Chenmaya Aeon Style Shinagawa Seaside

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chenmaya Aeon Style Shinagawa Seaside

住所 :

Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0002 Tokyo,Japan

I ordered Mapo tofu +3 spicy. A spicy ingredient added to the pre-made mapo tofu bean paste. Spicy enough, taste is normal.
まー on Google

以前に比べると辛味も胡麻感も弱くなったような?? お値段も上がりましたが、お買い物途中のランチにはちょうどいいです。
Do you feel less spicy and sesame than before? ? Although the price has risen, it is just right for lunch during shopping.
eisin saito on Google

金曜の19:00に、妻と二人で伺いました。 私は坦々麺(\750)、妻は陳痲チャーハン(\800)を注文。 フランスの冷凍食品専門店「Picard」の商品が買いたいと妻が言うので、イオン品川シーサイド店で待ち合わせ。 買い物前に食事を済ませようと『いきなりステーキ』に向かうもウェイティングのお客様が…。 食べログでの評価は高くありませんが、肉の人気は高いようです。 諦めて買い物をしようと地下に降りると、此方のお店があったので迷わずに入店。 お店のレジで先払いし、店内のテーブル席で料理が出来上がるのを待ちます。 フードコートで渡されるような呼出器(?)を手渡されるので、この狭い店内で何故?と思いましたが、 此方はフードコートの一角に位置するお店でした…。 お味は悪くありません。 坦々麺は、私好みのストレートの細麺を程よい辛味のスープで美味しくいただく事が出来ます。 陳痲チャーハンのチャーハンは薄味ですが、チャーハン自体美味しくいただけます。 ただ、麻婆の味が強いのでチャーハンとペアーにする必要があるのか疑問に感じます(麻婆を口にしたらチャーハンの味は解らなくなる...)。麻婆は片栗多めのかためな仕上がり。 2018/02
At 19:00 on Friday, I visited with my wife. I ordered Tantanmen (\ 750) and my wife ordered Chen Fried Rice (\ 800). My wife says she wants to buy products from the French frozen food store "Picard," so I met at the Aeon Shinagawa Seaside store. Customers who waited for "Suddenly Steak" to finish their meal before shopping ... Meat log is not so popular, but meat seems to be popular. When I got down and tried to give up shopping, I went to the store without hesitation because there was a store here. We will pay in advance at the cash register of the shop and wait for the table to be cooked. I was handed a caller (?) Like that given at the food court, so I wondered why in this small shop. This was a store located in a corner of the food court ... The taste is not bad. Tantanmen can be made with my favorite straight thin noodles with a moderately spicy soup. The fried rice of Chen Prawn fried rice is light, but the fried rice itself is delicious. However, I'm wondering if it's necessary to pair it with fried rice, as it has a strong taste (I can't understand the taste of fried rice ...). Mapo has a lot of Kataguri and a firm finish. 2018/02
MM KK on Google

I ordered a set of Mabodon half and Tandan noodle half. It was a dish that was easy to eat without being too spicy.
久保浩一 on Google

チャーハン餃子定食、流石にプロが作るできたてのチャーハンは美味い。同じ店舗がランチタイムに売ってるチャーハン弁当とは別物でした。 (追記) 麻辣炒飯は、辛さよりも四川山椒による痺れが強い炒飯でした。 2018年2月末で閉店だそうです。
Fried rice dumplings set meal, freshly prepared fried rice by professionals is delicious. It was different from the fried rice bento sold at the same store at lunchtime. (Addition) Mahi fried rice was fried rice that was more numb due to Sichuan Sansho than spicy. It seems that it will be closed at the end of February 2018.
r n on Google

四川フェスなるものを発見したので、刀削麺はありませんがおすすめのマーボー麺食べました。 据置の山椒も使ったので、痺れバッチリで美味しかった!お店には悪いけど、刀削麺が無かったので私評は4
I found something called Sichuan Festival, so I didn't have sword-cut noodles, but I ate the recommended Marvo noodles. I also used deferred Japanese pepper, so it was numb and delicious! It's bad for the shop, but I didn't have sword-cut noodles, so my rating is 4
Tom Yasu on Google

陳麻家は、これまで数回、訪問したことがあります。 初めて「陳麻家」を訪れたのは、ロサンゼルス市の南に位置する日系人が多く住む、Gardinaと言うところに短期間でしたが出店した時に初めて。 日本に帰国してからも、一度、他店舗に行ったことが。 その2回の訪問で、「まぁ〜、次はないなぁ」って思う自分の評価でした。 2回目の訪問から、もう6年くらい経過し、昨日、たまたまイオンモールに行ったのと、その時、朝から何も食べたくなく、また、町中華的な食べ物が食べたくなり…。 感想は、やはり、「次回は、ないなぁ」っていうものでした。 あの味が好きな方は、好きかと思います。 お店がお勧めする、「麻婆豆腐」と「担々麺」。 どちらも、自分の好みではなく。 麻婆豆腐は、片栗粉が多く、全く肉がなく、そして、豆豉が全く入っていない、「蒙古タンメン中本」の麻婆豆腐と似てます。苦手な味です。 味にコクがないです。かなり安く作れそうです。 また、担々麺ですが、お店のメニューに掲載されている写真とは全く違う表面は「白」でした。写真をご確認いただければ。 スープ自体も、全然、コクがないです。 ただ、麺は細麺で、噛んだ感触は良かったです。 見た目が白色で、「?、オーダーを間違えたのかなぁ?」と思ったりしたのですが(笑) 総括: 自分が好きな「麻婆豆腐」と「担々麺」では、なかったのは確かです。 ここのお店の味が好きな方は、たくさんいるのかと思います。 もう、次回はないなぁ〜。 と、言いつつ、もしかしたら…。
The Chen Ma family has visited several times in the past. The first time I visited the Chen Ma family was when I opened a store in Gardina, where many Nikkei live in the south of Los Angeles. Even after returning to Japan, I have been to other stores once. In those two visits, it was my evaluation that I thought, "Well, there is no next." About 6 years have passed since my second visit, and I happened to go to AEON MALL yesterday. At that time, I didn't want to eat anything from the morning, and I wanted to eat Chinese food in the town ... After all, the impression was, "I don't have it next time." If you like that taste, I think you like it. "Mapo tofu" and "dandan noodles" recommended by the shop. Neither is my taste. Mapo tofu is similar to Mokotanmen Nakamoto's mapo tofu, which has a lot of potato starch, no meat at all, and no douchi. I don't like the taste. There is no richness in the taste. It looks like it can be made quite cheaply. Also, for dandan noodles, the surface that is completely different from the photo on the menu of the shop was "white". Please check the photo. The soup itself is not rich at all. However, the noodles were thin and the chewed texture was good. It looks white, and I thought, "?, I wonder if I made a mistake in the order?" (Laughs) Summary: It is certain that I didn't have the "Mapo tofu" and "Tandan noodles" that I liked. I think there are many people who like the taste of this shop. There is no next time. While saying, maybe ...
SH 3721 on Google

A set of Chen Ma rice and Tantan noodles. It's not unique to this branch that it looks different from the menu photos, but it's a shame. Mapo tofu has a decent amount of Chinese pepper, but chili peppers and douchi are weak, and relying on chili oil is probably a cost cut. Even so, it is spicy enough to withstand spicy tastes, and I am grateful that I can eat it comfortably at AEON when I stayed at Shinagawa Seaside.

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