マザー牧場 CAFE ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マザー牧場 CAFE ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY店

住所 :

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://www.motherfarm.co.jp/cafe/shop/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan
高橋淳 on Google

Ice is on the melon soda, eat and drink separately from the ice, mix it and drink it!
近鉄バファローズ on Google

When I was a little tired of shopping, I stopped by. Maybe I was walked 7 or 8km from noon. At that timing, the place I happened to pass by is here. I was wondering what it was because there were a lot of young girls gathered, but I was convinced when I saw the letters of Mother Farm ... Immediately lined up and got juicy ice cream, and while it was hot The voice of his wife was heard. I think I'll be walking another 5km today. As a driver and luggage carrier, it can be very painful.
関ララ on Google

店員まじでやる気ない。名前忘れたけど女。 私たちしかいなくて、3人で並んだら 「1人でお願いします。」と。 〇〇抜きにできますか?そのかわり違うものにかけられたりしますか?と聞くと 「できません。」のみ。迷惑かつ嘲笑うかのように。 出来上がったアイスは写真と違いとても小さく、かけられてるソースや粉等も少なくその味すらしませんでした。 普通だったら「すみません、お一人でお並びいただけますか?」とか「「申し訳ございません。そういうのはできません。」って言うのが接客じゃないんですかね?せめて。 とても不快になりました。 角の隅の方にあって目立たない場所にあるだけに調子のってるんですかね? もう2度と行きません。
I'm really motivated by the clerk. I forgot the name but a woman. If we're the only one "I would like one person." Can it be omitted? Can you hang it on something different? When asked Only "I can't." It's annoying and ridiculous. The resulting ice cream was very small, unlike the one in the photo, and there was little sauce or powder on it so it didn't even taste. Ordinarily, isn't it the customer service that says, "I'm sorry, can you stand alone?" or "I'm sorry. I can't do that." at least. I became very uncomfortable. Are you in good condition because it's located in a corner of the corner and it's inconspicuous? I will never go again.
さくらさくら on Google

子供達に、ゴロゴロキウイのヨーグルトドリンクとゴロゴロマンゴーのヨーグルトドリンクを購入。 ヨーグルトの中にフローズンフルーツが入っていたのですが、冷凍庫の味が付いているのか非常に生臭く、食べられたものじゃなかった。 そもそもどういう状態で冷凍保存してあるのか…? 口に入れた途端にオエッとなってしまう位に酷い。 店員さんに言おうと思ったけれど、クレーマー扱いされるのが怖くて結局言えず終い。 マザー牧場カフェの利用は今回が2回目でしたが、小さい割に高く、味も普通という印象。 今回のこの件で、もう利用する事は無いと思います。 牧場系だったらゆめ牧場カフェの方に行きます。
Buy Gorogoro Kiwi yogurt drink and Gorogoro Mango yogurt drink to kids. There was frozen fruit in the yogurt, but it wasn't edible because it tasted like a freezer. In the first place, how is it stored frozen? It is terrible enough that it becomes an oet as soon as it is put in the mouth. I wanted to tell the store clerk, but I was afraid of being treated as a Kramer, so I couldn't say it. This was the second time to use the Mother Farm Cafe, but the impression was that it was relatively small and tastes normal. I do n’t think I ’ll use it anymore. If you are a ranch, go to Yume Ranch Cafe.
Kanako B on Google

店員さんが態度悪すぎ。 普通のアイスとちょっと高いアイス買ったけど、高い方が写真と全然違くて盛り付けショボすぎでトッピングとかない安い方の方がまだマシに見えた。 アイスがメインな感じなんだからちゃんと綺麗に適量盛り付けたものを提供できるように練習してから出してください。 「スプーンください」って言ったら本当アゴで「あっち!」みたいな対応されてびっくり。 お客が各自取るスタイルなら提供の時に「スプーンはあちらです〜」くらい言ってよね。 店員さんの態度悪いという口コミありましたが同じ時期に行ったので同じ人でしょうね。 もうこの店では買いません。
The clerk has a bad attitude. I bought regular ice cream and a little expensive ice cream, but the higher one was completely different from the one in the photo, and the cheaper one with too much serving and no toppings still looked better. Since ice cream is the main dish, please practice so that you can serve a proper amount of ice cream before serving. When I said "Please give me a spoon", I was really surprised to hear something like "Over there!" If it's a style that each customer takes, say "the spoon is over there" when offering it. There was a word of mouth that the clerk's attitude was bad, but since I went there at the same time, it's probably the same person. I don't buy it at this store anymore.
O A. on Google

Now it has changed to a high-class potato confectionery store.
Aya on Google

店員さんが手際悪くて、お客さんがほとんどいなくても待たされる…。 しかも、散々待たされて、注文時にパフェのミルクプリンが売切れて無いとか、いきなり言われたり…。(まだ夕方だったのに。) たまたまかもしれないけど、レジの一部機能が故障していて、現金のみの支払いで、ポイントも付けられないと言われ、 最後にはアイス付属のチョコスティックを付け忘れたと、後でカップに入れて渡してきたり…。 故障(ミス)が3つもあって、ある意味すごい店だと思います…。(苦笑) 今度は「ゆめ牧場」を試したいです。
The clerk is clumsy and I have to wait even if there are few customers ... What's more, I had to wait a long time, and when I ordered, I was suddenly told that the parfait milk pudding wasn't sold out ... (It was still evening.) It may happen, but some functions of the cash register are out of order, and it is said that you can only pay cash and you can not earn points. At the end, if I forgot to attach the chocolate stick that came with the ice cream, I later put it in a cup and handed it over. There are three breakdowns (mistakes), so I think it's a great store in a sense ... (Bitter smile) Next time, I would like to try "Yume Ranch".
Shinya Shimizu on Google

The seats were full and I ate at the terrace seats from the North Building, but it was just right because the inside of LaLaport was warm d (・ ω ・ o)

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