Chiba prefecture mutual aid co-op - 本町 Funabashi

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chiba prefecture mutual aid co-op

住所 :

県民共済 2 Chome-3-11 Honcho, 本町 Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 273-0005
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

県民共済 2 Chome-3-11 Honcho, 本町 Funabashi, Chiba 273-0005, Japan
ちゃこ on Google

一部損壊は最高で、100万以上で60万が返ってくる保険。被害が大きく 台風15号の時ですら足の出る状況で、19号の被害も一緒に請求してと言われたので、自腹が多く直せない所も出そうです。 新たに火災保険を考えている人の参考になればと思います。
Some damage is the best, with insurance over 1 million returning 600,000. The damage was so great that even when Typhoon No. 15 was on the ground, I was told to claim the damage of No. 19 together, so there seems to be a place where I can't fix a lot of my stomach. I hope it will be helpful for those who are considering fire insurance.
める on Google

妊娠して1ヶ月くらい入院した時に お世話になりました!退院して診断書 出来て書類を送って3日ぐらいには 入金があってとっても早い対応だなと 思いました♪ しっかり入っといて良かったです?
When I was pregnant and stayed in the hospital for about a month thank you for helping me! Discharge and medical certificate About 3 days It is a very quick response with payment I thought ♪ It was good to be able to enter firmly.
たくあん on Google

The correspondence over the phone was also kind and kind. The payment was made two days after the documents were sent. I had a holiday, so I wonder if it would have been the next day's deposit if I hadn't. ?? I intended to enter it as a minimum, but it was very helpful!
つば九郎 on Google

入会していざというときに電話対応、書類審査、振り込み、その他迅速に対応して頂いてますが本来なら保険請求は使わない方が幸せなのかも… いざというときに助かりました。ありがとうございました!
When you are about to join, you will be able to respond quickly by telephone, document screening, transfer, etc., but it may be happier not to use insurance claims ... It was saved in an emergency. Thank you very much!
てて on Google

安いがイザというときに頼りにならない。 家族が加入し、イザが訪れたので使おうとしたところ、ネットは使えず。電話は平日の9〜17時にしか通じない。組織的にやる気ないのがわかる☆−1。 ようやく電話が通じ、中年女性の職員が対応する。「自費じゃなくて健康保険適用」と3回伝えてようやく通じる。とにかく支払いをしたくないという感じが伝わってくる。 結局「書類を送る」だけ。それならネットで完結したのでは?☆−1 迅速支払いは嘘。 確かに「迅速」に定義はない。が、遅くても書類が届いて1週間でしょう。「迅速」と謳っていない他の医療保険は1週間でしたが、ココは倍以上でした。しかも保障は1/7です。☆−2
It's cheap, but it's unreliable when it comes to Isa. My family joined and Isa visited, so I tried to use it, but I couldn't use the internet. The phone only works from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. I understand that I am not motivated systematically ☆ -1. The phone is finally available and a middle-aged female employee responds. I finally get through by telling him three times that he is covered by health insurance, not at his own expense. I get the feeling that I don't want to pay anyway. After all, just "send documents". If so, wasn't it completed online? ☆ -1 Fast payment is a lie. Certainly there is no definition of "quick". However, it will be a week after the documents arrive at the latest. Other medical insurance that didn't claim to be "quick" lasted a week, but here more than doubled. Moreover, the guarantee is 1/7. ☆ -2
M Ohana on Google

長年加入していて家族で何度もお世話になり、支払いも早く満足していたのですが。 少し前になりますが、コースの変更の相談をしに伺いました。ブースに案内されて愛想のよい職員がテーブルにファイルを広げ始めましたが、子宮筋腫の診断をされたことを話した途端、顔が曇りさっさとファイルを片付け始めました。だから、手術した場合や完治した場合、いつかコース変更できるかということを相談したかったのに、説明などもしてもらえず「持病ありは無理」といった感じの一点張り。すぐに追い出されました。今まで頼りにしていただけに、とっても残念な気持ちになりました。
I have been a member for many years and have been taken care of many times by my family, and I was satisfied with the payment quickly. A little while ago, I came to discuss the change of course. At the booth, the friendly staff began to spread the file over the table, but as soon as he told me that he had been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, his face began to clear up quickly. Therefore, I wanted to talk about whether I could change the course if I had an operation or a full recovery, but I could not even explain it and I got a feeling that "I can not have a chronic disease". I was immediately kicked out. I was so disappointed that I could count on you.
a h on Google

将来に対する保険ではなく、今に対する保険。 掛け金が手頃で、8月には割戻金が3割前後返ってくるので、安いです。 大人は通院は14日以上ですが、怪我への保障もあります。癌診断については加入から3ヶ月経ってないと案内通りの保険額はもらえないので注意が必要です。 子供の保障は手厚く、怪我の通院1日から出ます。 請求も簡単で、電話して内容を伝えると書類が送られてきます。必要なことを書き、病院の領収書のコピーを添付して送り返すと、数日で入金されるので素早い対応です。電話窓口の方の対応も良いです。 5人家族ですが、皆入っています。 知り合いには『保険貧乏にはなりたくない』と言われましたが、最低限の保障として県民共済くらいは掛けておきたいですよね。
Insurance for the present, not for the future. The stakes are reasonable, and in August the rebate comes back around 30%, so it's cheap. Adults go to the clinic for more than 14 days, but there is also security for injuries. It is important to note that you will not receive the insurance amount according to the guidance unless you have passed three months after your cancer diagnosis. The child's security is generous and comes from the first day of injury. It's easy to make a request, and you'll receive a call when you call and tell us what you're doing. Write down what you need, attach a copy of the hospital receipt and send it back, you will be paid in a few days, so it's a quick response. The correspondence of the telephone counter is also good. It is a family of five, but everyone is there. An acquaintance told me, "I don't want to be in poverty in insurance," but as a minimum security, I'd like to spend as much as prefectural mutual aid.
上康 on Google

家族を亡くして悲しい中、 事務的なものもこなしていかないといけなくて、、電話をしたんですが 同居していないから、私は関係ない風な対応されて、それはそちらさんの事務処理の関係上の事でしょうに 忙しいのもわかります。 でも情けないです。 お悔やみ申し上げますって カタチだけの言葉だけでこちらに寄り添っての対応ではありませんでした。 普段なら許せる事も 家族を亡くして 悲しんでる人に対しての対応をなもっと 考えて頂きたいです。 わかりにくい文章ですみません! 電話での対応はあまり良いものではなかったという話です。
While sad to lose my family, I had to do some clerical work, so I called. Since I'm not living together, I've been dealt with in an unrelated way, and I understand that it's probably because of your paperwork, and I'm busy. But I'm sorry. I would like to express my condolences. It wasn't just a form of words, but a response that was close to me. What I can usually forgive is the loss of my family More about dealing with people who are sad I want you to think about it. Sorry for the incomprehensible text! It is said that the telephone response was not very good.

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