
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉すぎうら

住所 :

Central, Ushiku, 〒300-1234 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987899
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

Central, Ushiku, 〒300-1234 Ibaraki,Japan
nasyoko on Google

彼氏のbirthday祝いで来店。高級と聞いていたので、ビビりながらも彼の食べたいものをオーダー。馬刺し、ローストビーフユッケ、タン、カルビ3種盛り、シロコロホルモン、飯村牛のリブロース(その日のオススメの中の一つ)、コムタン。全部美味しすぎておなかいっぱいになりながらも幸せなひと時でした♥ 生中は一番搾り¥550で、彼もご満悦でしたね(笑)3杯のんで、ウーロン茶、お通し¥350、ライス大盛り¥380も頼んで、15000円以内で納まった?✨ 他にも美味しそうなものが多いけど、個人的にはシロコロホルモンだけで満足できるww またご褒美で行きたい♥ 芸能人も、何名か来店されてるようで、入口前にサイン飾られてました。 帰りに飴ちゃん貰えます。カード決済可能です。平日夜だったけど、お客さん多かったので予約した方が確実ですね!
Come to the store with my boyfriend's birthday celebration. I heard that it was a luxury, so I ordered what he wanted to eat, even though he was blessed. Horse stab, roast beef yuke, tongue, 3 kinds of carbs, white hormone, Iimura rib ribulose (one of the recommended for the day), Komtan. It was a delicious moment but it was a happy time to be full ♥ The raw squeezed the first ¥ ¥ 550, he was also happy (laughs) In three cups, Oolong tea, Oita ¥ 350, rice large platter ¥ 380 also asked, it is a basket that is less than 15000 yen There are many other things that seem to be delicious, but personally you can be satisfied with only white hormone I would like to go there again with rewards ♥ The entertainers also seemed to be coming to the store, and the sign was decorated in front of the entrance. I will meet you on your way home. Card payment is possible. It was a weekday evening, but there were a lot of customers, so it's better to make a reservation!
燈月十六夜 on Google

昼のラストオーダーは13:00になっていました。(2021.7.24) 肉は全体的に良質。炭火焼ではないけど、気にならないくらい肉が美味しかったです。 ホルモンとレバーとタンが臭みなく凄く好きです。 店内は少しこじんまりとした印象。 店員さんの対応が丁寧で気持ちよく食事が出来ました。 またぜひ食べに行きたい。
The last order for lunch was 13:00. (2021.7.24) The meat is of good quality overall. It wasn't charcoal-grilled, but the meat was so delicious that it didn't bother me. I really like hormones, liver and tongue without any odor. The inside of the store has a slightly small impression. The clerk's response was polite and I was able to eat comfortably. I definitely want to go eat again.
廣田啓介 on Google

The meat is delicious. I wonder if the rice system was a little disappointing ...
Ishiyama Seiji (ゐしやませヰじ) on Google

A very nice yakiniku restaurant. I don't think it's fresh and delicious, but it seems relatively expensive for this level. And at least I want to grill meat on charcoal. That alone is minus 1.
M USUI on Google

初めてランチを食べに行ったが、輸入肉の為お肉が固かった。以前の店舗の時は、とても美味しかったのに残念。確かに高いお金を出せば美味しいのは当たり前。ランチの魅力はないようなので多分、もう行かないと思う。 以前の店舗の時のようになればと期待したい❗️
I went to eat lunch for the first time, but the meat was hard because it was imported meat. It's a shame that it was very delicious at the previous store. Certainly it is natural that it is delicious if you pay a lot of money. I don't think lunch is attractive so I don't think I'll go anymore. I hope it will be like the time of the previous store ❗️
南東北アントン on Google

ランチがお得だね… 石焼きビビンバをいただきました… 副菜がいっぱいです… サラダのドレッシングがカレー風味で胃袋が目覚めます… どの料理も野菜が美味しいですよ…
Lunch is a great deal ... I had a stone-grilled bibimbap ... There are a lot of side dishes ... The salad dressing has a curry flavor and the stomach wakes up ... Vegetables are delicious in every dish ...
KEIAI流山街道不動産センターアースクライシス株式会社 on Google

