
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おとめクリニック横浜

住所 :

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://otomeclinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan
マリ子井手 on Google

こちらで第一子も第二子も出産したしました。 院長先生ははっきりとした物言いなので質問したいことは、はっきり言おうと決めてから診察に臨みました でも赤ちゃんのこと、出産のことを丁寧に診てくれて、気さくなところもあり、信頼できます。 分娩は本当に無痛で、しっかりと麻酔を効かせてくれます。 助産師さんたちも皆さん優しく親身に産前産後、気にかけてくださって本当に感謝しています。 院内も快適で、お食事も毎回本当に楽しみでした!欲を言えば部屋に加湿器があればいいなとおもいました。 2回とも本当に良いお産をさせてもらいました! 感謝です。 ありがとうございました
I gave birth to both my first and second child here. Since the director is a clear statement, I decided to say what I wanted to ask before going to the doctor. However, he carefully examines the baby and childbirth, and there are some friendly points that I can trust. Delivery is really painless and provides good anesthesia. I am really grateful to all the midwives for their kindness and kindness before and after childbirth. The hospital was comfortable and I was really looking forward to every meal! Speaking of greed, I thought it would be nice if there was a humidifier in the room. I had a really good birth both times! Thank you. thank you
riho 0118 on Google

こちらのクリニックで計画無痛分娩で出産しました。 妊婦検診はそこまで待たされることもなく、スムーズなのでとても通いやすかったです。 入院中は無痛分娩とは言えどもやはり大変な部分もありましたが、院長先生をはじめ、助産師さんや看護師さんにとても励まされ、無事に出産することができました。 特に産後は助産師さん達にとても助けられました。わからないことや疲れてるときは本当に親身になって対応してくださいます。 産後のお部屋はホテルのような快適さでとてもリラックスできました。タオル交換やお部屋の清掃も毎日していただけるので衛生面でも心配がなかったです。また、お食事は毎日の楽しみでした。基本的には食堂でいただくのですが、席数もそこまで多くないので入院されている方が多いときは2部制にしたりと、大人数が集まりすぎないように配慮されているなと感じました。 本当に素敵なクリニックで退院時はスタッフの皆さんになかなかお会い出来なくなることが寂しく感じました。今後は子供の検診でどうぞ宜しくお願いします。
I gave birth at this clinic with planned labor analgesia. It was very easy to go to the maternity examination because it was smooth without having to wait that long. Although it was painless delivery during hospitalization, there were still some difficult parts, but I was very encouraged by the director, midwives and nurses, and I was able to give birth safely. Especially after giving birth, the midwives helped me a lot. If you don't understand or are tired, please be kind to us. The postpartum room was very relaxing with the comfort of a hotel. I didn't have to worry about hygiene because I could change towels and clean the room every day. Also, the meal was fun every day. Basically, it is served in the cafeteria, but since the number of seats is not so large, I feel that consideration is given to prevent too many people from gathering, such as a two-part system when there are many hospitalized people. I did. It was a really nice clinic and I felt lonely that I couldn't meet all the staff when I was discharged. We look forward to seeing you in the future.
Yuko Maji on Google

