くさかんむり cafe

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くさかんむり cafe

住所 :

Monoucho Kandori, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0323 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://kusacafe.exblog.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–6PM
Sunday 11:30AM–6PM
Monday 11:30AM–4PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–4PM
街 : Miyagi

Monoucho Kandori, Ishinomaki, 〒986-0323 Miyagi,Japan
高橋きよこ on Google

It is located behind an old folk house in Momou. When the shop is open, there is a signboard at the gate. It seemed like a holiday for a while, but today I found it online and opened it, so I went with my friends. Cheese pudding and friends had chocolate cake as coffee. Both are rich and delicious. The atmosphere in the garden and the store is good, and I can eat, so I'm looking forward to it next time.
まんまる on Google

とても雰囲気のある素敵なカフェ。 『国籍不明な老夫婦の、ニホンの田舎でのスローライフな暮らし...』 がコンセプトだそうですが、本当にそんな感じの なんというかとても落ち着く場所です。 どこを撮っても素敵で たくさん写真を撮らせて頂きました。 (2017.7記入)
A nice cafe with a very atmosphere. `` Slow life living in the countryside of Nihon, an elderly couple of unknown nationality ... '' Seems to be a concept, but it really feels like that It is a very calm place. Wherever you take I took a lot of photos. (Please enter 2017.7)
オサムさん on Google

以前から気になってお店の1つです。 不定期に営業をしてるため、訪問する際はSNSでのチェックが必要です( ´∀`) 本日のメニューはカレーでした。 ボリュームいっぱいの野菜と大きめの鶏肉、スパイスの効いたルーが五穀米に絡みあって美味しく頂けました。 料理は別室にセルフで運ぶシステムらしいのですが、コーヒー淹れるのに時間が掛かるため、定員さんが運んでくれました。 優しい定員さんに感謝です(^^)
It is one of the shops that I have been interested in since before. Since it is open irregularly, it is necessary to check on SNS when visiting ('∀`) Today's menu was curry. Lots of vegetables, large chicken, and spicy roux entwined with five grains of rice and were delicious. The dish seems to be a self-conveyed system in a separate room, but it took a long time to brew coffee, so the capacity carried it. Thanks to the kind capacity (^^)
鈴木由香里 on Google

建物、雰囲気も本物ですが、カフェのお料理も美味しいです。 カフェの中から見える景色も落ち着いた佇まい。時を忘れます。
The building and atmosphere are real, but the food at the cafe is delicious. The view from inside the cafe is also calm. Forget the time.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県石巻市桃生町にあります くさかんむりcafeさんに行って来ました✨ 季節のランチを注文✨ ほうれん草カレー✨ ポークビンダルー✨ キンカンのスパイス漬け✨ ヒヨコ豆のコロッケ✨ 小松菜のガーリックソテー✨ グリーンサラダ紅芯大根✨ がワンプレートになっております✨ そして人参と生姜のスープが付いています✨ ほうれん草カレーとポークビンダルーは辛めの仕上がりでとっても美味しいです✨ キンカンのスパイス漬けはスパイスが効いていますが甘さがあって美味しいです✨ ヒヨコ豆のコロッケはサクサク美味しい✨ 小松菜のガーリックソテーは香ばしくてよかったです✨ グリーンサラダ紅芯の大根はパリパリ食感でドレッシングの味もよかったです✨ 人参と生姜のスープは生姜が効いていて体が温まりました✨ 古民家カフェで素敵な時間を過ごせました✨ ごちそうさまでした✨ #宮城県石巻市 #くさかんむりcafe #くさかんむりカフェ #季節のランチ #ほうれん草カレー #ポークビンダルー #ヒヨコ豆のコロッケ #キンカンのスパイス漬け #人参と生姜のスープ #石巻カフェ #石巻ランチ
Located in Monoucho, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Kusakanmuri cafe ✨ Order seasonal lunch ✨ Spinach curry ✨ Pork Vindaloo ✨ Kumquat pickled in spices ✨ Chickpea croquette ✨ Komatsuna garlic saute ✨ Green salad red radish ✨ Is one plate ✨ And it comes with carrot and ginger soup ✨ Spinach curry and pork vindaloo have a spicy finish and are very delicious ✨ Kumquat pickled in spices is spicy but sweet and delicious ✨ The chickpea croquette is crispy and delicious ✨ I'm glad that Komatsuna's garlic saute was fragrant ✨ The green salad red radish had a crispy texture and the dressing tasted good. The carrot and ginger soup was effective with ginger and warmed my body ✨ I had a wonderful time at an old folk house cafe ✨ Thank you for your feast ✨ #Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture #Kusakanmuri cafe #Kusakanmuri Cafe #Seasonal lunch #spinach curry #Pork Vindaloo #Chickpea croquette #Kumquat pickled in spices #Carrot and ginger soup #Ishinomaki Cafe #Ishinomaki Lunch
ひろぴー on Google

