家 Cafe ろくべえ

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 家 Cafe ろくべえ

住所 :

Muragurocho, Kanonji, 〒768-0013 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php%3Fid%3D100060329863943
街 : Kagawa

Muragurocho, Kanonji, 〒768-0013 Kagawa,Japan
shiki lat on Google

美味しいです。 本当に隠れ家です(笑) モーニングにしては、少しコスパ高いかも。
Is delicious. It's really a hideaway (laughs) It may be a little expensive for morning.
せりこ on Google

家カフェなので近所の人とか来てる感じでアットホームで良かった? 家なので〰️ナビを使っても土地勘が無いから場所が解りにくかった⤵️? ピザトースト美味しかった? +250円でモーニング☕️にサラダ+ゆで卵+ヨーグルトとか付いてて~お腹いっぱい?
It's a home cafe, so I'm glad I was at home with my neighbors ? Because it's a house, it was difficult to understand the location because I didn't know the land even if I used the navigation system ⤵️? The pizza toast was delicious ? +250 yen for morning ☕️ with salad + boiled egg + yogurt ~ I'm full ?
sanset_ sajipon on Google

雰囲気もオシャレでまた来たいです☺️ 場所も分かりやすく行きやすい。 事前に連絡したら座席予約できるみたいです。 3人でランチを食べて1140円でした。また来たいです!
The atmosphere is fashionable and I want to come again ☺️ The location is easy to understand and easy to reach. It seems that you can reserve a seat if you contact us in advance. We ate lunch with 3 people and it was 1140 yen. I would like to come again!
岸上和代 on Google

I ordered Ichiju issai, so I had five-grain rice and soup, salad and pickles, and half a mandarin orange. The rice was delicious and I was full with plenty of juice. It seemed that there wasn't much meat or fish on the other menus. Next time, I want to eat something else.
深海潜夜 on Google

毎週水曜日と第3日曜は休み。ラストオーダー16時(都合により早く閉店することも?) 住宅地にあるお家にお邪魔する感じの店。おおにし酒みせと小山医院の間の細道から踏切をこえてすぐ。 入り口が階段なので車椅子非対応です。店内へは玄関でスリッパに履き替えて。 会計は座席にて。現金のほか、paypayにも対応(d払いにも対応かも?) 座敷あり。4名以上や座敷希望なら事前に電話予約を。 名物のミックスジュースは間違いない味。【黄桃缶・みかん缶・バナナ・牛乳】は使っているように思います。 ピザトーストはパンも厚めで具だくさん。上にとろけるスライスチーズ。そのために中央の具がやや冷たかったのだけは要改善ですね。軽くレンチンしてからトーストするとか? サラダはキャベツ・リーフレタス・サラダ水菜・紫たまねぎ・にんじん・コーンと彩り豊かで文句なしです。 テイクアウト、持ち帰りは非対応です。(揚げパンの持ち帰りのみokとのこと)
Closed every Wednesday and 3rd Sunday. Last order 16:00 (may it close early due to circumstances?) A shop that feels like disturbing a house in a residential area. Immediately after crossing the railroad crossing from the narrow path between Onishi Sake Mise and Koyama Clinic. Wheelchairs are not supported because the entrance is a staircase. Change into slippers at the entrance to the store. Check out at your seat. In addition to cash, it also supports paypay (maybe it also supports d payment?) There is a tatami room. If you want more than 4 people or a tatami room, make a phone reservation in advance. The specialty mixed juice definitely tastes. I think I use [yellow peach cans, mandarin orange cans, bananas, milk]. The pizza toast has thick bread and plenty of ingredients. Sliced ​​cheese that melts on top. For that reason, it is necessary to improve only that the central ingredient was a little cold. Do you want to toast after lightly renting? The salad is colorful with cabbage, leaf lettuce, salad mizuna, purple onion, carrot, and corn. Take-out and take-out are not supported. (Only take-out of fried bread is ok)
りこ on Google

ミックスジュース最高です。 揚げパン!!テイクアウト出来ます。 アットホームで居心地いいです。 一日の始まりが元気になります! メニューがどの時間帯でも提供して貰えるので時間を気にせずに行けますˆˆ
Mixed juice is the best. Fried bread !! You can take out. It's homely and cozy. The beginning of the day will be fine! You can go without worrying about the time because the menu is provided at any time.
はよたよた on Google

先日利用させていただきましたが、とても不快な気持ちになりました。 こんなご時世だというのに私が滞在していた数十分間で、店員の方3人ともマスク装着時間は短くほとんど外していました。 レジの方は知り合いが来られたタイミングでマスクを外してお喋り。運ぶ係の方は私の料理を運ぶときだけマスク着用でその他の時は外して喋っていました。キッチンの人はちらっと見えた時にマスクしていませんでしたが後から表に出てきた時はマスクつけていましたね。 マスクの着用ちゃんとしてください。 家カフェだからといってマスク外して良いことにはなりませんよ。
I used it the other day, but it made me feel very uncomfortable. Even though it was such a time, during the tens of minutes I was staying, all three of the clerk had a short mask wearing time and almost removed it. The cashier removes the mask and talks when an acquaintance comes. The person in charge wore a mask only when carrying my food, and at other times he took it off and talked. The people in the kitchen didn't wear a mask when they glanced at it, but when they came out later, they wore a mask. Please wear a mask properly. Just because it's a home cafe doesn't mean it's okay to remove the mask.
ゆきまるゆきまる on Google

It's just a home cafe, so it's cozy! He talks to me kindly and makes me feel at home. It's delicious no matter what you eat ♪ Cafe au lait I want to drink again ~ ?

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