Café de Wing - Suginami City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Café de Wing

住所 :

3 Chome-37-14 Asagayaminami, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 166-0004
Webサイト :

3 Chome-37-14 Asagayaminami, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0004, Japan
Tomoyuki Murayama on Google

ダンディーな、おじ様連が活躍しています。 フード、ドリンク、メニュー豊富、お酒もありますよ?
A dandy, uncle ream is playing an active part. There are food, drinks, abundant menus, and alcohol ?
オタクホグワーツ on Google

他の方も指摘されている店員だと思いますが、平日の昼間、自分以外誰もいないのに「1人だから」と(実際に言われました)ソファー席に通して貰えませんでした。 それだけならギリギリ我慢出来ますが、アイスコーヒーを頼んだのにブレンドコーヒーを持ってこられ、もはや文句を言う気も起きませんでした。雰囲気と景色はとても良いのに残念です。二度と来ません。
I think that the clerk has been pointed out by other people, but during the daytime on weekdays, there was no one other than myself, but I couldn't get him to go to the sofa seat (actually told) because he was the only one. That's all I can tolerate, but when I asked for iced coffee, I could bring blended coffee and I didn't feel like complaining anymore. I am sorry that the atmosphere and scenery are very good. I will never come again.
佐藤 りょう on Google

椅子の座り心地と眺めはよいのですが、クチコミで指摘されているようにおじさん定員の接客がよくなかったです。けっこう空いてるのに座る席を指定されたりと…(この状況でなぜ複数人で喋ってるテーブルの隣に指定するんだろう) メロンソーダはちょっとシロップがキツいかな。雰囲気は良いのに残念なお店でした。
The chairs are comfortable and the view is good, but as pointed out in the reviews, the uncle's capacity was not good. I was given a seat to sit on even though it was quite vacant ... (Why do I specify it next to a table where multiple people are talking in this situation?) I wonder if melon soda is a little syrup. The atmosphere was good but it was a shame.
Yuuri S on Google

A cafe with a nice atmosphere and scenery. Milk tea is delicious. Calm atmosphere. When it's crowded, you need one order every two hours.
NEW GIANTS on Google

Sugu from the south exit of Asagaya station. Paper towels are provided. All non-smoking.
Mieko Fujisawa on Google

Cream cinnamon toast full of fruit! It was delicious! The menu is abundant, so I'll have dinner next time!
浜海 on Google

The sandwich was delicious. You can enjoy the atmosphere! The rotary of Asagaya station overlooking from the window seat is quaint.
原島秀統 on Google

駅前にあるオシャレ喫茶店☕。 ランチも中々。 スイーツも種類が多くて、楽しい。 食事の提供も早い! マスターも店員さんも優しい。 お酒のメニューもあったので、夜も対応出来るかと…
Fashionable coffee shop in front of the station ☕. Lunch is also medium. There are many kinds of sweets and it is fun. Meals are served quickly! Both the master and the clerk are kind. There was also a liquor menu, so I wondered if I could handle it at night ...

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