Cafe Wasugazen - 2501-2 Kasama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe Wasugazen

住所 :

2501-2 Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977987
Postal code : 309-1611
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–4PM
Sunday 11AM–4PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed

2501-2 Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1611, Japan
ゆーららら on Google

観光地値段 軽めなランチ 味普通 サラダのドレッシングかけすぎ❗ケーキはイートイン 持ち帰り?無愛想な接客でした。
Sightseeing spot price Light lunch Taste Normal Salad dressing too much ❗ Cake was eat-in take-out ? It was an unfriendly customer service.
もも on Google

It is carefully made and the installation customers are also wonderful. The blueberry jam was delicious
take on Google

コロナによる臨時休業を経て、、メニュー等が変わってしまったようです。 ここのケーキ大好きだったなぁ、、。 初めて来店の方には問題ありませんが、以前のイメージで来店するとガッカリされてしまうかもしれません。 洋食から和食になりましたかね?皆さんが載せている写真のようなメニューはもうありません。
It seems that the menu etc. have changed after the temporary closure by Corona. I loved the cake here ... There is no problem for those who visit the store for the first time, but if you visit the store with the previous image, you may be disappointed. Did you change from Western food to Japanese food? There is no longer a menu like the one in the picture you are posting.
はなの蜜 on Google

何回か行ったことがあります。 メニューはメインが1つ2つくらいで、後はパンセットやケーキです。あまり選ぶ事は出来ません。 土日の13時台に行くと、メイン料理は品切れ。サイドメニューくらいしか残っていません。ケーキも売り切れ。土日は混雑しますから、もっと料理を提供出来るようにしないと駄目ですよ。メイン料理が無くなるの早すぎます。 スタッフが足りないです。すごく忙しそうにしているので、声をかけにくい。料理は提供までに30分は待たされます。 ようやく食べられると思ったら、注文した料理とは違う料理が出されました。ミスを指摘して変更してもらいましたが、やはり待たされました。結局料理を食べられたのは1時間後。嫌になりました。 数年前からずっと改善されていません。とにかくスタッフとメニューの種類を増やしてください。それと、提供する料理も売り切れないように用意してください。来るお客さんの想定人数くらい、何年もお店やっていたらわかるはず。いつまでも改善されないので、がっかりします。
I've been there several times. The main menu is about one or two, and the rest are bread sets and cakes. You can't choose too much. When I went to 13:00 on Saturday and Sunday, the main dish was out of stock. Only the side menu remains. The cake is also sold out. It's crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, so we have to be able to serve more food. It's too early to run out of main dishes. There are not enough staff. I'm so busy that it's hard to talk to me. The food will wait 30 minutes before serving. When I finally thought I could eat it, I was served a different dish than the one I ordered. I pointed out a mistake and asked him to change it, but I was still waiting. After all, I was able to eat the food one hour later. I didn't like it. It hasn't improved since a few years ago. Anyway, please increase the staff and the kind of menu. Also, make sure that the food you serve is not sold out. You should know if you have been in the store for many years, as many as the expected number of customers to come. I'm disappointed because it won't improve forever.
S Anastasha on Google

優しい味付け??親切でステキなスタッフさん。 季節の花の飾り方がステキ?お店の周りに笠間焼のお店やレトロな建物があり、食後の散歩が楽しい????
Gentle seasoning ?? Kind and nice staff. The way to decorate seasonal flowers is wonderful ? There are Kasama-yaki shops and retro buildings around the shop, and it is fun to take a walk after meals ????
あきT on Google

少し遅いランチに寄りました。 オシャレなカフェでオバちゃん達が丁寧な対応してくれます。 テラス席を選びメニューを見て注文するとランチメニューはパンセット以外は全品売り切れ…仕方ないのでパンセットとリンゴのタルトを注文するもリンゴタルトも売り切れ… オバちゃん…来店して席に通す前にランチメニューの売り切れを教えてくれよ… そーすりゃ他店に行ったのに…
I stopped by for a little late lunch. Oba-chan will take care of you at a fashionable cafe. If you choose a terrace seat and order by looking at the menu, all the lunch menus are sold out except for the bread set ... There is no choice but to order the bread set and apple tart, but the apple tart is also sold out ... Oba-chan ... Please tell me the lunch menu is sold out before you come to the store and go to your seat ... I went to another store ...
久住水野 on Google

半年程コロナ休業だったようですが、10月末に再オープンされたようです。長年通っておりましたが、以前の形態とは変わられていて、良く頂いていたケーキ類やフードメニューが今は無く、パンメニューや栗ご飯等の軽食のみになっています。お馴染みのシェフの方や接客の方も移動されたようで、全く新しいスタッフさんになっていてまだ慣れておらずとても大変そうでした。 初めて訪れる方は大丈夫でしょうが、以前から通っていた方は寂しいかもしれませんね。栗ご飯は美味しかったです。
It seems that Corona was closed for about half a year, but it was reopened at the end of October. I've been going there for many years, but it's different from the previous form, and now I don't have the cakes and food menus that I often get, but only light meals such as bread menus and chestnut rice. It seems that familiar chefs and customer service have also been moved, and it seemed to be very difficult because I was a completely new staff member and I was not used to it yet. Those who visit for the first time will be okay, but those who have been attending for a long time may be lonely. The chestnut rice was delicious.
S D on Google

Good food and excellent service

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