Sakakibara Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Chita District

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakakibara Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-2 Koyo, Taketoyo, Chita District, Aichi 470-2357, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 470-2357
Webサイト :

5 Chome-2 Koyo, Taketoyo, Chita District, Aichi 470-2357, Japan
Ha Thu on Google

The receptionist's attitude is the lowest
ぴえろ。 on Google

態度がものすごく悪い 平日の朝行って1時間半待たされて 他の人のカルテ見ながら対応された なんでこんなに人がおるのか不思議でしょうがない二度と行きません
Attitude is terribly bad I went on a weekday morning and waited for an hour and a half Corresponding while looking at other people's medical records I wonder why there are so many people, I will never go again
K C on Google

父の代からこちらで親子代々診てもらっています。整骨院よりも整形外科の方が保険がおりるので安いですし、リハビリスペースも広くて良いです。スタッフさんたちも明るくて通いやすいです。体操教室やヨガ教室もあるみたいです。 整形外科のすぐとなりにもリハビリスペースがあって、高齢者向けのフィットネスクラブのようです。集団のリハビリもあって、にぎわっていて楽しそうです。自分の両親も足腰が弱くなってきたらここに通ってもらいたいです。
I have been seen by my father for generations here. Orthopedics is cheaper than osteopathic clinics because it is covered by insurance, and the rehabilitation space can be large. The staff are also bright and easy to go to. It seems that there are also gymnastics classes and yoga classes. There is a rehabilitation space right next to the orthopedic surgery, and it looks like a fitness club for the elderly. There is also a group rehabilitation, and it seems to be busy and fun. I would like my parents to go here if their legs become weak.
Hosoアシ on Google

Did the teacher change? The previous teacher was also a kind and polite teacher, so I was confused at first, but the next teacher also feels strict at first, but he clearly says that bad things are not good, good things are good, and other hospitals. Even if you make a second opinion, there is no doubt that this teacher is saying, so please continue to be your family doctor.
life NO on Google

I went to Sakakibara Orthopedic for an injection of influenza today, but when I was first asked about my physical condition, the doctor felt very uncomfortable and I didn't want to go here. I don't know if it's a doctor from another place, but it feels too bad.
hana sakura on Google

前院長がやめてから初めて受診をしました。 その日の担当は、金曜日の午後の医師、前院長から40肩だと言われて注射を打ってもらい、良くなってたのですが、全否定。しかも、半年に一回でもねぇと。なぜ、しないほうがいいのか理由もいわない。 リハビリに毎週通ってるのをカルテで確認するとリハビリだけできくの?と。きいてるから、通い続けてるんです。 リハビリ全否定。自分の病院のサービスを医師が否定するのはいかがなものか。 人の話は聞かない。目は合わせない。とにかく、俺様。患者は俺様の言うことを聞いていればいいという態度。患者が病院を選ぶ時代ですが。 リハビリは、通い続け、整形の医師の診察は病院を変えようと思いました。医師である前に人として最悪です。町のかかりつけ医。そんないい病院だったのに。残念です。
I had a medical examination for the first time since the former director quit. The person in charge of the day was told by the doctor and the former director on Friday afternoon that he had 40 shoulders, and he got an injection. Moreover, even once every six months. I don't say why it's better not to do it. If I check the medical record that I go to rehabilitation every week, can I only do rehabilitation? When. I'm listening, so I keep going. Rehabilitation denial. How about a doctor denying the services of your hospital? I don't listen to people. I don't make eye contact. Anyway, me. The patient has an attitude that he should listen to what I say. It's an era when patients choose a hospital. The rehab continued to go, and the plastic surgery doctor's consultation decided to change the hospital. Worst as a person before being a doctor. A family doctor in the town. Even though it was such a good hospital. I'm sorry.
大塚美喜 on Google

前の院長が辞めたことを知らずに、85の祖母が転んで膝の痛みがとれなかったので付き添いました。 中待合室まで響き渡る大きな声で、そして横柄な態度で嫌悪感を覚えました。 祖母が呼ばれて一緒に中へ入り、診察は雑と言えば雑。時短と言えばそうかも。レントゲンの指示を受け、レントゲン担当の方は親切。 診察室へ戻ると骨折しているからギプスを巻くと。 そのギプスを巻くのが苦手なのかなんなのか、 膝は90度!と何度も怒るんです。85の祖母がかわいそうで、しばらく見ていたのですが、 顔はそっち向いとけって! と、頬を軽く押しつけました。 その言動が信じられなくて、 先生、その言い方は酷いです!おばあちゃんを大切にしてください! と伝えました。 すると、 初めて私の目を見て、 こっちだって一生懸命やってるんです!嫌ならやめましょうか?! と睨みつけられました。 ギプス巻きかけの祖母を連れて帰るわけにはいかず、黙るしかありませんでしたが、とても悲しくて涙が出ました。 その後もため息をつきながらムスッとしながらギプスを巻きつけていました。 待合室に戻ると、代わる代わる看護師さんたちが謝りにきてくれましたが… 院長先生がやめてからクレームが多くて困って、本当に申し訳ありませんと。 今言われてもなぁ…という感じでした。 案の定?ギプスの二の腕周りと指周りが痛いようで違う病院にかかろうと思います。 こちらの病院はおすすめしません。 本当に残念でした。
Without knowing that the former director had quit, 85 grandmothers fell and couldn't get rid of the pain in their knees, so I accompanied them. I felt disgusted with a loud voice echoing to the middle waiting room and an arrogant attitude. My grandmother was called in and went inside, and the medical examination was miscellaneous. Speaking of time saving, it may be so. The person in charge of X-rays is kind after receiving the instructions of X-rays. When I returned to the doctor's office, I had a broken bone, so I wrapped it in a cast. I wonder if I'm not good at wrapping the cast Knees are 90 degrees! I get angry many times. I'm sorry for my 85 grandmother, so I've been watching for a while, Face that way! I pressed my cheeks lightly. I can't believe that behavior Teacher, that's terrible! Please take good care of your grandma! I told you. Then, Look at my eyes for the first time I'm doing my best here too! Should I stop if I don't like it? !! I was glared at. I couldn't take my grandmother with a cast back, and I had to keep silent, but I was very sad and wept. After that, I was sighing and sighing and wrapping the cast. When I returned to the waiting room, the nurses who took turns came to apologize ... I'm really sorry that I've had a lot of complaints since the director quit. Even if I was told now ... Sure enough? The cast's upper arm and finger hurts, so I'm thinking of going to a different hospital. We do not recommend this hospital. I was really disappointed.
koide rinda on Google

気になる人、気にならない人いると思いますが 外来医師の態度が 今まで体験したことが無いほど 癖があります。 怪我の状態から 治療方針まで 簡潔と言えば簡潔な説明 無駄な言葉は一切ない 医師としては ありなのかもしれませんが 素人の患者からしたら 素っ気ない、冷たい、感じ悪い そんな印象しか 持てません 癖のある医師ですから アンチも多いが その反対に好感を持つ人もいるかと だから 全面否定はしません 私には 合わなかったです
I think there are people who care about it and people who don't. The attitude of the outpatient doctor I've never experienced it before I have a habit. From the condition of the injury to the treatment policy Speaking of concise, a concise explanation There are no useless words It may be as a doctor, From an amateur patient It's naive, cold, and unpleasant I can only have such an impression I'm a habitual doctor There are many antis On the contrary, some people like it So I won't deny it entirely Did not suit me

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