
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かつうら久七丸

住所 :

Central, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0013 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Central, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0013 Chiba,Japan
Molly Holy on Google

平日のランチ最高にコスパ良しです! お刺身定食をいただきましたが、とても新鮮で美味しかったです。税込850円で小鉢、サラダ、お味噌がつきます。 場所は少しわかりにくいですが、わざわざ行く価値ありです。
Weekday lunch is the best cospa! I had a sashimi set meal and it was very fresh and delicious. A small bowl, salad and miso are included for 850 yen including tax. The location is a bit confusing, but it's worth the trip.
Takato Yamada on Google

The price of a seafood bowl is so good! !!
ウサダンス on Google

When I visited the Chiba Municipal Museum of Art, I had a weekday lunch and a sashimi set meal. It was good as the reputation. It's hard to see in this photo, but there are many types of sashimi, and miso soup with fish balls and salad are all delicious. Moreover, it is reasonable. No wonder there are many repeaters such as office workers. it's recommended.
Y O on Google

ランチで海鮮丼を頂きました。丼にはこれでもかというくらい肉厚で新鮮なお刺身が乗っています。金目鯛のお刺身が乗ってるとは…! 味噌汁も魚介の出汁がたっぷりと出ていてます。 丼850円、定食750円、ご飯味噌汁お替り自由で、ホントにすごい!
I had a seafood bowl for lunch. The bowl is full of fresh and thick sashimi. It's said that the sashimi of Kinmetai is on it! Miso soup is also full of seafood stock. Rice bowl 850 yen, set meal 750 yen, rice miso soup free replacement, really amazing!
うにサバ夫 on Google

お刺身定食のお刺身の種類が多く、金目まで一切れ入っててびっくり。はつがつをも美味しい。お刺身の種類が多いので楽しめる。お味噌汁も、海老の頭で出汁をとってあって美味しい。 このお刺身のバラエティさでもこの価格。海鮮丼も具沢山です。 魚好きにはたまらないです。
There are many types of sashimi in the sashimi set meal, and I was surprised to find a piece of sashimi. Hatsugatsu is also delicious. There are many types of sashimi so you can enjoy it. Miso soup is also delicious because the soup stock is taken from the shrimp's head. This price is also the variety of this sashimi. The seafood bowl is also full of ingredients. It is irresistible for fish lovers.
こわれもの注意 on Google

千葉駅エリアでは間違いなく上位に入る海鮮レストラン。 ランチの海鮮丼はとても850円とは思えないネタの量と新鮮さが素晴らしいです。 プライドフィッシュにも選ばれている優良店のよう。 夜にも来てみたいものです。
A seafood restaurant that definitely ranks high in the Chiba station area. The seafood bowl for lunch has a wonderful amount and freshness that you can't think of as 850 yen. It looks like a good store that has been selected as a pride fish. I want to come at night as well.
ナイトドラゴン on Google

ランチ常連です。 少し前までは、新鮮な刺身が食べられたが… 最近の鮮度劣化は残念。コロナのせいなのか? コストダウンしたのかねぇ。今のレベルだとチェーン店と同等。 改善を望むがインフレだし…
I am a regular luncher. Not long ago, I was able to eat fresh sashimi ... The recent deterioration of freshness is disappointing. Is it because of Corona? I wonder if the cost has been reduced. At the current level, it is equivalent to a chain store. I hope it improves, but it's inflation ...
山田太郎 on Google

お昼に魚料理が食べたく検索して見つけたお店です。 ランチはやっていますが、夜はお酒のお店のようです。 グーグルマップに案内されて行ったのですが、目的地に到着と言われても、お店を見つけることが出来ませんでした。 入口がとても分かりにくく、しばらく周辺をグルグル回ってようやく見つけました。 コンクリートの壁のスキマのような場所がビルの入口です。入ると中庭のようなスペースがあり、そこの二階にあるお店でした。 お店のイメージからして、小さめの一軒家のようなお店か、路面に面しているお店かなと勝手に思っていたのですが全然違いました。 分かりにくい場所にある分、料理でお客さんをひきつけているようで、昼のランチはすごかったです。 サバの定食750円。サラダに刺し身に味噌汁(あら汁)までついていました。この内容で750円というのは、私がこれまで食べたランチの中では、もっとも満足度が高いかもしれません。 サバも刺し身も美味しかったです。 近くにあったら、凄くいいお店ですね。
It is a shop I found by searching for fish dishes for lunch. I have lunch, but at night it looks like a liquor shop. I was guided by Google Maps, but I couldn't find a shop even though I was told that I had arrived at my destination. The entrance was very difficult to understand, and I finally found it after going around the area for a while. The entrance to the building is like a gap in the concrete wall. When I entered, there was a space like a courtyard, and it was a shop on the second floor there. From the image of the store, I thought it was a small house-like store or a store facing the road surface, but it was completely different. The lunch was amazing because it was in an unclear place and seemed to attract customers with food. Mackerel set meal 750 yen. The salad was sashimi with miso soup (arajiru). With this content, 750 yen may be the most satisfying lunch I have ever eaten. The mackerel and sashimi were delicious. It would be a great shop if it was nearby.

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