CAR工房 カーコウボウ car工房

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact CAR工房 カーコウボウ car工房

住所 :

Shimomizo, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0335 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shimomizo, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0335 Kanagawa,Japan
T Z on Google

ちょいちょい整備に?? な所もありましたがその他特に問題ありませんでした。ただ 改造車ですので下回り等下見はしっかりした方がいいと思います。ある程度車に知識があって弄れる人が買う店だと思いました。接客もお姉さんの感じ良いしこれといって接客に不満は無かったですが、納車連絡や予定日の連絡が全く無かったのでそこは不満に思いました。
For a little maintenance? ?? There were some places, but there were no other problems. However, since it is a modified car, I think it is better to have a solid preview such as undercarriage. I thought it was a shop bought by people who had some knowledge of cars and could play with them. The customer service was also good for my sister, and I was not dissatisfied with the customer service, but I was dissatisfied with it because there was no notification of delivery or scheduled date.
T K on Google

購入した車両は古いものの走行距離が短かったこともあり特に問題はありませんでした。 爆音のオリジナルマフラーがついてましたけど、車検対応のほうが性能いいですね・・・音がでかいだけって感じ。 あとは問い合わせに対して回答がないことがちょいちょいあるのが気になる。
The purchased vehicle was old, but there was no problem because the mileage was short. There was an original muffler with a roaring sound, but it is better to comply with the vehicle inspection ... the sound is just loud. I'm also worried that there are often no answers to inquiries.
マスオ兄さん on Google

Although it looks beautiful and the vehicle price has been suppressed, there are many mission remounts. It's difficult for an amateur to know if the wiring is done properly, and if you are not a person who can play with the car yourself, you may have trouble later. I can't say that I didn't buy it, but it's a fun store to visit.
Y G on Google

ほんとにこの店で車買うのはおすすめできないです。もし買うなら解体屋から買うと思って買いましょう。外装だけそこそこに仕上げて中身はひどいです。配線の取り回しなどすべてにおいてDIYレベルです。いや、それよりひどいです。特にオリジナルマフラーの溶接は見れたもんじゃありません。 約束も守れないし連絡もよこしてこないしすべてにおいて下の下です。 車屋さんというよりは解体屋さんですね✨ ジャンク品ばかりの素敵なお店なので是非ご来店したほうがいいと思います?
I really do not recommend buying a car at this store. If you buy it, buy it from a dismantling shop. Only the exterior is finished, and the contents are terrible. DIY level for everything such as wiring management. No, it's worse. Especially the welding of the original muffler has not been seen. I can't keep my appointment or contact me and everything is below. It ’s a dismantling shop rather than a car shop. I think it's better to come by all means because it's a nice shop with only junk items.
yuta crown on Google

ここでクラウンのMT載せ替え車両を購入しました。 接客はLINEや電話だとすこし冷たくぶっきらぼうな感じはありますが、色々ワガママ言ったりしたことも普通に受け入れてくれました。 第一印象だけで言えば正直悪い感じでしたが、会って話したら一気にイメージ変わりました、普通に良かったです。 車体の方は1度買った後にリフトであげて見てみたのですが特におかしいところもなく普通にいい車両でした。 ネットでの評判を見て怖かった所もありましたが、友達が100系のチェイサーをここで購入して1年間ノートラブルで調子よく乗っていたのを決め手に自分もここで買いました。 気になる車両があるなら1度お店に行って色々聞いたり見て見たりしたら印象は変わると思います。 追記 あれから1年ほど乗りましたが特に不調もなく動いてくれています、この年式のドリ車なら全然当たりだとともいます。 1つ気になったのがあるとすれば、フロントのポジション球が赤のLEDだったことくらいですかね、問い合わせしたらそうだったんですかと言って知らなかったみたいなのでそこはしっかりして欲しかったです。 対応としては、ほかの使える球を郵送で送りますとの事だったのですが、口金のサイズも違うのが送られてきたのでちょっと残念でした。
I bought a Crown MT replacement vehicle here. The customer service seems a bit cold and blunt when it comes to LINE and telephone, but he usually accepts what he said in various ways. To be honest, it was a bad feeling just from the first impression, but when I met and talked, the image changed at once, and it was usually good. I bought the car body once and then lifted it up to see it, but there was nothing wrong with it and it was a good car. I was scared to see the reputation on the internet, but I bought it here because my friend bought a 100 series chaser here and had been riding well for a year without any trouble. If there is a vehicle you are interested in, once you go to the store and listen to and see it, your impression will change. postscript I've been riding it for about a year since then, and it's been working without any problems. The only thing I was interested in was that the front position ball was a red LED, I didn't know if it was the case when I inquired, so I wanted it firmly. .. As a response, I was told that I would send other usable balls by mail, but I was a little disappointed because the size of the base was also different.
S U on Google

Purchased from outside the prefecture. I was worried that I couldn't go to the store, but I was shown a video and an image and decided to purchase. To be honest, I was worried about the delivery of the car, but I got the best car that the driver who delivered it from the port said that the degree was good! Thank you!
go Sho on Google

修復歴無しで車両を購入しました。 「コロナの影響で」と、購入を決めたのに試乗すらさせてもらえず。リフトアップして下周りの確認がしたいと言っても何だかんだグダグダ言われた挙句に対応してもらえなかった。納車後にようやく初乗り。追加メーター不動、フロントインサイドパネル歪み、内骨格曲がり、フロアに穴あり。詐欺です。 これを連絡してもこっちは悪くないと主張。 やばい店です。
I bought a vehicle without a repair history. "Due to the influence of Corona," I decided to purchase it, but I couldn't even test drive it. Even though I wanted to lift up and check the surroundings, I wasn't able to respond to what I was told. The first ride after delivery. Additional meter immobility, front inside panel distortion, endoskeleton bending, holes in the floor. It's a scam. I insist that this is not bad even if I contact this. It's a dangerous store.
Kevrel Kennedy on Google

This place is amazing. And the car selection is perfect for a JDM colector

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