Cafe Douce

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cafe Douce

住所 :

Hirakawacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0812 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89789
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–7PM
Sunday 12–6PM
Monday 12–6PM
Tuesday 12–7PM
Wednesday 12–7PM
Thursday 12–7PM
Friday 12–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hirakawacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0812 Kanagawa,Japan
Yasu .S on Google

外観こそ分かりにくいものの、店内のテーマが統一されており、雰囲気も非常に落ち着いている。 フレンチプレスで淹れているとのこと。 カウンターのような席を利用したが、雰囲気重視なのか、長い間ゆったりと掛けるのは難しい。 バス通りから少し入った立地や東白楽駅からも徒歩で行くことが出来るなどアクセスも良い。 女性一人客も利用している。
Although the appearance is difficult to understand, the theme of the store is unified and the atmosphere is very calm. It is said to be brewed with a French press. I used a seat like a counter, but it's difficult to sit comfortably for a long time, probably because the atmosphere is important. The location is a short walk from the bus street, and you can walk from Higashi-Hiraku Station. It is also used by female customers.
中村公平 on Google

手作りな店内は落ち着く優しい雰囲気。 静かな時間が流れています。 ブレンドはフレンチプレスで入れたもので、表面に浮いた珈琲の油分独特の風味がありながらも優しく落ち着いた味わい。 スコーンも優しい味わい。 コーヒー、スコーン、店内の世界観がまとまっているのですごく落ち着きます。
The handmade shop has a calm and gentle atmosphere. A quiet time is flowing. The blend was put in with a French press, and it has a gentle and calm taste while having the unique flavor of coffee oil on the surface. The scones also have a gentle taste. The coffee, scones, and the world inside the store are all settled down, so it's very calming.
shiro on Google

I should have gone after seeing the word-of-mouth communication. No welcome. It doesn't come out even if I call it. It's unfriendly even if I finally come. I was sad and went home without waiting until the seat became available. It's been a while since I've had a store like this. If you don't like to talk, you can write a system description at the entrance. I hope I won't go anymore.
とも on Google

2021.10月再訪 モンブランが食べたかったので迷わず注文。紅茶はプリンセスライチ。 土台はメレンゲ。厚みがあり程よく崩せます。渋皮栗はお酒を効かせて大人の味わい。くどさがなくペロッといただきました。 以前は2個セットだったスコーンが1個から選べるようになってました。とてもボリュームがあるのでいいかも!またスコーン食べに来ます〜。 席数は今は6席でした。 入りづらさ+営業日の少なさに、怖じけづいていました。 行った方のレビューを読み込み来店。スコーンの素朴な美味しさ!出来たてが嬉しいです。プリンセスライチという紅茶は、渋み少なく香りにうっとり。 注文は店主のおられるカウンターに申告しました。その旨、どこにも記載がなく戸惑ったのと、椅子が高くてすわりにくかったのでマイナス。 誰かと行くならおしゃべりのトーンは低めに。席数10ほど。静かにひとり寛ぐのがおすすめです。
2021.October revisited I wanted to eat Mont Blanc so I ordered without hesitation. Tea is princess lychee. The base is meringue. It is thick and can be broken down moderately. Astringent chestnut is an adult taste with sake. I had it without any dullness. You can now choose from one scone, which used to be a set of two. It may be good because it is very voluminous! I will come to eat scones again. The number of seats was 6 now. I was scared of the difficulty of entering and the shortage of business days. Read the reviews of those who went to the store. The simple taste of scones! I'm happy that it's freshly made. The black tea called Princess Lychee has less astringency and is fascinated by the aroma. The order was submitted to the shop owner's counter. To that effect, I was confused because there was no description anywhere, and the chair was expensive and it was difficult to sit down, so it was a minus. If you go with someone, the chat tone should be low. About 10 seats. It is recommended to relax alone quietly.
박 보애리Boeri Park on Google

初めて伺いました。 コロナ対策のためか、会話厳禁? その割に、換気が悪いのか、 室内の空調がダメなのか、室内温度が暑かった。 インテリアなどは可愛く雰囲気は良い。 あくまで、個人的な感想ですが、 かなり客側が気を遣うカフェです。 今まで海外も含め、 かなり沢山のお店に行ってますが 頂いたスコーンは本当に美味しかっただけに 居心地の悪さは…残念なお店でした。
I visited for the first time. Is it strictly forbidden to talk, perhaps because of corona measures? Is the ventilation bad for that? The room temperature was hot, probably because the air conditioning in the room was not good. The interior is cute and the atmosphere is good. It ’s just a personal impression, It's a cafe that customers care about. Until now, including overseas I go to quite a lot of shops The scones I received were really delicious The uncomfortable ... was a disappointing shop.
kumi n on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気で、静かで居心地の良い空間でした。 スコーンも美味しかったです。 会話厳禁ではなさそうです、女性2人組が楽しそうに雑談していました。 ブログにも『会話はお控え頂いて』とあるので、確かに会話目的の方は違うお店を利用するのが良いかと思いますが、会話厳禁で居心地が悪いとは感じなかったです。
It was a quiet and cozy space with a calm atmosphere. The scones were also delicious. It seems that conversation is not strictly prohibited, the female duo were chatting happily. The blog also says "Please refrain from talking", so I think it would be better for people with conversation purposes to use a different shop, but I didn't feel uncomfortable because conversation was strictly prohibited.
A S on Google

口コミを見てから行ったので驚かなかったが、店主のお姉さんの接客は最小限。 TEAPONDの紅茶は以前テレビでみたことがあって、興味があったが、やはり美味しかった。 次は平日に行ってみたい。
I wasn't surprised because I went there after seeing the word of mouth, but the customer service of the owner's sister was minimal. I had seen TEAPOND tea on TV before and was interested in it, but it was still delicious. Next time I want to go on weekdays.
Haru on Google

スコーンがとても美味しいです!サクッとしてます。 チャイもオーダーして甘さを自分で調節できるのがとても良いと思います☺️ 店内のレイアウトも空気も落ち着いていてゆっくり過ごすとができます。ストーブも暖かくていいですね 店員さんは基本奥から出てこないのでいらっしゃいませとかの声かけはないです。 多分接客苦手なんじゃないかな?という感じです。でも嫌な感じではなかったです。
The scones are very delicious! It's crispy. I think it's very good to order chai and adjust the sweetness yourself ☺️ The layout and air inside the store are calm and you can spend your time slowly. The stove can also be warm The clerk does not come out from the back, so there is no call for welcome. Maybe I'm not good at serving customers? It's like that. But I didn't feel unpleasant.

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