医療法人社団仁静堂 平山歯科医院

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 医療法人社団仁静堂 平山歯科医院

住所 :

Central, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0013 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://jinseido.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–1:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Central, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0013 Chiba,Japan
Yuka on Google

I have been through it for many years, but the treatment is polite and reliable, so you can leave it with confidence. The hospital is clean, and the dental hygienists and receptionists are very friendly, and only gentle people are always happy to use it. Also, I am happy that I can make reservations online and can easily make changes.
MRN N on Google

いつもお世話になっております。 対応がとても丁寧なうえに、説明もわかりやすいので、安心して治療を受けられます。 歯のことに関して不安に思うことや何か困ったことがあれば何でも相談でき、寄り添った言葉掛けや治療法を行ってくれるので、とても信頼できます。
Always I am indebted. The treatment is very polite and the explanation is easy to understand, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind. If you have any concerns about your teeth or if you have any problems, you can consult with us and we will talk to you closely and treat you, so it is very reliable.
山環 on Google

先生はもちろん、歯科衛生士さん達も皆さん技術力が高いです。 何より、いつ行っても患者に寄り添ってくれる優しい姿勢がありがたいです。 気になる事を質問すれば丁寧に教えてくれたり、解決策を提案してくれます。 小学生の子供も歯医者さんへの恐怖心が全く無く、定期検診を楽しみにしています。
Not only the teacher but also the dental hygienists are all highly skilled. Above all, I am grateful for the kind attitude that is always close to the patient. If you ask a question that interests you, he or she will carefully teach you and suggest a solution. Elementary school children are not afraid of the dentist and look forward to regular checkups.
DU U on Google

数年前からお世話になっています。 他の歯医者さんとは違い、無駄な話もなく テキパキと施術をしていただけるのが特に 好きな点です。 受付や助手の方の対応もとても優しく丁寧です。 また、無痛治療も素晴らしく、痛みを主張した ところ、次回からは痛みが全くない治療をして いただけました。 これから就活ですが、千葉に留まりたいと考える 一因になっている歯医者さんです。 おすすめします。
I have been indebted for several years. Unlike other dentists, there is no useless talk Especially, you can have a nice treatment I like it. The receptionist and assistants are also very kind and polite. Also, the painless treatment was excellent and claimed pain. However, from the next time onward, I will treat you without any pain. I got it. I'm going to get a job, but I want to stay in Chiba It is a dentist who is one of the causes. I recommend it.
ぐぅぐぅみぃ on Google

It's been almost 20 years since I started searching online. Everyone feels good and the response is polite. When I consult with my teacher or hygienist, they clearly say "I don't recommend it" or "I don't do it." Once I was told that I would pull out wisdom tooth that seems to be messing up, I was told "I will introduce others," and only then I pulled out at a large hospital. I was told that ``I can not do it at home, it is better to have another person do it,'' but it was clear that it was not wasteful medical treatment and money, and I could not do what I could not do, but I can trust quite a lot in myself. It was I think that he is a dentist who is hard to make a reservation because he is kind to patients. Also, the hygienist's teeth are very good and clean! I don't care for tooth decay, but I'm looking forward to cleaning it. There are many dentists, but when I look for another place where I can trust the dentist, I am worried that it will be easy to find. .. ..
nb kb on Google

受付のスズキだったか女性の態度が悪すぎる! 向こうのミスで領収や予約を忘れたにも関わらず、いきなり電話をかけてきて謝罪もせずにどうしますか?と質問攻め。 こちらが出先とか仕事中とか一切、配慮無し。 上から目線で言葉づかいにも冷たさを感じました。 通常の会計時も、お大事になどは一切言わず、ただの会計係。 病院行ってこんな受付始めてです。 先生や歯科衛生士さんの治療自体は丁寧ですが、この受付に当たると思うと残念でなりません。
Suzuki at the reception or the woman's attitude is too bad! What would you do without apologizing for suddenly calling, even though you forgot your receipt or reservation due to a mistake over there? And ask a question. There is no consideration for this, such as on the go or at work. Looking from above, I felt cold in the wording. Even during normal accounting, he is just an accountant without saying anything important. I went to the hospital and started accepting this. The treatment itself of the teacher and the dental hygienist is polite, but it is a pity to think that it will be the receptionist.
Goro S on Google

虫歯が多く、歯医者が嫌いで、歯医者に色々言われることもあり、治療の度に歯医者を変えてきました。 新しく行く歯医者を探しており、こちらは、先生や治療に対するネガティヴなコメントがなかったので、選びました。 他の歯医者では、たった一本の曲がった歯のために高額の矯正を勧められたり、インプラントにしろしろ言われたり、なんとなく不信感で行かなくなったり、、ここでは、そういう高額な営業もなく、きちんと歯の状況と出来る治療を説明して下さり、今のところ信頼できる歯医者だなと思いました。 治療以外で余計な会話が無いので、個人的に良かったです。 ただ、院長先生は、無言で治療し始めるので、 何をするか言って作業に入ってもらえると、歯医者嫌いとしては、ちょっと不安・恐怖が解消するかも。 定期クリーニングは、4700円と高めです。
I have a lot of cavities, I hate dentists, and sometimes I get told by dentists, so I changed my dentist every time I was treated. I was looking for a new dentist and chose this because I didn't have any negative comments about my teacher or treatment. Other dentists advised me to have an expensive orthodontic treatment for just one bent tooth, I was told to use an implant, and somehow I couldn't go because of distrust. He explained the condition of the teeth and the treatment that can be done properly, and I thought that he was a reliable dentist so far. It was good personally because there was no extra conversation other than treatment. However, the director begins to treat silently, so If you tell me what to do and get into the work, if you hate dentists, your anxiety and fear may disappear. Regular cleaning is as high as 4700 yen.
WORLD Inpeus on Google

I made dentures here, but even though they didn't fit up and down, I was told to wait until the next time, but it was so painful that I couldn't attach them. I made it elsewhere last time, but that wasn't the case. I can't use dentures that can't be meshed strongly. I can't use any dentures. How to make adjustments that are different from the ones I made last time How about writing a letter of introduction to see the dentist I went to before if I asked many times? I made dentures last time, but it fits properly, so why doesn't it fit? It's normal here for dentures with a lot of scratches. Is there no choice but to use a stabilizer or adjust the badness of the arm with a stabilizer? In the first place, how do you eat when you fix it with a stabilizer even though it doesn't even mesh? Excuse quibble seems to not practice making dentures at Pikaichi Dental College, it seems that only knowledge is embedded, it is almost like leaving it to the technician's arm, and when you ask the technician, you just press it It seems that the fit is completely different between the shape of the denture and the shape while moving it from side to side. The technician said that the shape of the denture was not bad, not that the technician was bad. ¡It is a writing that is intentionally erased, but

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