The atmosphere of the restaurant and the arrangement of dishes are good. Lunch, drinks, and cakes for two people over 5,000 yen are high for poverty. I want you to get a little discount with lunch drinks and cake sets.
ウリウリ on Google

古民家で営まれているカフェなのですが建物が門からダイブ奥まった場所に建っているので道路沿いからはカフェが有るとは全く思えません。 門の所にかろうじて店の名前の書かれた看板が掛けられているので、ソレで何とか気付ける感じです。 駐車場が又分かり難くその門の丁度真向かいに筆記体でクサカンムリと書かれた看板が地面に立て掛けられているので、ソレに気付けるかどうかです。 他にも駐車場が有るのかどうかは分かりません。 店の外観内観は古民家と言う事もあって、個人的には相当良い雰囲気だと感じました。 使われている柱の一本一本に人の営みを感じます。 又店内に置かれているテーブルや椅子等はどれ1つ新しい物も同じ物も無く、1つ1つを骨董市から買い揃えて来たのかな?と思いました。 それらの古めかしさや使い込まれた感じがまた心地良く、目に映る全てが何故か懐かしく感じました。 物を大切にするって良いですね。 注文は季節のランチを頼んだのですがランチは午後2時までとの事・・・ギリギリだったのですが何とかやってもらいました。ありがとうございました。 所が・・・・実際に出てきたお料理を見てみると・・・・・ワッフル・・・・サラダ・・・・ナイフとフォーク・・・・どうやって食べるんだ? お洒落過ぎてどーやって食べれば良いのかと悩む典型的なオジサンあるあるなパターンですね。 食べ方には悩みツツ実際に正解も見つからない中で味は色々複雑な味わいを感じて美味しかったと思います。 御値段が1600円と相当に御高いのでは?と思いましたが、食べた味の感じ等から素材に相当なコダワリがあったりとかするのかな?とも思いました。 次はぜひ珈琲とケーキを試してみようかと思います。
It's a cafe run in an old folk house, but since the building is built in the back of the dive from the gate, I don't think there is a cafe along the road. A sign with the name of the store is barely hung at the gate, so it feels like I've managed to notice it. The parking lot is also difficult to understand, and a sign with cursive writing "Kusakanmuri" is leaning against the ground just opposite the gate, so it is a matter of noticing it. I don't know if there are other parking lots. The exterior and interior of the store is an old folk house, so I personally felt that it had a very good atmosphere. I feel people's activities in each of the pillars used. Also, none of the tables and chairs in the store are new or the same, so I wondered if I bought each one from the antique market. The old-fashioned and worn-out feeling was also comfortable, and I felt nostalgic for some reason in everything I saw. It's good to take good care of things. I ordered a seasonal lunch, but the lunch was until 2:00 pm ... I was barely able to do it, but I managed to get it done. Thank you very much. But ... when you look at the food that actually came out ... waffles ... salad ... knife and fork ... how do you eat it? It's a typical pattern of old man who is too fashionable and wonders how to eat it. I was worried about how to eat it, but I think it was delicious because I couldn't find the correct answer, but I felt various complicated tastes. I wondered if the price was quite high at 1600 yen, but I also wondered if there was a considerable amount of kodawari in the ingredients due to the taste of the food. Next time, I'd definitely like to try coffee and cake.
Davide Bitti on Google

An incredibile coffee shop that Will send you back to ancient Japan with style! The location is an old and beautyfull japanese house, perfectly preserved by the owner, Ran, that gave a really nice ethnic touch at the interiors! The coffee and the the are also very good! If you are in Ishinomaki, you have to go to Kusakanmuri!

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