今回は第2子の出産でお世話になり、切迫早産の入院から出産まで約1ヶ月間入院しました。 (第1子の際は、実家に里帰り出産する30週までお世話になっていました。) 病院を選ぶ際、無痛分娩をやっていて実績があること、個室で部屋が綺麗なこと、料理が美味しいところ、コロナ渦でも立ち合い出産・面会ができるところが、決めてとなりました。 〈分娩について〉 今回の出産は計画無痛分娩で、出産予定日があらかじめ決まっていたので、事前に色々と予定を立てられるところがよかったです。 初めての無痛分娩で不安でしたが、麻酔を入れる為のカテーテルの挿入も痛くなく、陣痛中もほとんど痛みを感じず、リラックスして過ごすことが出来ました。 出産日当日の陣痛中には、昼食におにぎりが出てきますが、麻酔のおかげで美味しく頂くことが出来ました。 分娩室に移動してからも会話をする余裕があり、無痛分娩にして本当によかったと思いました。 ただ、麻酔の影響なのか、出産直後は目眩と吐き気が酷かったです。 〈先生の対応〉 院長先生はズバズバとはっきりものを言い、声が大きい方なので、好き嫌いが別れるかと思います。 慣れると面白くていい方だとわかるのですが…。 妊婦検診などの診察では、あまり詳しい説明はなく、説明が足りないなと思うこともあるので、気になることは事前に考え自分でしっかりと聞く事が大切だと思いました。 質問をすれば、答えて下さいます。 慎重な診断を的確にする先生という印象です。 〈助産師・看護師の対応〉 助産師、看護師の方たちはみな親切で、切迫早産での入院中から忙しい中でも親身に対応してくださいました。 そのおかげか、切迫早産での入院中も辛く感じませんでした。 また、立ち合い出産を希望していましたが、立ち合える時間内に産まれずとても残念でしたが、優しくてフレンドリーな助産師さん達に囲まれての出産となり、心細くはありませんでした。 〈お料理〉 お料理は予想通りとても美味しく、満足のいくものでした。 朝食は和食と洋食が交互、火曜日と金曜日の夕食には、おとめクリニック自慢の『九つ割膳』が出てきます。 毎日15時には、お部屋に美味しいおやつが運ばれてきます。 〈改善して欲しい点〉 基本的には満足のいく出産となりましたが、いくつか改善されればいいなと思う点もありました。 先生の回診など、入院中の1日のスケジュールが決まっておらず、いつ来るのか1日中落ち着かなかったので、スケジュールの時間がしっかり決まっていると助かります。 また、妊婦検診ではクレジットカードが使えますが、入院費の支払いには使えないので、今後使えるようになると利便性が上がるのではと感じました。 助産師さん達がいつも忙しくバタバタしている印象があるので、もっとゆっくりと相談や質問できる時間があればいいなと思いました。 約1ヶ月間お世話になり、本当にありがとうございました。
This time will be taken care of in the birth of the second child, was hospitalized for about one month until the birth from the hospitalization of preterm labor. (When the first child was not taken care of up to 30 weeks to homecoming birth to the home.) When choosing a hospital, that there is a track record doing painless delivery, private room that clean in, where food is delicious, is a place that can childbirth and met initial charge even corona vortex, was next to be decided. In this time of childbirth plan painless delivery, because the birth date had been determined in advance, it was good the place to be making a lot of plans in advance. It was anxiety for the first time of painless childbirth, without any hurt insertion of the catheter to put the anesthesia, also hardly felt the pain in labor, I was able to spend to relax. During the birth day of labor, it comes out rice balls to lunch, but I was able to get delicious thanks to the anesthesia. There is room for a conversation even after the move to the delivery room, I thought that was really good in the painless delivery. However, one of the anesthetic effect of the, is immediately after birth is dizziness and nausea were terrible. Director teacher refers to things clearly and Zubazuba, because it is a loud voice, I think it likes and dislikes break up. You get used and interesting and I know that it people say, but .... In the examination, such as antenatal care, rather than too much detailed explanation, because the description sometimes'd say not enough, it is worrisome I thought it was important to hear firmly on their own thinking in advance. If the question, please answer. Is the impression that teacher to accurately careful diagnosis. Midwife, a everyone who our nurses kindness, was please to respond empathetically among busy from in hospital in preterm labor. Thanks to one, also did not feel painful in the hospital in preterm labor. In addition, we had been hope the initial charge birth, but was born not so sorry to the Tachiaeru time, gently to become a birth is surrounded by friendly midwife who did not have a Kokorobosoku. Cooking is expected very delicious, it was satisfactory. Breakfast is alternately Japanese and Western dishes, Tuesday and on Friday dinner, will come out maiden clinic boasts of "nine Warizen". Every day 15 Sometimes, you have delicious snack is brought to your room. Basically it became a satisfactory birth, but there was also a point that I think be nice if it is improved some. Such as rounds of the teacher, not a fixed schedule of one day in the hospital, because the time was not calm in the one day come, it will be saved and have firmly decided the time schedule. In addition, although you can use the credit card in the antenatal care, so it can not be used to pay the hospital charges, felt than that go up convenience and become available in the future. Because there is the impression that a midwife who is always busy flap, I thought that say if there is a time that can be more slowly consultation and questions. About 1 month becomes a monthly care, Thank you very much.
CHI YAMa on Google

