Café Spot(カフェ スポット)

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Café Spot(カフェ スポット)

住所 :

Bandaijima, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0078 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–3PM
Sunday 8AM–3PM
Monday 8AM–3PM
Tuesday 8AM–3PM
Wednesday 8AM–3PM
Thursday 8AM–3PM
Friday 8AM–3PM
街 : Niigata

Bandaijima, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0078 Niigata,Japan
TCD YHK on Google

ランチ時混雑 人気のようだ✨ 前払いです メニュー豊富でした 店長らしきおじさんは店内に活気をもたらすかけ声です? かのお方がメニュー考案しているのだろうか。 とてもサラダうどんが美味しかった?? こしがあってツルツルのど越しよきかな! 又は行きたい‼️✨?
Crowded at lunch Seems popular Prepayment Menu was abundant The store manager looks like an uncle who brings life to the store 店 Is that person devising a menu? Salad udon was very delicious There is a strain and it ’s a slick throat! Or you want to go ️✨?
Kenji Honma on Google

You can even play loose reggae! Coffee is also delicious.
中垣 on Google

I came to have breakfast. Morning toast set includes bread, boiled egg, salad and drink. The bread comes with nostalgic margarine and strawberry jam.
えむほし on Google

モーニングで利用しました♪ 焼きサンドイッチ、スープとサラダセット。使っている食材の多さに驚きです! そして、かかっていたBGMが ローリング・ストーンズのAngie♪ 朝からやられました(笑) イイネ~♪ 店員さんたち明るくて、 接客も気持ち良くて、 また来たくなっちゃう♪
We used in morning ♪ Grilled sandwich, soup and salad set. I am surprised at the number of ingredients used! And the background music that was hanging The Rolling Stones Angie ♪ It was done from the morning (laugh) Good ♪ The clerks were bright, The customer service is also pleasant, I want to come again ♪
sakura on Google

万代島美術館に行く途中にあり、利用しました。週末の為か、奥の席はほぼ満席。 殆ど待たずに提供されました。 卵がふわふわでハヤシライスと合って美味しかったですが、片付けのガチャガチャした音がうるさかった。 水はセルフです。 美術館館半券があると10%割引になります。
I used it on the way to the Bandaijima Museum of Art. The seats in the back are almost full, probably because of the weekend. It was provided almost without waiting. The eggs were fluffy and delicious with the hayashi rice, but the rattling noise of cleaning up was noisy. Water is self. Get a 10% discount if you have a museum stub.
みみみ原じぇー on Google

ライブの待ち時間に立ち寄りました! 外は暑かったので涼しい店内に避難するため来店(笑) ケーキとドリンクのセットで611円、まあ平均的なお値段です、ケーキは日によって変わるみたいです、今回はチーズケーキと紅茶のシフォンケーキ! 2種類のチーズを使っていましたがチーズの乳製品の甘みがハッキリ分かる美味しさで中々に良し\(∵)/ 底のクッキーがザクザクしていれば星5つでした、この辺は個人の好みです(笑)
We stopped by while waiting for the concert! It was hot outside, so I came to the store to evacuate to a cool store (laughs) A set of cake and drink is 611 yen, which is an average price, the cake seems to change from day to day, this time cheesecake and tea chiffon cake! I used two types of cheese, but the sweetness of the cheese dairy products is clearly visible and the taste is good. \ (∵) / If the cookie on the bottom was crunchy, it would have been 5 stars, which is my personal preference (laughs)
ちーちゃん推し on Google

朱鷺メッセの入る万代島ビル2Fにあるカフェレストラン。メッセでのイベントがあったこの日はなかなかの混み具合。知人と二人で入店しましたが、テーブルが空いていなかったので、仕方なくカウンター席に。 こちらのお店は注文とお会計が先なので、レジにて日替わりランチの中から『ハンバーグ・ナポリタン(1,012円)』をオーダー。会計と交換に番号札を頂き、席にてお料理の到着を待ちました。 登場したのは、ハンバーグとナポリタンが入った笹舟型の器とスクエア型のミニサラダ、取っ手付きのカップに入ったお味噌汁です。ナポリタンはマウンテン型の盛り付けでボリューミー。見た目は思っていたよりもちゃんとしておりました。 ハンバーグは柔らかくて肉汁ではなくソースで食べるタイプ。ウスターとケチャップを混ぜた酸味の強いソースは昔懐かしい家庭的な味わい。スプーンでサクサク切れるほど柔らかくて食べ易いっす。 ナポリタンも酸味が強く量も多いので、途中からは少し飽きちゃったかな。タバスコをかけてもそれほど味変にならず、残りは淡々と完食致しました。 イベント開催時は多数のお客さんで座席が埋まります。この日は昼ビールをあおっていらっしゃる方々も結構おりました。店員さんも感じが良かったし、何よりメッセの外に出なくても食事を済ませられるので、使い勝手が良いですね。
A cafe restaurant on the 2nd floor of the Bandaijima Building where Toki Messe is located. It was quite crowded on this day when there was an event at Messe. I entered the store with an acquaintance, but the table wasn't open, so I had no choice but to sit at the counter. Since this shop has orders and payments first, order "Hamburg Napolitan (1,012 yen)" from the daily lunch at the cash register. I got a number tag in exchange for the checkout and waited for the food to arrive at my seat. Introducing a sasafune-shaped bowl containing hamburger steak and napolitan, a square-shaped mini salad, and miso soup in a cup with a handle. Napolitan is a mountain-shaped arrangement and is volumey. It looked better than I expected. The hamburger is soft and eaten with sauce instead of gravy. The strong sour sauce, which is a mixture of Worcestershire sauce and ketchup, has a nostalgic and homely taste. It's so soft and easy to eat that you can cut it with a spoon. Napolitan also has a strong acidity and a large amount, so I think I got a little tired from the middle. Even if I put Tabasco on it, the taste did not change so much, and the rest was completely eaten. When the event is held, the seats will be filled with a large number of customers. There were quite a few people who were drinking beer for lunch on that day. The clerk also felt good, and above all, it was easy to use because I could finish the meal without going out of the Messe.
Equator Asia-virtual on Google

It can be said that it is a good light meal coffee shop with a fashionable and delicious menu. I think it's a good idea to stop by when you attend the Toki Messe event. The salad udon I received was fresh and delicious. When you first eat the salad on top of udon, it feels like you are eating a mixed salad. After that, the composition is such that you can enjoy udon as a staple food. Overall, it's fashionable and nice. There is a counter seat in the foreground, which can be seen from the outside (inside the Toki Messe building), but there is a surprisingly wide table seat space in the back. There are several types of discounts, including vaccination discounts. It seems good to get a discount for those who apply. It is a system that allows you to get water by self-service.

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