居酒屋&cafe 門

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

居酒屋&cafe 門 - レトロなランチ&居酒屋 - Syunsyokumon.gorp.jp

淀屋橋エリアのレトロなランチ&居酒屋、居酒屋&cafe 門のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめの「麻婆豆腐」「人気のから揚げシリーズ」「石焼カレーライスチーズ入り」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact 居酒屋&cafe 門

住所 :

Doshomachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0045 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://syunsyokumon.gorp.jp/
街 : Osaka

Doshomachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0045 Osaka,Japan
yuko on Google

夜はリーズナブルでとっても美味しいです(*^▽^)/★*☆♪麻婆豆腐はやみつきかな? 昼はチキン南蛮最高?⤴⤴コラボ定食が色々あって楽しみです。
It is reasonable and very delicious at night (* ^ ▽ ^) / ★ * ☆ ♪ Is mabo tofu addictive? At lunchtime, there is a variety of chicken Nanban highest set meals and I am looking forward to it.
realtor mkt on Google

美味しくサービスの良いお店で 安心して呑めました!!
At a delicious and serviceable shop I swallowed with confidence !!
チャンネルなお on Google

The lunch menu is abundant, but the impression is that it came out a little cold. The taste is ◎ so I will use it again.
zeromer1 on Google

ランチに行きました。しゃぶしゃぶと白身フライのコンビ定食を選びましたがおかずが多くて安いですね。他にも色々な組み合わせが多くて飽きないです。 2018/10/15 2度目のコメント リニューアルオープンして綺麗になりましたね。今の時期はカキフライがオススメ。ハムエッグを頼んだら卵が3個も乗っていてびっくり。日替わりは安いのですが出てくるのが遅い時もあり注意。
I went to lunch. I chose a combination set meal of shabu-shabu and fried white meat, but it's cheap because there are many side dishes. There are many other combinations and I never get tired of it. 2018/10/15 Second comment It has been reopened and it has become beautiful. Kaki fry is recommended at this time of year. When I ordered ham and eggs, I was surprised to find three eggs on board. The daily change is cheap, but be careful as it may come out late.
Shinichi Morita on Google

I had a daily set meal at noon. The seasoning is just right after eating, and it is a taste that you can come every day. The atmosphere of the shop is lively and the best.
Ansony 21 on Google

The food is not good, but the combination menu of side dishes is abundant. The 2nd floor can also smoke, so it's a shop that is useful for smokers. .. .. I'm a non-smoker.
さくら on Google

唐揚げが特においしく、他にも種類が多くリーズナブルでとても良いのですが 2階からのタバコの煙がかなり流れてきます。 服にも付くのでその点は非常に残念です。
The fried chicken is especially delicious, and there are many other types that are reasonably priced and very good. Cigarette smoke from the second floor is flowing considerably. It's very disappointing because it also sticks to clothes.
Q P on Google

ランチに訪問 日替わり定食をはじめとした色んなメニューがありました お値段も場所を考えるとリーズナブル! 700円台でありがたいです 底抜けに明るい店員さんが元気に対応して下さるので気分が良くなります笑 そこまで混んでなかったせいか、お料理は比較的すぐに出て来ました ご飯を少なめで注文するとおやつのルマンドが付いてきました笑 おかずのボリュームは文句なし、ご飯も美味しくお味噌汁も少し薄味で飲みやすいです 席は少し狭いですが頑張ってアクリル板置いてます!って感じでした チキン南蛮、しっかりしか味付けでご飯によく合いました 衣がすこしサクサクしてるのが良かったです ハムエッグはこれでもかなくらいハムが笑 こちらもシンプルながら美味しくいただきました 唯一‼️唯一残念なのが、2階の喫煙席からどうしても流れてくるタバコの匂いが、1階にも充満してしまうこと… それさえなければ星5つです 全席禁煙で頑張って欲しいけど夜は居酒屋さんみたいなので無理かな…軒先に灰皿まで置いてあるもんな…本当に個人的に残念でならないです… また行くと思いますが笑 追記 2日連続でランチに訪問 日替わりが豚の生姜焼きとチキン南蛮でした タンパク質たっぷりで大満足でした 逆に野菜が少なく感じるのでもう少し欲しいところです 2階の喫煙席が満席で、後から後から2階しかダメなサラリーマンが押し寄せていました お店の人は申し訳なさそうに謝ったりしていました このお店は喫煙者にとっては貴重なタバコが吸える食堂なようです ますます全席禁煙は夢物語だと感じました笑 さらに追記 なぜかハマったチキン南蛮!ゴールデンウィーク中、ずっと休んでおられたので休み明けに行くと満席!涙 三度目の正直でやっといただけた!ボリューム満点、美味しいです!ごちそうさまでした
Visit for lunch There were various menus including daily set meals The price is reasonable considering the location! Thank you for the 700 yen level The cheerful clerk will take care of you so you will feel better lol The food came out relatively quickly, probably because it wasn't so crowded. When I ordered a small amount of rice, a snack rumando came with me lol The volume of side dishes is perfect, the rice is delicious, and the miso soup is a little light and easy to drink. The seats are a little small, but I'll do my best to put the acrylic board on it! It was like Chicken nanban, well seasoned and goes well with rice It was good that the batter was a little crispy Ham and eggs are still ham lol This was also simple but delicious Only! ️ The only unfortunate thing is that the smell of cigarettes that inevitably flows from the smoking area on the 2nd floor fills the 1st floor as well ... Without it, it ’s 5 stars. I want you to do your best with all seats non-smoking, but it's impossible because it's like an izakaya at night ... There's even an ashtray at the eaves ... I'm really sorry personally ... I think I'll go again, but lol postscript Visit for lunch for 2 consecutive days The daily change was pork ginger and chicken nanban I was very satisfied with the protein On the contrary, I feel that there are few vegetables, so I want a little more. The smoking seats on the 2nd floor were full, and salaried workers who could only use the 2nd floor were rushing in afterwards. The shop staff apologized apologetically This shop seems to be a dining room where smokers can smoke valuable cigarettes I felt that smoking cessation in all seats was a dream story. Further notes Chicken nanban that I was addicted to for some reason! I was absent all the time during Golden Week, so when I went to the end of the holiday, it was full! tears I was honest for the third time and finally got it! The volume is perfect and it's delicious! Thank you for the meal

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