凄く美味しい! お店も綺麗で野菜も新鮮。 以前は接客があまり好きでは無かったし、評価にも接客がイマイチな事も書いてありますが、今日の接客は素晴らしく気持ちよく食事が出来ました!
Very delicious! The shop is beautiful and the vegetables are fresh. Before, I didn't like customer service very much, and the evaluation says that customer service is not good, but today's customer service was wonderful and I was able to eat comfortably!
池山龍一 on Google

牛久市で目当ての焼肉屋に振られて焼肉難民に陥りかけた際にすぐに予約が取れて利用できました。 週末の夕食の時間に即答で予約が取れること自体少し不安材料だったのですが、、、ごめんなさい利用したら素晴らしい焼肉屋さんでした。 価格帯が幅広いために焼肉にどれほどのお金をかけたい人なのかで全く評価が変わるのかもしれませんが、とにかくおいしい肉を求める私は上および銘柄牛を中心にオーダーし、満足感は高かったです。 タンはデロっとした生の状態でもちろん提供され、部位的にもカット的にも見事な一品でした。せっかく素晴らしいタンだったので所与で出されている容器に入れてあるレモン汁だけではなく、下味含めてもう少し味付けを店側で主導してくれたほうが「おいしい焼肉」になるとは思いましたが、文句を言ったら悪いレベルでおいしかったのも事実です。 飯村牛というブランド牛を推しており、その中からリブロースをチョイス。リブ芯、リブマキが付いた肉をハサミでカットしながら食べましたが、脂も非常に良く美味しかったです。 特上カルビ 上ロース ハラミ やきしゃぶ と肉は食べましたが、思い返してみると 上ロースは脂分が少なすぎて食感が悪く、ハラミも他の肉に比べると少し悲しい肉でしたので、もしかしたら上~特上を選ぶのが正解の焼肉屋さんなのかもしれません。 サイドメニューもおいしくて、デザートの種類も多くどれも美味しく、どのようなシチュエーションで利用しても楽しく食べることが出来るお店なのだと思います。 満足度高かったです。 日本全国の焼肉屋を食べ歩いて記録しているブログ「焼肉図鑑」を作成しています。 他の焼肉屋情報はぜひブログも見てみてください。
When I was shaken by the yakiniku restaurant I was looking for in Ushiku and fell into a yakiniku refugee, I was able to make a reservation immediately and use it. I was a little worried that I could make an immediate reservation at dinner time on the weekend, but I'm sorry, it was a wonderful yakiniku restaurant. Due to the wide price range, the evaluation may change completely depending on how much money you want to spend on yakiniku, but anyway, I ordered mainly top and brand beef, and I was satisfied with it. It was. Of course, the tongue was served in a crisp, raw state, and it was a wonderful dish both in terms of parts and cuts. Since it was a wonderful tongue, I thought that it would be better for the restaurant to take the lead in seasoning not only the lemon juice in the given container but also the seasoning. It is also true that it was delicious at a bad level when I complained. I recommend a brand beef called Iimura beef, and I choose rib roast from them. I ate the meat with rib core and rib maki while cutting it with scissors, but the fat was also very good and delicious. I ate special ribs, top loin, skirt steak, shabu-shabu and meat, but when I think back The upper loin has too little fat and has a bad texture, and the skirt steak is a little sad compared to other meats, so maybe it is the correct yakiniku restaurant to choose the upper to special. The side menu is delicious, and there are many types of desserts, all of which are delicious, and I think it's a restaurant where you can enjoy eating in any situation. The satisfaction was high. I am creating a blog "Yakiniku Encyclopedia" that records eating and walking around yakiniku restaurants all over Japan. Please see the blog for information on other yakiniku restaurants.

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