I was looking for labor analgesia and decided to go to this hospital because it is easily accessible from the station and the facilities are clean. I was hospitalized one month before the scheduled delivery date due to imminent premature birth, but the rice was delicious even during the hospitalization period, and the generous nursing of the midwives was impressive. The director's tone is clear, but I felt that the examination was stricter than other hospitals because of the judgment that puts the baby first. However, when I was born, I think that it was because of that judgment that I was able to give birth to a healthy baby. I'm glad I made this hospital as a result of having a family visit even with Corona.
ティージャスミン on Google

第一子、第二子とも、こちらの産院にお世話になりました。 ◯通院 予約制で会計まで含めて約1時間で終わる印象。 キッズコーナーがあり保育士さんがいるので診察中は上の子を見てもらえるのがとても助かりました。 先生はいつも最後に聞きたい事ある?と言ってくださるので質問しやすかったです。 ◯出産 帝王切開での出産でした。 当日入院でお昼頃オペになります。 オペ後はもちろん痛いですが、こまめに看護師さんがいらして下さるので安心できました。7日間の入院になります。 ◯入院 基本的に母子同室ですが、言えば気軽に預かってくださいます。 また丁寧に授乳指導などをしてくださるのでとても心強いです。 食事は豪華で美味しいですし、毎日3時のおやつが本当に楽しみでした。 フェイシャルエステ、メイク、家族で写真撮影も良かったです。 コロナ禍ですが、1日3名30分程面会可能です。 センター南駅より徒歩5分くらいで通院しやすかったです。 個人的にはとても満足しております。 ありがとうございました。
The first child and the second child have been indebted to this farewell. Hospital Impression that ends in about 1 hour including by appointment to accounting. Because there is a nursery teacher's and a children's corner during the examination was very helpful that you'll keep an eye on the children of the above. Teacher is always that you want the end to hear? It was easy to ask questions because it would say. ◯ birth It was the birth of in cesarean section. It becomes lunch around operations at the day hospital. After the operations is, of course painful, but you can rest assured us to diligently nurse is needed. It will be hospitalized for seven days. ◯ hospitalization Basically, it is a mother-child broadcast room, but speaking, please feel free to leave. Also is very reassuring because us to and carefully nursing leadership. It meal is delicious luxurious, I was really looking forward to snack at the 3 o'clock every day. Facial, it was also good makeup, photographed with a family. It is corona epidemic, but you can meet about three 30 minutes a day. It was easy to visit in about 5 minutes walk from the Center South Station. Personally I am very happy. Thank you very much.
Manami Urata on Google

