Cameleon Takasaki - Takasaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cameleon Takasaki

住所 :

38-1 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 370-0053
Webサイト :

38-1 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan
息吹 on Google

ランチに伺いました。1回目は予約でいっぱいで入れず、再度予約して伺いました。中に入るとそんなにお客さんがいませんでしたが、予約席なのでしょうか?謎です。 店員さんの接客も良く、何よりパスタがとても美味しかったです。
I visited for lunch. The first time I was full of reservations and couldn't enter, so I made a reservation again. There weren't many customers inside, but is it a reserved seat? Mystery is. The clerk's customer service was good, and above all, the pasta was very delicious.
松澤勇一 on Google

思ってた以上に美味いし安い! また利用します。
It's tastier and cheaper than I expected! I will use it again.
渡辺奈美 on Google

The atmosphere is fashionable and the pasta is delicious ♪ The image of pasta was strong, but the meat and pizza were very delicious! The store has a second floor and is large, so I think it's easy to go to a girls-only gathering. I want to go again soon!
on Google

ウニボナーラが最高( ☆▽☆) 濃厚から極みと進化して 今年は禁断のウニボナーラw ウニ、カニ、ホタテ、イクラと 豪華で贅沢な逸品に仕上がってます♬ でもウニ…今お高いんじゃないの? 和食屋さんも頭抱えてるくらいなのに こんなに乗っけちゃって原価割れしてないか 勝手に心配( ̄▽ ̄;) まぁそれくらい豪勢なパスタって事です! ちなみに他のメニューは食べたこと ありませんwww 今度試してみますー(*^^*) 来年のキングオブパスタも今から楽しみ♪♪ 応援してます(o尸'▽')o尸゛
Unibonara is the best (☆ ▽ ☆) Evolving from rich to extreme Forbidden Unibonara w this year With sea urchin, crab, scallop, salmon roe It is finished in a luxurious and luxurious gem ♬ But sea urchin ... isn't it expensive right now? Even though a Japanese restaurant has a head Isn't the cost broken by riding like this? I'm worried about myself ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) Well, that's how big the pasta is! By the way, I ate other menus No www I will try it next time (* ^^ *) I'm looking forward to next year's King of Pasta ♪♪ I support you (o 尸'▽') o 尸 ”
Sandarwadi on Google

・「やや辛口」と表示のあったドイツのリースリングを注文するも、甘口でした。調べてから注文しなかった自分の失敗でもありますが… ・お通しのクロワッサン、ほかほかふわふわで美味しくいただきました。 ・マルゲリータピザは普通だと思います。 ・8時間煮込みのとろすじ肉じゃがですが、肉の味付けがとにかく甘い。砂糖の量がものすごいのでは?と思います。 ・きな粉と黒蜜の抹茶パフェ、これもまたとにかく甘く、途中で断念しました… ・ポットで提供されるホットドリンクがあるとなおありがたいと思います。 ・帰り際にミネラルウォーターをいただいたのはありがたい気遣いでした。
・ I ordered a German Riesling that was labeled as "slightly dry", but it was sweet. It's also my failure that I didn't order after checking it ... ・ The croissants and other croissants were fluffy and delicious. ・ I think Margherita pizza is normal. ・ It's a roasted meat potato stewed for 8 hours, but the seasoning of the meat is just sweet. Isn't the amount of sugar tremendous? I think. ・ Kinako and black honey matcha parfait, which was also sweet, so I gave up on the way ... ・ I would be grateful if there was a hot drink served in the pot. ・ I was grateful that I received mineral water on my way home.
やじ on Google

椅子が可愛くてテンション上がりました! 箸置きもカメレオン ・サングリアは普通でした。 ・前菜のマンゴーとブラッタチーズのカプレーゼはマンゴーがサラダの食べ時で美味しかったです。 ・アヒージョもほくほくあつあつでお野菜が美味しかったです。 ・ピザが写真の予想より大きくてびっくりしました、食べるのがキツかった 味は濃すぎず卵の感じも美味しかったです。 ・雲丹カルボナーラは美味しいが、ちょっと味が濃い、シェアするには良いと思います! お料理のスピードが絶妙によく 店主の方はあたりが優しく 居心地の良いお店でした!
The chair was cute and I was excited! Chopstick rest is also a chameleon ・ Sangria was normal. ・ The appetizer mango and caprese of blatter cheese were delicious when the mango was eating the salad. ・ Ahijo was also hot and the vegetables were delicious. ・ I was surprised that the pizza was bigger than I expected in the photo, it was hard to eat The taste was not too strong and the egg feel was delicious. ・ Sea urchin carbonara is delicious, but it has a strong taste and I think it's good to share! The speed of cooking is exquisitely good The shop owner is kind It was a cozy shop!
masahiro maeda on Google

The impact of Unibonara is tremendous! !! The deliciousness of the emotion that seems to have been produced well. In particular, the "Forbidden Unibonara" that appears during the King of Basta period is a different dimension. If you like sea urchin, this is the ultimate dish you should try at least once. Lunch starts at 980 yen, which is a great deal. It is accessible from Takasaki Station in about 5 minutes on foot.
mike hangover on Google

Taste 4 Atmosphere 5 Volume 4 Value 2 Service 3

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