Capricciosa - Yamato

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Capricciosa

住所 :

1 Chome-2-1 Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 242-0001
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2-1 Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
A SAN on Google

I've loved garlic and tomato spaghetti for 20 years. I am satisfied with the same taste and volume.
Masami Aihara on Google

Pasta and pizza are delicious, but rice croquette is recommended. A slightly large ball-shaped croquette with cheese in the middle of the ketchup rice (maybe?) With meat sauce on it. Even though I'm guilty, eating a whole (?) Is a reward for myself (laughs). I also recommend the pumpkin tart. While consulting with my weight (laughs), I sometimes disturb you.
kki Ki on Google

After 14 o'clock, I was waiting for a couple, but I was immediately notified. I wanted to eat rice croquette, so I went to the store. I ate this quick and left the shop, but the male staff at the reception responded and the feeling was good. It was quite hot and delicious. By the time I returned, there were quite a lot of customers in the store, although there were no people waiting.
eiji kato on Google

日曜日に来店です。 注文後サラダが来るまで10分パスタが来るまで20分ピザが来るまで30分結構時間が掛かるので大勢で来ると食べ終わる時間がまちまちになってしまうのに注意、シェアで食べるのが普通なのか??それにしても料理の出が遅いなぁチェーン店なのにね^_^
I am coming on Sunday. After ordering 10 minutes until salad comes 20 minutes until pasta comes 30 minutes until pizza comes It takes quite a while, so if you come in large numbers, be careful that the time to finish eating will vary, is it normal to eat in share? ? ? Even so, it's a chain store where food is served slowly ^ _ ^
ほりとも on Google

トマトとニンニクパスタのファンでよく利用してます。 店員の方も笑顔が多く良店、お昼に混むのは仕方ないですね。 最近夏に期間限定でやっているジェノベーゼの冷製トマトパスタもこれまた絶品。
I often use it for tomato and garlic pasta fans. The clerk also has a lot of smiles and it is unavoidable to get crowded at a good store at noon. Genovese's cold tomato pasta, which we have been doing for a limited time in the summer, is also excellent.
カンレイ on Google

ワンランク上のパスタのチェーン店って感じでしょうか。 値段は決して安くないですが、接客は丁寧でパスタがどれもおいいしいです。 食後にでるコーヒーが非常にコクがあっておいしいです。豆売ってほしいと思うけど残念ながら販売してないそうです。 正直コーヒー目当てで食べに行くこともあります・・・。
Do you feel like a higher-grade pasta chain store? The price is not cheap, but the customer service is polite and all pasta is good. The coffee that comes out after meals is very rich and delicious. I want to sell beans, but unfortunately they don't sell it. To be honest, I sometimes go out for coffee ...
meka mayu on Google

I went there from the time the store opened in the morning. Depending on the clerk, I was sluggish, but I was able to spend a relatively comfortable time. Rice bowl is delicious. Thank you very much.
ヨッシー on Google

カプリチョーザに来るのは久しぶりですが、 定番のトマトとニンニクのパスタは相変わらず美味しいですね~。 正直、他のファミレスでパスタを食べるなら、カプリチョーザのパスタを食べたほうが量も味も満足できます。 今回、カプリチョーザで初めてサラダを食べましたが、イカとツナのサラダはかなり美味しかったです❗白ワインに絶対あう。 QRコードでの注文が面倒だったのと、ジンジャエールの炭酸が抜けてたのは残念でしたが、接客も良いし、良いランチタイムを過ごせましたよ。
It's been a while since I came to Capricciosa, The classic tomato and garlic pasta is still delicious. To be honest, if you eat pasta at other family restaurants, you will be more satisfied with the amount and taste of Capricciosa pasta. This time, I ate the salad for the first time at Capricciosa, and the squid and tuna salad was quite delicious ❗ It definitely goes with white wine. It was a pity that the QR code ordering was troublesome and the ginger ale was decarbonated, but the customer service was good and I had a good lunch time.

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