院長先生は関西弁でどストレートに発言されるので最初はびっくりされるかもしれません笑 でも患者さんのことを考えてるからこそだし、嬉しい時は一緒に喜んでくれる先生です。 そしてなにより的確な判断でいつも対応いただくので出産という一大イベントを信頼してお願いできます。 私は第3子を計画分娩、第4、5子を無痛分娩で出産でした。上2人は他の病院で自然分娩だったのですがとてもお産が軽い方で計画分娩でもちゅるんと産まれてきましたが、無痛を知ったら戻れないなと思うくらい陣痛の痛みがなく産めました。 また出産時期がかぶったママさんで帝王切開された方は前の病院の時はつらかったけど、今回は産後辛くないと話されていて。 実は5人目の出産時にお腹の子の心拍が落ちて帝王切開になりかけたのですが、先生から「カイザーに変更しよう」と言われた際に、不思議と恐怖心もなく上手だから大丈夫という安心感すらありました(言われた瞬間子宮口が開いて経膣分娩にはなったのですが笑) 副院長先生は柔らかな口調で、ユーモア交えつつ、わかりやすくしっかり説明してくれます。エコーの時もかわいく見える角度を頑張って探してくれました笑 診察時はどちらの先生でも楽しくて今日はどっちかなーとわくわくしながら向かってました。 助産師さん、看護師さんは私の中で皆さん女神様のような存在で、検診のときも入院中も常に優しく、寄り添ってもらいました!おかげで、何人産んでも毎回違う出産の不安が本当になかったです。 コンシェルジュのみなさんエステティシャンの方も気さくにお話いただいて本当に楽しい妊娠、出産期間を過ごさせていただきました。 施設設備もホテルライクで非日常を味わえます! またなんといってもごはんが豪華!!!出産頑張ったご褒美タイムのような入院生活が送れます。 おとめクリニックとの出会いと決め手は実はその豪華なごはんでしたが(笑)3回の出産とも毎回入院中のごはんとデザートが至福でした。 いつか併設か近所におとめカフェができて、おとめランチがいつでも食べられる日が来たらいいなぁと密かに思っております笑 駅から近くて、綺麗で、(好き嫌いはあるかもしれませんが)合理的で無駄がないし、出産の度に新しいサービスも出てきていて面白いなと思いました。 友人にもオススメしたいというか、既に何人もオススメさせてもらっている病院です。 本当にありがとうございました。 また検診でお世話になりたいと思います!
The director may be surprised at first because he speaks straight in the Kansai dialect. But it's because I'm thinking about the patient, and when I'm happy, I'm a teacher who is happy with me. And above all, you can always respond with accurate judgment, so you can trust the big event of childbirth. I gave birth to the third child by planned delivery and the fourth and fifth children by labor analgesia. The first two had spontaneous deliveries at other hospitals, but they were very light and had been born even with planned deliveries, but I couldn't return if I knew that there was no pain. I did. Also, it was said that the mother who had a baby and had a Caesarean section had a hard time at the previous hospital, but this time it is not painful after giving birth. Actually, when the fifth child was born, the heartbeat of the baby in the stomach dropped and it was about to undergo a Caesarean section, but when the teacher said, "Let's change to Kaiser," mysteriously, I am good at it, so I am relieved that it is okay. I even felt it (the moment I was told, the uterine ostium opened and I had a vaginal delivery, but lol) The deputy director has a soft tone and gives a clear and clear explanation with humor. He did his best to find an angle that looked cute even at the time of echo lol At the time of the examination, both teachers had fun and I was excited to see which one was the one today. The midwives and nurses are like goddesses in me, and they were always kind to me during the examination and during hospitalization! Thanks to that, no matter how many people I gave birth, I didn't really have to worry about giving birth. The concierges and estheticians also kindly talked to me and had a really enjoyable pregnancy and childbirth period. The facilities and equipment are hotel-like and you can enjoy extraordinary life! After all, the rice is gorgeous! !! !! You can live an inpatient life like a reward time for giving birth. The deciding factor for the encounter with the Virgin Clinic was actually the gorgeous rice (laughs), but the rice and dessert that were in the hospital every time I gave birth three times were blissful. I'm secretly hoping that one day there will be a maiden cafe in the neighborhood or in the neighborhood, and the day when I can eat maiden lunch anytime will come. It's close to the station, it's beautiful, it's rational (although you may like it or not), it's lean, and new services are coming out every time you give birth, which I found interesting. I would like to recommend it to my friends, or I have already recommended it to many people. I'm really thankful to you. I would like to take care of you again in the examination!
Danish Aoyama on Google

If gynecology and the devil had a face, it would be this place. It looks fancy and nice and it is- but looks can be very deceiving. Partner went for a consultation and the doctor was a straight up d*** Surprised this place hasn't closed. F*** this place.
Ekaterina Tarasova on Google

We have chosen “otome clinic”, many thanks to the doctors, also very attentive staff. It is very cozy and comfortable to be with a newborn, I would like to separately mention the restaurant, it is always very tasty and varied! Thank you very much for your hard work!

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