arrogant and tengu, but I think that this is also the case with Mr. Elderly Glasses. I may have been joking with the doctor because I haven't complained directly until now, but I just didn't have the energy to complain because of my illness. I think there are other patients besides me who are uncomfortable with doctor jokes. There are good teachers, but there are also teachers who do not understand the feelings of patients. If you keep that in mind, you may not have to devise countermeasures or feel unpleasant.

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