税理士法人 佐藤三田会計事務所

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 税理士法人 佐藤三田会計事務所

住所 :

Central, Nakano City, 〒164-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://www.xn----kq6atlut23msqao55fyr4evvo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Central, Nakano City, 〒164-0011 Tokyo,Japan
YMag on Google

すでに利用している知人の紹介でこちらの事務所を利用させていただきました。中野にあるということで家からも近いです。 初めて税理士さんに頼むこともあり、非常に心配しておりましたが、 非常に丁寧に手取り足取り教えていただけます。 税務知識がない中でも、安心して利用できるところだと思います。 口コミに多く書いてある通り、不動産関連がすごく強い税理士さんです。 確定申告や節税についても自分では調べられないことを教えてくれるので一度相談することをお勧めします。
I used this office by introducing an acquaintance who is already using it. It's near Nakano because it's in Nakano. I was very worried because I asked a tax accountant for the first time, You can teach me how to proceed very carefully. Even if you don't have tax knowledge, I think it is a safe place to use. As you can see in many reviews, it is a tax accountant with a strong real estate relationship. It is recommended that you consult with us once, as it will tell you that you cannot examine tax returns and tax savings yourself.
山本裕 on Google

I am always consulting regarding real estate. It is located in Nakano Sakagami, but it is surprisingly convenient because Shinjuku is nearby. I used to be taken care of by a tax accountant before, but the reason I changed it is that I am polite and willing to consult with me. Tax accountants often depend on people, so I recommend it. If you are in trouble with real estate, I think you should consult.
河野浩紀 on Google

中野坂上駅から歩いて5分くらいの場所にあります。不動産売買の件でご相談させていただきました。丁寧で親切に教えていただきました。通常だと、相談回数に上限があったりするのですが、制限回数はなく、納得できるまで説明をしていただけます。 また、顧問契約の前の相談料も無料と非常に良心的です。 顧問料も10000円前後からと他の税理士さんに比べると安いと思います。 不動産だけでは、なく、融資関係や会社設立関係なども相談ののっていただけるので迷っている方は初回相談申し込んで相談したほうが良いと思います。
It's about a 5 minute walk from Nakanosakaue Station. We talked about real estate sales. He taught me politely and kindly. Normally, there is an upper limit on the number of consultations, but there is no limit and you can explain until you are satisfied. In addition, the consultation fee before the advisory contract is free, which is very conscientious. I think the advisory fee is around 10,000 yen, which is cheaper than other tax accountants. Not only real estate but also lending and company establishment can be consulted, so if you are in doubt, it is better to apply for the first consultation.
田中ユウ on Google

中野坂上駅から徒歩10分の場所にある会計事務所。ここの会計士さんは特に不動産に強みを持っています。消費税の返金請求といった難度が高い業務を不動産や消費税に対する知識と経験が豊富な先生にみてもらえます。また、不動産は相続でもかなりの課題となりますが、老後の生活資金・介護・家業、家の継承・遺産分割・納税資金の確保・節税 これらの課題も的確にアドバイスをいただくことができます。無料で相談に乗ってもらえるので困ったときはまず相談すると良いと思います。
An accounting office located a 10-minute walk from Nakanosakaue Station. Accountants here have a real strength in real estate. Teachers with a wealth of knowledge and experience in real estate and consumption tax can see difficult tasks such as claiming consumption tax refunds. In addition, real estate poses a considerable problem in inheritance, but living funds for old age, nursing care, family business, inheritance of homes, heritage division, securing tax payment funds, tax saving You can get accurate advice on these issues. If you have any problems, it is a good idea to consult first because you can consult for free.
山喜順平 on Google

中野坂上駅から徒歩7分ほど歩いたところにあります。初回相談無料はともかく、契約後の相談回数も制限がないところがすごく魅力的でした。 不動産関連でお世話になりましたが、わからないことが多く何回も相談できたことが自分にとって良かったです。節税関連も教えていただき、感謝しております。
It is about a 7-minute walk from Nakano Sakaue Station. Aside from the free initial consultation, it was very attractive that there was no limit to the number of consultations after the contract. I was taken care of by real estate, but it was good for me that I could consult many times because there were many things I didn't understand. I am grateful to you for teaching me about tax savings.
田中真紀 on Google

新宿駅から2駅の中野坂上駅にある税理士事務所です。駅からは少し歩きますが、新宿エリアなので近辺の方はおすすめいたします。 不動産売買の件でお世話になりましたが、不動産関連にはめっぽう強い先生だと思います。 自分が知らないことも多々あったこともありますが、とにかく細かい点までチェックしていただき、わからないことはすべて答えていただけます。 料金も良心的ですので一度無料相談してみると良いかと思います。
It is a tax accountant office located at Nakano-Sakaue Station, which is 2 stations from Shinjuku Station. It's a short walk from the station, but it's in the Shinjuku area, so we recommend people in the vicinity. Thank you for your help in buying and selling real estate, but I think you are a very strong teacher in real estate. There are many things I don't know, but anyway, you can check the details and answer all the questions you don't understand. The fee is also reasonable, so I think it's a good idea to consult once for free.
Yuki Takamatsu on Google

新宿近くの中野坂上にある会計事務所で、紹介されて訪問しました。 確定申告や、節税、マンション経営についての相談を行いましたが、とても分かりやすかったです。 長く会計事務所をされているところなので、安心して相談できます。 事前に連絡をしておくと、確定申告や、節税、マンション経営についての相談をしてくれます。 これから事業を始める方とか、マンション経営をしてみたい方の心強い相談相手になってもらえます。 毎月節税、消費税などの色々なセミナーを開催しているので、セミナーに参加してみてもいいかと思います。
I was introduced and visited at an accounting office in Nakano-Sakaue near Shinjuku. I consulted on tax returns, tax savings, and condominium management, but it was very easy to understand. I have been an accounting firm for a long time, so I can talk with confidence. If you contact us in advance, we will be happy to help you with tax returns, tax savings, and condominium management. You can be a reassuring counselor for those who are starting a business or who want to run a condominium. We hold various seminars such as tax saving and consumption tax every month, so I think you can participate in the seminars.
Sako Hi on Google

There are things I can't understand even if I look up the final tax return and inheritance tax, and even if I was able to go to the tax office, I was told to ask the tax accountant office, and I talked over the phone once, but after that I wanted to give you the correct information. I took the trouble to call you. I consulted and did not reach the request due to the busy season, but I think it is a very company.

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