Car Pika Land Carrot - Kariya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Car Pika Land Carrot

住所 :

Ikeshita Nishizakaicho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0006, Japan

Postal code : 448-0006

Ikeshita Nishizakaicho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0006, Japan
人生積んでる on Google

24時間営業なので、夜中に洗車しに行きました。 照明が少し暗めでしたが、特に問題もなく、最低料金の300円コースで無事洗車出来ました。
It's open 24 hours a day, so I went to wash the car in the middle of the night. The lighting was a little dark, but there was no problem and I was able to wash the car safely with the lowest charge of 300 yen course.
吉金一夫 on Google

人混みは多いけど、タワシ型の洗車機は出入りしにくい、出入りしにくいのは、掃除機のスペースが広さは約4台分だが、一番隅っこなので、入る時は何度でも切り替えをして、地面のレールの幅を合わして、やっとの事で、終了後は、バックをする時はサイドミラーとバックミラーとバックモニターを見ながら、左右と後ろに注意をして、確認をしながら、安全にゆっくりとバックで、下がりながら、左右のどちらかに切り替えをして出るが、掃除機に自動車が止まっている時は何度でも切り替えをして、左右と後ろを確認をしながら、安全にゆっくりとバックをしたければ、事故に成りやすいので、注意が必要に成る。タワシ型の洗車機から、バックをすると、ハンドルを左に切ると、地面路の所に段が多少有るので、ゴットン!と後ろのタイヤが響く、出るスペースの余裕が有れば、良いけど、出入りが、なかなか難しいタワシ型の洗車機だった!(´▽`;)ゞ? ジェット洗車機のスペースは余裕が有るので、脚立無しでも、ミニバンでも、屋根が洗える。駐車場は幅スペースは普通なので、隣り合わせの駐車場は注意が必要に成るだろうねぇ!(´▽`;)ゞ?
Although it is crowded, the scrubbing brush type car wash machine is difficult to get in and out, because the vacuum cleaner space is about 4 cars, but it is the corner, so switch as many times as you want. After adjusting the width of the rails on the ground, after finishing, when backing up, look at the side mirrors, rearview mirrors and back monitor, pay attention to the left and right and the back, and check. Safely and slowly back, while lowering, switch to either left or right, but when the car is stopped in the vacuum cleaner, switch as many times as you like and check left and right and behind, and be safe. If you want to back slowly, you need to be careful because it is easy to get an accident. When you back from the scrubbing brush type car wash machine, when you turn the steering wheel to the left, there are some steps on the ground road, so Gotton! It would be nice if there was enough space to get out, but it was a scrubbing brush type car wash machine that was difficult to get in and out! (´ ▽ ` ;) ゞ ? There is plenty of space for the jet car wash, so you can wash the roof without a stepladder or in a minivan. Parking lots have a normal width, so you'll need to be careful with adjacent parking lots! (´ ▽ ` ;) ゞ ?
なか-g on Google

This is a valuable place as the number of hand-washing car wash areas is decreasing recently. The price is reasonable, but it's a pity that it's a little dark at night.
小西孝信 on Google

I want all units to be able to use cash ? If you wash in a place dedicated to cards, people who pay cash will have to wait ... I wonder if I also want a money changer
坂井信幸 on Google

Open 24 hours, car wash Hand wash work You can wash your car slowly without waiting for your favorite time. Leaving used garbage Let's take it home ? The owner is in trouble. ? Car wash is helpful. ✌️?
k ino on Google

It's a little dark, but it has enough facilities and is usually vacant, so it's perfect for those who want to wash their car slowly and carefully.
相ヶ瀬龍翔 on Google

洗車場が昔より極端に少なくなり、車を洗う事が出来る貴重な洗車場で有り難く思います。 個人的に洗車機は車によっては車にキズが付いたりしてしまうので、ホース使用の方が安心感があり利用させて頂いてます。 ただ、臨時休業なのか廃業なのか解らない状況が最近あり、困りましたので星1つ減らしました。
The number of car wash shops is extremely smaller than in the past, and I am grateful that it is a valuable car wash shop where you can wash your car. Personally, depending on the car, the car wash machine may get scratched, so using a hose gives me a sense of security. However, I recently had a situation where I didn't know if it was a temporary closure or a closure, so I was in trouble, so I reduced it by one star.
Ken Richardson on Google

Nice place to wash your car

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