
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぱんとりー

住所 :

Central, Kuji, 〒028-0061 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8PM
Friday 9:30AM–8PM
街 : Iwate

Central, Kuji, 〒028-0061 Iwate,Japan
山王連合会COBRA on Google

素朴でホッとする味。 お店の人も対応ヨシ! オススメです。
Simple and relieved taste. Shop staff also respond! It is recommended.
三河一嘉 on Google

I am always indebted. As you can see in the reviews of other people, it is a store with a relaxing taste and personality.
ak ka on Google

コスパが高い弁当屋さんです。惣菜が並べられておりそこからチョイスしても弁当が作れます。味も優しいおふくろの味。一番高い幕の内弁当で500円、丼ものは320円からあります。 店主も非常に親しみがもてる優しい人でした。
It is a bento shop with a high cost performance. Side dishes are lined up and you can make a bento even if you choose from there. The taste of the bath is gentle. The highest Makunouchi lunch starts at 500 yen, and the bowl starts at 320 yen. The owner was also a very friendly and friendly person.
Ryosuke Saito on Google

It was a very homely taste, very calm and relieved. The lady at the store also participated in local safety activities and had a very good personality.
富田朝子 on Google

A side dish and not a variety Row, was eating while blowing in the breeze in a three-iron Kuji Station Square in front of buying towards the 400 yen and 500 yen makunouchi is ... 400 yen If you have lost. The rice tasted delicious with a gentle taste that seemed to be handmade. A couple who seems to be kind to the shop? Worked quietly.
塩見ウラディミール畠山 on Google

市民の心の拠り所とも言える 店主の温かい情と絶品のグルメを食いたけりゃここしかない
It can be said that it is the heart of the citizens If you want to eat the warmth of the owner and the exquisite gourmet food, this is the only place
かじゅうれもん on Google

旅行中に利用しましたが、噂に違わぬ暖かいお店でした。 おにぎりやお惣菜も美味しいのでオススメです!!
I used it while traveling, but it was a warm shop that was not different from the rumor. Rice balls and side dishes are also delicious, so we recommend them! !!
呪術界最強と化した先輩 on Google

The owner's personality is also warm, and I had warm coffee because it gets cold today. After all, I think the biggest strength is that you can customize the contents of your bento to your liking! This is a store that you should definitely visit.

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